Giving Tip for Delivery?

If you live in the US not tipping at restaurants, bars or delivery makes you a cheap-***. If you can't afford the tip you shouldn't be ordering out.
Even more significantly, you are practicing a self-defeating habit. Delivery dude earlier mentioned that if you don't tip, then next time you go straight to the end of the stops on his deliveries. Enjoy luke warm food. It's awesome. Good thing you saved 3 dollars on 20. LOLOL.
I don't know who HIM is but that's irrelevant. I'm talking about your posts not anybody else's.

You're really not dodging any of this by throwing in stuff like NTlogic or w/e else to explain away something said about you. You thinking you're keeping it civil doesn't really stop you from coming off like a jerk in your posts.
HIM is clearly Bilbo, who is the only person my posts were aimed at since he was the only person in the thread for many many pages. 
I said what I said because of your cheap shots throughout the thread to support your views. You're the one who's been the aggressor to justify poor service and workplace discrimination yet when you get served what you attempted to dish it's a problem. Shout out to the poster that reported me. I'm done.
I said what I said because of your cheap shots throughout the thread to support your views. You're the one who's been the aggressor to justify poor service and workplace discrimination yet when you get served what you attempted to dish it's a problem. Shout out to the poster that reported me. I'm done.
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'I don't profile, but I can tell who is a bad tipper just by looking at them. This knowledge is a closely guarded sectret'. 

Thread is all types of lulz.
'I don't profile, but I can tell who is a bad tipper just by looking at them. This knowledge is a closely guarded sectret'. 

Thread is all types of lulz.
It's not just looking at them. It's a combination of things. I love how you insist on it being racial. You WANT SO BADLY for me to be that racist waiter type. Sorry breh. The signs have nothing to do with their appearance. LOL.

And it's not a secret, I just don't tell the bad tippers what these "secrets" are. 

Thread is lulz I agree. You blocked me yet youre still responding. Hilarious. That click to show option is a ***** isn't it.
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'I don't profile, but I can tell who is a bad tipper just by looking at them. This knowledge is a closely guarded sectret'. 

Thread is all types of lulz.
It's not just looking at them. It's a combination of things. I love how you insist on it being racial. You WANT SO BADLY for me to be that racist waiter type. Sorry breh. The signs have nothing to do with their appearance. LOL.

And it's not a secret, I just don't tell the bad tippers what these "secrets" are. 

Thread is lulz I agree. You blocked me yet youre still responding. Hilarious. That click to show option is a ***** isn't it.
i bar tend part time.

some of my tells are:

customers who avoid eye contact.

customers who wear an absorbment amount of bling w a crew of weed carriers behind them and thot next to them.

the only a little ice request.
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I tip because I respect the hustle. Waiters/waitresses don't have to give you good service.

I never tip for take-out if I am picking up, though.
Thanks...repped. It is a hustle. It's not easy. If I wanted less wages I'd work less hard doing something more easy. 

You should tip your take out though, just a buck or two. Depends on if they really did just grab your boxes, chuck em in the bag, and say "here you go". Then I wouldn't tip either. That's essentially the same level of service you get at fast food. 

Now if you can tell they really looked out for your order, and went over everything with you really well, then sure, toss em a buck or two. They'll look out even better for you next time. If you're running late and your food gets cold, they'll have the kitchen bring it back up to temp for you without you even knowing (not really their job and they don't have to do this for you, among other things). There are other things they do that is well above what you get at fast food. I've never worked take out but I know what they do for their customers, at my spot atleast. But yeah, some take out spots they give no dambs. Like Pizza Hut, even some full service restaurants have some crappy take out service standards/policies. Just feel it out. You'll know if they deserve a tip or not.
i bar tend part time.

some of my tells are:

customers who avoid eye contact.

customers who wear an absorbment amount of bling w a crew of weed carriers behind them and thot next to them.

the only a little ice request.
YUP....those are obvious. He just let a huge cat out of the bag. Eye contact. I won't tell any others. If Robin Thicke wants to thats on him. But bar patrons are way different with different tells anyway.
LOL at the easy ice request though. That's so stupid. You're just gonna get even more filler, making your drink even weaker. You are purchasing the alcohol, so that amount stays constant. Unless I tip you of course. 
I can respect that. But what exactly is the hustle.

I've never done it, but I worked in retail for a long time when I was a kid so I can kind of relate. The "hustle" is dealing with a bunch of different personalities (good or bad), being able to maintain your level of sanity, and still provide a good service. Dealing with a lot of people at a time is emotionally draining. When I was a Asst. Manager at FootAction years ago, I use to see sales people get good sales just based on their personality. Difficult customers know they are difficult customers, and sometimes based on the person providing a services personality they will reward them because of that. So that's how I would define their "hustle".
Yes. One time a broad asked for no ice and only a little cran w her henny so I poured her that. She was like why my drink onlyhalf way.
I will make your drink with the formula. I ain't giving u extra mixer. You get the same amount just no ice.

Then she ordered a soda. We do a pint for $2. She was like why I gotta pay $2 for a Damb soda. I have her da Kanye shrug

Lol a fun story was my boy who works w me was once told: pour it like you know me.

Hmmm another bar tell. Whisper my order guy lol
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'I don't profile, but I can tell who is a bad tipper just by looking at them. This knowledge is a closely guarded sectret'. 

Thread is all types of lulz.
It's not just looking at them. It's a combination of things. I love how you insist on it being racial. You WANT SO BADLY for me to be that racist waiter type. Sorry breh. The signs have nothing to do with their appearance. LOL.

And it's not a secret, I just don't tell the bad tippers what these "secrets" are. 

Thread is lulz I agree. You blocked me yet youre still responding. Hilarious. That click to show option is a ***** isn't it.
i bar tend part time.

some of my tells are:

customers who avoid eye contact.

customers who wear an absorbment amount of bling w a crew of weed carriers behind them and thot next to them.

the only a little ice request.
I can understand tipping in bars, as that's a different beast. The bartender has more control over the final product.

The part that gets me with restaurant tipping is that the waiters basically get rewarded for the work that the chef is doing.

Lulz at the dude who quoted me thinking that he owns the thread and all replies are directed to him. I guess you arernt blocked when people quote you.  
 (mental ******)
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That seems like a lot for a delivery charge. Most places are 2 or 3 bucks for delivery. And yes I still tip, under the assumption that the delivery fee does not get seen by the driver at all...which is generally the case. If they really charged 5 dollars for delivery, I'd ask why it's so high, and if the driver incurs any of the charge as income. If they said yes, I'd still tip, but much less since a couple bucks is already going his way anyway. If they said no, I'd still tip about 10-15%, but probably wouldn't order delivery from them gain, as that's just a ridiculous service charge.


Finally got you

So you be your own words tip less if the delivery fee was going to driver which is really for gas

But you expect people to tip you more even though you get paid per hour?

Get out of here good luck in the restraunt biz
I've never done it, but I worked in retail for a long time when I was a kid so I can kind of relate. The "hustle" is dealing with a bunch of different personalities (good or bad), being able to maintain your level of sanity, and still provide a good service. Dealing with a lot of people at a time is emotionally draining. When I was a Asst. Manager at FootAction years ago, I use to see sales people get good sales just based on their personality. Difficult customers know they are difficult customers, and sometimes based on the person providing a services personality they will reward them because of that. So that's how I would define their "hustle".

They not rewarding your because their difficult. They throw money at you cause they can. Use you as a punching bag and throw dollars at and leAve. Give them a good feeling that's what they like since they think money an e people especially low level workers.

Basically they saying I can use you as my personal punching bag and buy u off
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I don't know who HIM is but that's irrelevant. I'm talking about your posts not anybody else's.

You're really not dodging any of this by throwing in stuff like NTlogic or w/e else to explain away something said about you. You thinking you're keeping it civil doesn't really stop you from coming off like a jerk in your posts.
HIM is clearly Bilbo, who is the only person my posts were aimed at since he was the only person in the thread for many many pages. 
Is HIM an acronym or something? :lol I haven't read every post in this thread so excuse me if along the way you came up with a nickname for him.

All I'm saying is I read your posts and you came off as a jerk in them and when I say that I'm talking about all of your posts (in this thread). You can't tell me you were talking to bilbo this whole thread. Any person that says they don't tip or tips a certain percentage your replies to them most of the time have you coming off as a jerk.

Maybe give the thread a break for a week or so.

Is there a disadvantage of you telling us what the signs of a bad tipper are?
Probably don't want to get exposed completely for discrimination given he's already dug a hole alluding to that stuff anyway.

I mean really the last thing he has left to do to go full scumbag waiter is to admit he's done nasty stuff to customer's food (of course he does claim he doesn't do it and that it apparently doesn't happen a lot in his "profession" only being able to recount one or two instances).
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Out curiosity zik, what's your profession
Philosopher and historian. Part time para working for the board of ed in nyc (not a teacher).

It doesn't pay if you're gonna ask that next. I'd rather transition to writing but that don't pay either unless I blow up.

Granted I do have money to dine weekly and if I wanted to push it several times a week.

Honestly though, I'm not sure how much it matters since I'm confident I aint tipping if I were worth a few billion. Probably use that money to form that union these waiters seem to jaded to form :lol
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