Giving Tip for Delivery?

By the way my reps have gone through the roof just from this thread alone. Apparently a lot of people agree with my points.
tipping is corny..

in many countries tipping is frowned upon

for some strange reasons Americans love throwing money around

what's the purpose of paying someone for doing their job that they are already being paid for?

I've never tipped in my life and I don't plan on it

I've been called a "cheap bastard", my mom even called the N word with the er on the end because of my cheapness

do you tip your doctor after a checkup?

do you tip your children's teachers for teaching them?

but you'll tip a restaraunt worker who does nothing for society right? smh
not tipping is trashy
I'm a tipper. I don't believe in tipping mailmen and garbagemen but I do tip.

I tipped last night. 30%. Service was incredible. My glass was never half empty.

I actually had to tell the waiter to stop giving me more to drink

This belief that not tipping is trashy or if you tip poorly you're a cheap bastard...... I can't rock with that.

Tipping is a courtesy, not an institution. No one is obligated to tip and no one should be.

If you have a problem with your wages then unionize. Don't expect others to make up for what your employer refuses to pay you.

And don't find fault with them and insult them when they don't, because it's not their duty to pay you.
I'm a tipper. I don't believe in tipping mailmen and garbagemen but I do tip.

I tipped last night. 30%. Service was incredible. My glass was never half empty.

I actually had to tell the waiter to stop giving me more to drink

This belief that not tipping is trashy or if you tip poorly you're a cheap bastard...... I can't rock with that.

Tipping is a courtesy, not an institution. No one is obligated to tip and no one should be.

If you have a problem with your wages then unionize. Don't expect others to make up for what your employer refuses to pay you.

And don't find fault with them and insult them when they don't, because it's not their duty to pay you.
Damn son that's a huge tip. By Bilbo's must always tip 30% regardless of the level of service (since one of his points was that tipping doesn't vary with better or worse service). 

Clearly that's not the case. You just discredited Bilbo even more by mentioning you tipped differently because of the service. It's not rocket science, I see it every shift. People definitely vary their tip depending on the level of service they receive. Some vary it more than others. Seems like you obviously vary it a lot. 

And I definitely am against unionizing. It would definitely decrease my income a LOT. 

Oh and for what it's worth, I don't tip the garbage dudes or the mailman either. But somebody earlier mentioned they tip the mailman and it worked out well for him. Mailman was straight up calling dude's cell phone when he was arriving with the package so he could meet up with him and deliver it personally. Never have to worry about getting your shoes jacked right off his doorstep. 
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Random fact. The worst tippers come out to eat on Sunday. Sunday tippers are the worst. I generally average about 2% less on Sundays. But I server more volume, so it makes up for it. I just have to work a lot harder to make the same amount of money.

I've never been able to figure out the phenomenon with bad tippers eating out on Sunday. It's bizarre.
I brought the discrimination point up pages ago but it went uncovered. You already know what it is.
LOL silly NT boys jumping to conclusions. Again, for the millionth time, the signs are irrelevant to race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Yall reachin. Why don't you just come out and say "Tell me how you really feel". I know you want to.
Manerism then? :nerd:
Random fact. The worst tippers come out to eat on Sunday. Sunday tippers are the worst. I generally average about 2% less on Sundays. But I server more volume, so it makes up for it. I just have to work a lot harder to make the same amount of money.

I've never been able to figure out the phenomenon with bad tippers eating out on Sunday. It's bizarre.

My assumption is that Sunday is "family" day, as far as restaurant goers are concerned.. And a lot of people have their family and are miserable, so they tip less... That, or their so accustomed to being around family, they don't mind looking cheapen front of them...
Random fact. The worst tippers come out to eat on Sunday. Sunday tippers are the worst. I generally average about 2% less on Sundays. But I server more volume, so it makes up for it. I just have to work a lot harder to make the same amount of money.

I've never been able to figure out the phenomenon with bad tippers eating out on Sunday. It's bizarre.

Probably Christians eating out after Church :lol:
My assumption is that Sunday is "family" day, as far as restaurant goers are concerned.. And a lot of people have their family and are miserable, so they tip less... That, or their so accustomed to being around family, they don't mind looking cheapen front of them...
Interesting point, but honestly I find that families tip better percentage wise than people on dates. But only slightly. 
You have 192 reps, sit your simple *** down. Better yet, I'm thirsty. Get me a drink. problem, just tip me 20% please when I get all of your refills before they go empty. And say whatever you reps have nearly doubled.

And you have 5000 posts in one go outside or something. 
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I post at work. A job that actually requires a skill set unlike yours. I don't have to guilt people to keep my lights on unlike you. All this because you got called out on discrimination which is common among people in your "profession" if you can call it that.

Waiter Racism Survey Shows 40 Percent Of Waiters Discriminate Against Black Customers

Posted: 04/24/2012 11:32 am Updated: 04/24/2012 5:12 pm
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Video, Sarah Nell Rusche, Waiter Racism Survey, Zachary Brewster, Diner Racism, Journal Of Black Studies, Waiter Discrimination Survey, Business News
Waiter Racism Survey

Many waiters give inferior service to African-American customers, according to a new survey.

The study, published in the Journal of Black Studies, found that 40 percent of waiters admit they discriminate against black customers because of a perception they don't tip as much as white patrons, according to the Daily Mail.

"Many people believe that race is no longer a significant issue in the United States,’ Sarah Rusche, co-author of a paper describing the study, told the Mail. "But the fact that a third of servers admit to varying their quality of service based on customers' race, often giving African-Americans inferior service, shows that race continues to be an issue in our society."

The survey is based on interviews with 200 waiters at various large chain restaurants in North Carolina and, as the Examiner notes, 87 percent of those surveyed were white.

The survey found that blacks were typically described as “picky,” “demanding,” and “rude,” the Examiner reported.

According to the article's authors, the research shows a "continuing significance of race in contemporary society." The authors also encouraged "further research on this relatively neglected area of inquiry."

But studies mean nothing to you. Treat people like crap based on a generalization and you will be treated like crap when the bill arrives and you're scrounging under the receipt looking for a few bills.
Is your level of service to whoever (people you've never met before) you're waiting on consistent regardless whether you deem these people good or bad tippers?
I'm assuming you're asking if I vary my service level when I think they're good or bad tippers. 

The answer: depends

If I think a customer is a bad tipper, I'll still give them the benefit of the doubt unless its blatantly obvious to me that they are bad tippers. The signs are there. 

If I think a customer is a good tipper, then yes, I'll try my *** off. Those tips can hit hard.

But for the most part, even customers who I think will tip poorly will still get better than average service from me. Even if I put them on the bottom of the priority list in relation to the rest of my tables, they'll still get better service than most waiters would give even if they didn't think the customer was gonna tip poorly. I just multitask really well, so my poor tippers still get decent service. It's just not as good as it could have been.
From your experience, when you wait these people with these blatantly obvious signs of being a good or bad tipper, does the amount of tip they give always align with your assumptions? :nerd:
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From your experience, when you wait these people with these blatantly obvious signs of being a good or bad tipper, does the amount of tip they give align with your assumptions?
usually yes, but not always....otherwise I'd stop catering to the assumptions that resulted from the signs observed.

Sometimes I'm thinking "this dude's a bad tipper maybe"....then hits me with 20%.

Sometimes I'm thinking "this is obviously a good tipper"....then i get hit with 12 or 13%.

But i've gotten pretty good at being able to tell.
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Not surprising. If any non-tippers or ppl who never took this seriously were going by your posts in this thread more ppl probably got turned off from tipping altogether. You come off like a scumbag person yourself.

You filling up this thread like it's your duty and you just look really bad.
LOLOLOL. Why, because I perfectly rebuttaled every single one of his points? 
No cuz you come off like a real jerk. It's a good thing you claim you give great service cuz if I heard you say some of these things in person, you'd specifically not get tipped cuz I didn't like you.
Not surprising....most of the people in here aren't intelligent enough to articulate their opinions on this topic proficiently. Typical NT.
Yes everybody isn't intelligent enough but you are.

Yeah, I'm filling it up, but people keep it's not just me. Funny how no one says anything for pages and pages and pages and pages besides Bilbo, but now everyone wants to come back and cape for him since he blocked me out of frustration after losing the debate.
You by far in the lead. You would've thought this thread was about if ppl should tip you and not tipping in general :lol:
Which one usually happens more often to you?

A person you deemed a bad tipper gives you a good tip? Or vice versa?
By the way my reps have gone through the roof just from this thread alone. Apparently a lot of people agree with my points.

You have 192 reps, sit your simple *** down. Better yet, I'm thirsty. Get me a drink.
He's either on a spare SN repping himself or it's a lurker that is also a waiter. I mean it really only takes one poster to rep 10 of your posts a day for you to mistakenly think a lot of ppl agree with you :lol:
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He's either on a spare SN repping himself or it's a lurker that is also a waiter. I mean it really only takes one poster to rep 10 of your posts a day for you to mistakenly think a lot of ppl agree with you
LOL...reaching. And many of my posts have a lot of reps. Obviously from many different people. You can't rep the same post twice.
If you live in the US not tipping at restaurants, bars or delivery makes you a cheap-***. If you can't afford the tip you shouldn't be ordering out.
No cuz you come off like a real jerk. 
I come off like a jerk but it was HIM that got frustrated and resulted to taking cheap shots at points throughout the debate (while I kept it civil?) okay. NTlogic.
I don't know who HIM is but that's irrelevant. I'm talking about your posts not anybody else's.

You're really not dodging any of this by throwing in stuff like NTlogic or w/e else to explain away something said about you. You thinking you're keeping it civil doesn't really stop you from coming off like a jerk in your posts.
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