Glenn Beck.

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

So when you look at what eNPHAN is talking about it shows how Americans are fine with an uneducated buffoon catering to one group's ideas solely because they are told what they want to hear and would rather perpetuate their own fears and prejudices.

dude is saying "if beck was a ph.d"

if he was, he wouldnt be glenn beck as we know him

he would be educated

his thoughts and opinions would come from an educated, well-versed mind....

trelvis, if you ARENT defending beck, then what is it that you're doing, exactly?

i take offense to these three people being categorized or even compared.....

this whole time im like "eh, theyre just on opposite ends of the spectrum"

then my girl asks me to look up beck's bio

come to find out, dude has a high school education.....

he dropped out of a religious course....

these three people should NEVER be compared.

my argument is void of Oreilly, YOU SAY, because he is educated and it would hurt my argument...

i agree, but not because it would hurt my argument, but because HE IS EDUCATED, ANY IDEA OR THOUGHT HE FORMS COMES FROM AN EDUCATED MIND....

even tho he's prone to believing god formed the moon with his bare hands, he's still educated...

i dont agree with him hardly ever, but im not bashing him for being high-school educated, either...

so, yes, this is a glenn beck trashing post...


he's a pill-popping, alcoholic, pothead with a 12th grade education, IF THAT....(thats my "point" thats the "point" of the post)

you disagree?

@ you.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse. 

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with "most Repubs can relate better".

I read alot of Republicans thoughts and many say that they'd rather have a guy they "could have a beer with", a person who is "more like me" running the country and making the decisions.
Save your qualified response. Americans of both political parties like politicians they think they can 'relate' to. Why do you think John Edwards emphasized his hardscrabble mill-town roots, EVERY CHANCE HE GOT?

But I can see you've delved deeply into Conservative though (after all, 'alot' sure is a lot).

please, during the last presidential election
republicans basically attached a stigma to education

barack obama was an ivy league elitist who couldnt relate to the common (white) american.....

whereas John McCain, although, again, only educated to 12th grade (which he barely finished), was more like the average american, and therefore related and had YOUR interest in mind...


they ran against being smart....

how did they EVER lose?


(more enphan emoticons, like that weakens my argument any more!)

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse. 

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with "most Repubs can relate better".

I read alot of Republicans thoughts and many say that they'd rather have a guy they "could have a beer with", a person who is "more like me" running the country and making the decisions.
Save your qualified response. Americans of both political parties like politicians they think they can 'relate' to. Why do you think John Edwards emphasized his hardscrabble mill-town roots, EVERY CHANCE HE GOT?

But I can see you've delved deeply into Conservative though (after all, 'alot' sure is a lot).

please, during the last presidential election
republicans basically attached a stigma to education

barack obama was an ivy league elitist who couldnt relate to the common (white) american.....

whereas John McCain, although, again, only educated to 12th grade (which he barely finished), was more like the average american, and therefore related and had YOUR interest in mind...


they ran against being smart....

how did they EVER lose?


(more enphan emoticons, like that weakens my argument any more!)

all these religious nuts on Fox have their ideas and ideologies driven by religion...that's the problem
all these religious nuts on Fox have their ideas and ideologies driven by religion...that's the problem
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

please, during the last presidential election
republicans basically attached a stigma to education

barack obama was an ivy league elitist who couldnt relate to the common (white) american.....

whereasJohn McCain, although, again, only educated to 12th grade (which hebarely finished), was more like the average american, and thereforerelated and had YOUR interest in mind...

Obama's just like us! Struggling to pay his mortgage while the fat cats collect houses like comic books! I can relate to that!
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

please, during the last presidential election
republicans basically attached a stigma to education

barack obama was an ivy league elitist who couldnt relate to the common (white) american.....

whereasJohn McCain, although, again, only educated to 12th grade (which hebarely finished), was more like the average american, and thereforerelated and had YOUR interest in mind...

Obama's just like us! Struggling to pay his mortgage while the fat cats collect houses like comic books! I can relate to that!
I’ll save you the trouble of responding by doing it for you:
One ad?
I’m tombout the whole campaign and ol boy posts one ad!
That’s hilarious
Like that literally makes me laugh
Like, I’m using 22 facial muscles right now
McCain only completed 12th grade (I’m not sure what this means)
I’ll save you the trouble of responding by doing it for you:
One ad?
I’m tombout the whole campaign and ol boy posts one ad!
That’s hilarious
Like that literally makes me laugh
Like, I’m using 22 facial muscles right now
McCain only completed 12th grade (I’m not sure what this means)
i want my president to be well-educated and elite
I want my president to be the best our country has to offer

republicans made it cool to not know $#@! and just think the Bible answers everything.
i want my president to be well-educated and elite
I want my president to be the best our country has to offer

republicans made it cool to not know $#@! and just think the Bible answers everything.
Why is the OP so mad. Dude is talking like his opinion is the only one that matters and that everyone else's opinion is silly. I bow down to you OP. 
Why is the OP so mad. Dude is talking like his opinion is the only one that matters and that everyone else's opinion is silly. I bow down to you OP. 
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

i want my president to be well-educated and elite
I want my president to be the best our country has to offer

republicans made it cool to not know $#@! and just think the Bible answers everything.

truest words ever written in nt
Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

i want my president to be well-educated and elite
I want my president to be the best our country has to offer

republicans made it cool to not know $#@! and just think the Bible answers everything.

truest words ever written in nt
What is the point of this post, if you do not like Glenn Beck's ideas, argue against them but appealing to authority or a lack thereof is a logical fallacy on your part.

There are people in history with almost no formal education who did great things and there are people with graduate and professional degrees from The Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge and the Sarbonne, who were not only bad but truly evil.

Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and even George Will have not only obtained graduate degrees from The Ivy League, they have been professors so by your own logic their pro market, libertarian world views should trump Olbermann and Maddow's anti market, pro central planning prospectives.
What is the point of this post, if you do not like Glenn Beck's ideas, argue against them but appealing to authority or a lack thereof is a logical fallacy on your part.

There are people in history with almost no formal education who did great things and there are people with graduate and professional degrees from The Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge and the Sarbonne, who were not only bad but truly evil.

Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and even George Will have not only obtained graduate degrees from The Ivy League, they have been professors so by your own logic their pro market, libertarian world views should trump Olbermann and Maddow's anti market, pro central planning prospectives.
Originally Posted by jhova718

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

i want my president to be well-educated and elite
I want my president to be the best our country has to offer

republicans made it cool to not know $#@! and just think the Bible answers everything.

truest words ever written in nt

Originally Posted by jhova718

Originally Posted by Lizaker4Lizife

i want my president to be well-educated and elite
I want my president to be the best our country has to offer

republicans made it cool to not know $#@! and just think the Bible answers everything.

truest words ever written in nt

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

What is the point of this post, if you do not like Glenn Beck's ideas, argue against them but appealing to authority or a lack thereof is a logical fallacy on your part.

There are people in history with almost no formal education who did great things and there are people with graduate and professional degrees from The Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge and the Sarbonne, who were not only bad but truly evil.

Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and even George Will have not only obtained graduate degrees from The Ivy League, they have been professors so by your own logic their pro market, libertarian world views should trump Olbermann and Maddow's anti market, pro central planning prospectives.
Hot dang. Probably the only statement in this entire thread that is relevant and makes sense.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

What is the point of this post, if you do not like Glenn Beck's ideas, argue against them but appealing to authority or a lack thereof is a logical fallacy on your part.

There are people in history with almost no formal education who did great things and there are people with graduate and professional degrees from The Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge and the Sarbonne, who were not only bad but truly evil.

Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and even George Will have not only obtained graduate degrees from The Ivy League, they have been professors so by your own logic their pro market, libertarian world views should trump Olbermann and Maddow's anti market, pro central planning prospectives.
Hot dang. Probably the only statement in this entire thread that is relevant and makes sense.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

What is the point of this post, if you do not like Glenn Beck's ideas, argue against them but appealing to authority or a lack thereof is a logical fallacy on your part.

There are people in history with almost no formal education who did great things and there are people with graduate and professional degrees from The Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge and the Sarbonne, who were not only bad but truly evil.

Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and even George Will have not only obtained graduate degrees from The Ivy League, they have been professors so by your own logic their pro market, libertarian world views should trump Olbermann and Maddow's anti market, pro central planning prospectives.

Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

What is the point of this post, if you do not like Glenn Beck's ideas, argue against them but appealing to authority or a lack thereof is a logical fallacy on your part.

There are people in history with almost no formal education who did great things and there are people with graduate and professional degrees from The Ivy League, Oxford, Cambridge and the Sarbonne, who were not only bad but truly evil.

Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell and even George Will have not only obtained graduate degrees from The Ivy League, they have been professors so by your own logic their pro market, libertarian world views should trump Olbermann and Maddow's anti market, pro central planning prospectives.

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