Giving Tip for Delivery?

25 on 140 is a bad tip? 20% would've been 28. People really out here whining about $3? If it wasn't Phil Jackson that wouldn't be a bad tip.
Who said that was a bad tip?
it was from the article posted a few pages back.
 The new president of the New York Knickerbockers goes to the Knickerbocker Bar & Grill. But if he plans to become a regular, he better start tipping better: Jackson, who is getting $12 million a year, left just $25 on the bill of about $140, sources said. This despite getting his appetizers and desserts comped, no less.
it was from the article posted a few pages back.
18% isn't bad at all. That's just fine. I wonder why he got appetizers and whatever else comped off? If it was for bad service...then that's actually a really good tip.
18% isn't bad at all. That's just fine. I wonder why he got appetizers and whatever else comped off? If it was for bad service...then that's actually a really good tip.
Maybe he should've tipped more with all that free stuff he got...idk...depends on the situation. Joe that dude tips crazy. Gave me 100 on an 80 dollar 180.
You do not tip ppl out of the kindness of your heart for doing their job. None of that makes any sense. So I'd assume you're some emotionally impulsive person that doesn't think things out when they do them. This sarcastic condescending statement doesn't make any kind of sense.

Going off your post I'm pretty sure you don't know what proper etiquette is. You just throwing around another word to hide behind and use as an excuse to make a rebuttal.

did you read his post? dude said he doesn't tip until the second time he orders from a spot.

and yes you actually do tip people for simply doing their job, especially when they're a waiter/delivery man.

some of you man, really have a hard time doing the decent thing.
No you don't.

You trying to align tipping with doing a nice or decent thing is pitiful.

If a person wants handouts go panhandle. You'll get a lot of nice ppl doing the "decent" thing by giving you money.

If you have a job, you get paid to do it. You don't deserve nor are you entitled to extra money for doing what you're paid to do.

If you don't want to accept that it's on you that don't mean ppl who don't tip don't do decent or nice things. Just means they're not gonna tip ppl for doing what they're suppose to do.
No you don't.

You trying to align tipping with doing a nice or decent thing is pitiful.

If a person wants handouts go panhandle. You'll get a lot of nice ppl doing the "decent" thing by giving you money.

If you have a job, you get paid to do it. You don't deserve nor are you entitled to extra money for doing what you're paid to do.

If you don't want to accept that it's on you that don't mean ppl who don't tip don't do decent or nice things. Just means they're not gonna tip ppl for doing what they're suppose to do.
What you're still failing to understand is that we as waiters get TAXED on the assumption that we are getting tipped fairly well. They tax me on 10% of my sales, and they tax my minimum wage. So they are assuming that I'm making atleast 10% after tipping out the rest of the staff. So yeah...if I'm getting taxed on the assumed income, then I'm gonna go ahead and assume that I should be tipped accordingly. So at minimum...I need to be tipped about 15% to be congruent with what I'm getting taxed on as assumed income. Why aren't you addressing this?
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No you don't.

You trying to align tipping with doing a nice or decent thing is pitiful.

If a person wants handouts go panhandle. You'll get a lot of nice ppl doing the "decent" thing by giving you money.

If you have a job, you get paid to do it. You don't deserve nor are you entitled to extra money for doing what you're paid to do.

If you don't want to accept that it's on you that don't mean ppl who don't tip don't do decent or nice things. Just means they're not gonna tip ppl for doing what they're suppose to do.
What you're still failing to understand is that we as waiters get TAXED on the assumption that we are getting tipped fairly well. They tax me on 10% of my sales, and they tax my minimum wage. So they are assuming that I'm making atleast 10% after tipping out the rest of the staff. So yeah...if I'm getting taxed on the assumed income, then I'm gonna go ahead and assume that I should be tipped accordingly. So at minimum...I need to be tipped about 15% to be congruent with what I'm getting taxed on as assumed income. Why aren't you addressing this?
Like I said before y'all need to form a union to address this clear error. Not every waiter gets tipped. So your wages should be increased and set correctly. The next thing you do is tell customers not to tip. You get a fair wage that matches the work you do without relying on other to make up for it.

It's insane that you accept this and pathetic that you then turn it around and be indignant about those who don't tip as if they're suppose to care about your taxes. Stand up for yourself. Band together and go right that wrong instead of wanting others to just give you more money.

Everybody gets taxed though. So this isn't as big of a complaint.

I been addressed that and gave you the solution to that in my early posts in this thread BUT MAYBE YOU DIDN'T SEE IT

You or whoever else kept posting were just spouting off bull **** like it's the American way and tipping is somehow some unwritten assumed practice that was implemented in tot he economy once capitalism was established. That's stupid and sad.
No you don't.

You trying to align tipping with doing a nice or decent thing is pitiful.

If a person wants handouts go panhandle. You'll get a lot of nice ppl doing the "decent" thing by giving you money.

If you have a job, you get paid to do it. You don't deserve nor are you entitled to extra money for doing what you're paid to do.

If you don't want to accept that it's on you that don't mean ppl who don't tip don't do decent or nice things. Just means they're not gonna tip ppl for doing what they're suppose to do.

Alright bud, you got it.

Some of you are just cheap individuals, period. Angry at me because of your own guilt.
No you don't.

You trying to align tipping with doing a nice or decent thing is pitiful.

If a person wants handouts go panhandle. You'll get a lot of nice ppl doing the "decent" thing by giving you money.

If you have a job, you get paid to do it. You don't deserve nor are you entitled to extra money for doing what you're paid to do.

If you don't want to accept that it's on you that don't mean ppl who don't tip don't do decent or nice things. Just means they're not gonna tip ppl for doing what they're suppose to do.

Alright bud, you got it.

Some of you are just cheap individuals, period. Angry at me because of your own guilt.
Feel like I'm in a circle. Calling ppl cheap is just another last resort excuse to deflect away from what is being discussed. It doesn't mean anything. I tell you why which has nothing to do with money or income and to you it must men he's really just cheap. You disagree with me and have no real rebuttal so you'll keep being unreasonable and illogical, just start the name calling along with the continuance of condescending.

Aint nobody angry and there's definitely aint nobody feeling guilty over not tipping ppl who don't deserve it :lol:
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Feel like I'm in a circle. Calling ppl cheap is just another last resort excuse to deflect away from what is being discussed. It doesn't mean anything. You disagree with me and have no real rebuttal so just start the name calling along with the continuance of condescending.

Aint nobody angry and there's definitely aint nobody feeling guilty over not tipping ppl who don't deserve it :lol:

And pray tell, what exactly was your rebuttal to my commentary?

Reminding me that gratuity is optional?

That you feel as if people in the food service & hospitality fields should not be tipped simply for doing their jobs? Even though 43 states according to the USDOL do not have to pay their employees the state minimum wage?

But oh wait since most "big chains" do pay minimum state wage, that's a moot point right? Wrong, there's plenty of places that don't uphold that standard. I highly doubt that Chinese spot you like you like to order from or that lil' pizza parlor that delivers pays their employees that state minimum.

And then there's your belief that me "aligning tipping" with common decency is pitiful, oh really? Please tell me more about how tipping people for doing their job evokes your pity for me, :rolleyes.

You have your opinion I have mine, nothing in your "rebuttal" has invalidated anything I've said, you're just cheap. :lol: I'll be condescending, sure I admit to that. Hell I know what I've written previously and the tone in which it was written, :lol:.

But I also know you're a cheapskate. :lol:
this thread is still going

the tippers aren't going to convince the non tippers to tip

the non tippers  aren't going to convince the tippers that their logic is correct  either.

if you  don't tip and go back to that establishment again, you won't be as much of a priority as a customer who tips.   oh well, that's life.  nothing else to really say in this thread that hasn't been reiterated on either side.
this thread is still going :lol:

the tippers aren't going to convince the non tippers to tip

the non tippers  aren't going to convince the tippers that their logic is correct  either.

if you  don't tip and go back to that establishment again, you won't be as much of a priority as a customer who tips.   oh well, that's life.  nothing else to really say in this thread that hasn't been reiterated on either side.

Amen to that. People's minds are pretty much set. It's their prerogative to do as they please.
More cheap jabs from the person widely viewed as "The stupidest person on NT". I bet that quoted post is up to almost 50 likes by now.
I bet you that post  is deleted now!


But like i stated, have fun with that job LOL
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I bet you that post  is deleted now!


But like i stated, have fun with that job LOL

really? REALLY?

Comparison Ford gets a warning for calling you dumb but somehow Superb gets full reign to talk down AKSuited because he's in the food hospitality field? Not once but twice in this thread he's done that?


Nice moderation. Love the parity here.
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really? REALLY?

Comparison Ford gets a warning for calling you dumb but somehow Superb gets full reign to talk down AKSuited because he's in the food hospitality field? Not once but twice in this thread he's done that?


Nice moderation. Love the parity here.

The moderating on here has always been inconsistent and different rules apply to different members and ill even say the mods have it out for certian members. When I got one of my old usernames suspended for a week over "partial profanity" from a thread from a few months prior where I was talking about something sports related, not arguing with anyone. Seeing the valid issue you made about members posts getting deleted raises good points as well. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with them though, if they get a power trip off an admin or mod position then good for them. As long as I don't break any rules on here, they got no reason to bother me at all.
really? REALLY?

Comparison Ford gets a warning for calling you dumb but somehow Superb gets full reign to talk down AKSuited because he's in the food hospitality field? Not once but twice in this thread he's done that?


Nice moderation. Love the parity here.
To directly call somebody dumb vs saying your job is a low level no advancement career is different
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To directly call somebody dumb vs saying your job is a low level no advancement career is different

You're right, what you said to AKsuited is far worse than what Comparison said about you.

And you know what? It's comments like the one you made about AKSuited that just adds more merit to what Comparison said.
You're right, what you said to AKsuited is far worse than what Comparison said about you.

And you know what? It's comments like the one you made about AKSuited that just adds more merit to what Comparison said.
Nah, I basically said with that attitude he have he will be stuck in that industry and never advance

So now your saying the mods arent doing their job?
Nah, I basically said with that attitude he have he will be stuck in that industry and never advance

So now your saying the mods arent doing their job?

you said a whole lot more than that dude, :lol:.

but alright you can backpedal, whatever. but if you had just said he had entitlement issues and left it at that we wouldn't be having this conversation.

it's whatever, what you said is all out there. i'll let the powers at be determine what is and isn't allowable. i've already said my piece in regards to that and stand by it.
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IT'S 2014, things should be questioned and moved in a direction that WORKS!
K cool, when all states require that all restaurants/diners/take-out spots pay the state minimum wage I'll stop tipping.

I will not however stop tipping until that happens. As long as "tipped minimum wage" exists in most states and as long as most spots don't pay their employee the state minimum, I'm not going to take it upon myself to speed up the process of wages "naturally" increasing.


We've been living with the "minimum wage increases causes inflation" myth for ages now. If minimum wage actually kept pace with inflation it'd be $10.75 today, not $7.25.

What's my point?

It's time that we start paying people adequately to reflect inflation/cost of living. I'll go ahead and stop tipping once we do that. It's why I tip not just those in the food service/hospitality fields but my mail/package couriers as well. It's why I tip my maintenance guy, it's why I tip the cable guy too.

I'll stop tipping when policy changes, not because I want to speed up the process of change, especially not in this economy when we should be lifting one another up. I'd tip even if every state made it so restaurants and take-out spots had to pay the minimum. Because quite frankly, the minimum ain't enough. It ain't ******* cutting it.

Word to the shrinking middle class. More people from lower-income backgrounds are finding it harder to achieve upward mobility, it's harder to even infiltrate the middle-class nowadays, let alone stay there.

All these finance podcast blowhards and they can't even see what the bigger picture is.

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that's all true and I agree that we should leave an expected tip until the laws change.

I just acknowledge that the laws/system in place is wrong/outdated and the responsibility is on consumers simply because owners don't want to do their fair share.
that's all true and I agree that we should leave an expected tip until the laws change.

I just acknowledge that the laws/system in place is wrong/outdated and the responsibility is on consumers simply because owners don't want to do their fair share.

and those are fair points, I can't say anything to detract from that statement because you're on the money.

I just think that the means to accomplish change being suggested in those podcasts is a bit impractical, especially at this juncture.
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