Glenn Beck.

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I agree that Glenn Beck is a moron, but it has nothing to do with his education level. Olbermann's rants are equally disturbing. Just because one person is educated doesnt make them smart, just like a person who isn't educated isnt automatically dumb. It doesnt work that way. I know plenty of stupid people who graduated college. I know alot of smart people who didnt. 

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I agree that Glenn Beck is a moron, but it has nothing to do with his education level. Olbermann's rants are equally disturbing. Just because one person is educated doesnt make them smart, just like a person who isn't educated isnt automatically dumb. It doesnt work that way. I know plenty of stupid people who graduated college. I know alot of smart people who didnt. 

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse.

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

It is shown TIME and TIME again that OVERALL with higher educational achievement, more liberal views and a propensity to research result.

Why do you think this is?
Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse.

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

It is shown TIME and TIME again that OVERALL with higher educational achievement, more liberal views and a propensity to research result.

Why do you think this is?
Beck, on the other hand, was on CNN and people still knew he was a fear-mongering ratings *@#!#.  If you don't think that what he does is pander to the lowest, uninformed, most counterproductive level of American political discourse then you are kidding yourself.
There it is.  I watched a clip from Glenn Beck regarding the current situation in Egypt right now and his description of what's going on and how mass chaos will soon enter America just the same was down right comical and sad at the same time.  All I could think about was all the uninformed people that follow this guy and actually believes what he says. 
Beck, on the other hand, was on CNN and people still knew he was a fear-mongering ratings *@#!#.  If you don't think that what he does is pander to the lowest, uninformed, most counterproductive level of American political discourse then you are kidding yourself.
There it is.  I watched a clip from Glenn Beck regarding the current situation in Egypt right now and his description of what's going on and how mass chaos will soon enter America just the same was down right comical and sad at the same time.  All I could think about was all the uninformed people that follow this guy and actually believes what he says. 
Originally Posted by sherpashoes

Enpahn i agree with you in many ways here though:

as for Bill, he didnt go TO harvard, he went to the JFK school of government when happens to be on HARVARDS campus

The kennedy school of gov is part of harvard. Its just named after the kennedy family, if you graduate from there your degree IS from havard.
Its like sc johnson business school at cornell or kellogg at northwestern. Its named after someone who gave a lot of money to the school.

i see the difference in education and its large, but does that mean one should be trusted more? i hate to say it but your no better than the crazies who listen to beck with this argument.
Maddow/olberman etc are just as manipulative as the others, beck just comes out of no where. You are one side of an argument. We can point to plenty of republicans who have ivy educations.
when i worked in editing, we called harvard.
i may be wrong on this particular school, but there are MANY schools ON harvard's campus that hold classes and certification type programs

none of which are actually harvard.

we called them countless times for countless people's bio info where they said they graduated from harvard, only to find out, they attended and got certification from one of these programs on harvards campus.

like i said, i maybe wrong, but i thought that having a degree from the JFK School of Government wasnt the same as having a degree from harvard...

but im not going to bet money on it or anything...

i like the HUGE generalizations and assumptions yall make from my posts...

having a ph.D. makes you able to talk about politics and not having one bans you from it?

never said that.


having a ph.d and being a rhoads scholar > self-education

anyone arguing that is just arguing against the people

the only statement i made was "yes, it makes them more credible"




"a rhoads scholar with a ph.d. in politics is just as credible as a self-educated junkie"


like ole boy above me said

"just watch them, objectively, and notice the difference in vocabulary"

now, before someone says "oh, so having a large vocabulary makes you more credible?"

no, it doesnt...

but it does show an OBVIOUS intellectual gap between the two.

when it comes to watching a show to be educated, politically, i do think the education of the host is important, sorry.

that may be just me, tho.

i mean, ask any HR person at any business in any arena in this country

who is more credible


"i think imma go with the addict who self-educated over the ph.d and rhoads scholars"


your responses inspire me to post the most cliche NT quote


(in the OP, i posted the educational backgrounds of the three and said "imma let YALL say it".....dudes making accusations assumptions AND putting words in my mouth, THEN actually ARGUING with things i never even said....

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
lobotomybeats wrote:
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
George Bush went to Yale, we all saw how credible he was...

A bit different though. GWB was legacy. He carried a C average in High School.

According to enphan if you have a phd or went to an Ivy League school you are more credible. 

HE IS more credible than glenn beck....

and he got into yale off his daddy


and yes, U MAD.


he just brought up Barack Obama's name in a conversation with Glenn Beck.

LOL, Obama isn't credible and successful?

is he not the first black president?


id say that was pretty damn successful....

way more successful than being the cliche idiot talking head for a mass of uneducated morons....who also happened to drop out of his only college course....and is a recovering MULTIPLE drug addict...


see, i dont even have to make you look dumb, you're doing it FOR me..

"where is this universal healthcare he promised?"

Originally Posted by sherpashoes

Enpahn i agree with you in many ways here though:

as for Bill, he didnt go TO harvard, he went to the JFK school of government when happens to be on HARVARDS campus

The kennedy school of gov is part of harvard. Its just named after the kennedy family, if you graduate from there your degree IS from havard.
Its like sc johnson business school at cornell or kellogg at northwestern. Its named after someone who gave a lot of money to the school.

i see the difference in education and its large, but does that mean one should be trusted more? i hate to say it but your no better than the crazies who listen to beck with this argument.
Maddow/olberman etc are just as manipulative as the others, beck just comes out of no where. You are one side of an argument. We can point to plenty of republicans who have ivy educations.
when i worked in editing, we called harvard.
i may be wrong on this particular school, but there are MANY schools ON harvard's campus that hold classes and certification type programs

none of which are actually harvard.

we called them countless times for countless people's bio info where they said they graduated from harvard, only to find out, they attended and got certification from one of these programs on harvards campus.

like i said, i maybe wrong, but i thought that having a degree from the JFK School of Government wasnt the same as having a degree from harvard...

but im not going to bet money on it or anything...

i like the HUGE generalizations and assumptions yall make from my posts...

having a ph.D. makes you able to talk about politics and not having one bans you from it?

never said that.


having a ph.d and being a rhoads scholar > self-education

anyone arguing that is just arguing against the people

the only statement i made was "yes, it makes them more credible"




"a rhoads scholar with a ph.d. in politics is just as credible as a self-educated junkie"


like ole boy above me said

"just watch them, objectively, and notice the difference in vocabulary"

now, before someone says "oh, so having a large vocabulary makes you more credible?"

no, it doesnt...

but it does show an OBVIOUS intellectual gap between the two.

when it comes to watching a show to be educated, politically, i do think the education of the host is important, sorry.

that may be just me, tho.

i mean, ask any HR person at any business in any arena in this country

who is more credible


"i think imma go with the addict who self-educated over the ph.d and rhoads scholars"


your responses inspire me to post the most cliche NT quote


(in the OP, i posted the educational backgrounds of the three and said "imma let YALL say it".....dudes making accusations assumptions AND putting words in my mouth, THEN actually ARGUING with things i never even said....

Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
lobotomybeats wrote:
Trelvis Tha Thrilla wrote:
George Bush went to Yale, we all saw how credible he was...

A bit different though. GWB was legacy. He carried a C average in High School.

According to enphan if you have a phd or went to an Ivy League school you are more credible. 

HE IS more credible than glenn beck....

and he got into yale off his daddy


and yes, U MAD.


he just brought up Barack Obama's name in a conversation with Glenn Beck.

LOL, Obama isn't credible and successful?

is he not the first black president?


id say that was pretty damn successful....

way more successful than being the cliche idiot talking head for a mass of uneducated morons....who also happened to drop out of his only college course....and is a recovering MULTIPLE drug addict...


see, i dont even have to make you look dumb, you're doing it FOR me..

"where is this universal healthcare he promised?"

are you upset the two liberal talking heads are considered genius by society's standards

while the conservative talking head is considered a moron?

cause, if this isn't your position,

you're doing a hell of a job making it seem like that's your position...


if they're ALL idiots, why are you ACTUALLY going ham on EDUCATION?

lol, an ivy-leauge education isnt a credintial?

are you upset the two liberal talking heads are considered genius by society's standards

while the conservative talking head is considered a moron?

cause, if this isn't your position,

you're doing a hell of a job making it seem like that's your position...


if they're ALL idiots, why are you ACTUALLY going ham on EDUCATION?

lol, an ivy-leauge education isnt a credintial?

Oh good, here comes the large font and tons of rolling smiley faces. Typical of an enphan response. Nobody is mad, you are obviously missing my point, and I am still not sure what yours is, so I will leave it at that.
Oh good, here comes the large font and tons of rolling smiley faces. Typical of an enphan response. Nobody is mad, you are obviously missing my point, and I am still not sure what yours is, so I will leave it at that.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse. 

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with "most Repubs can relate better".

I read alot of Republicans thoughts and many say that they'd rather have a guy they "could have a beer with", a person who is "more like me" running the country and making the decisions.
Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse. 

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with "most Repubs can relate better".

I read alot of Republicans thoughts and many say that they'd rather have a guy they "could have a beer with", a person who is "more like me" running the country and making the decisions.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

as for my real comment:
Despite Beck & Limbaugh's lack of formal education, they must be doing something correct, as compared to Olberman who got his show cancelled.

Olbermann got canned because of ratings. People can't handle the truth or at least a liberal perspective. Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity and OReilly pander to the stupidity of WASPs. 

If Olbermann had atleast some sort of liveliness to his personality or his show, instead of the dull, dry humor he provided on his show and when he was on Football Night in America on NBC, he'd still be on air, 
Strictly from a TV/Radio standpoint, Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity provide a show that's entertaining, yet informative, now wether you agree its accurate or not, it isn't the point, but that they were killing Olbermann ratings wise. 
That's the main problem today. You look back at news in the 80s, 70s, and 60s and it was meant to inform. It's top priority was to inform the people. It did not take a back seat to entertainment. Holding that in favor is what has warped our society and culture. You can't just report what's going on you gotta give your own opinion and spin on things.

So when you look at what eNPHAN is talking about it shows how Americans are fine with an uneducated buffoon catering to one group's ideas solely because they are told what they want to hear and would rather perpetuate their own fears and prejudices.
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Dame Theory

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

as for my real comment:
Despite Beck & Limbaugh's lack of formal education, they must be doing something correct, as compared to Olberman who got his show cancelled.

Olbermann got canned because of ratings. People can't handle the truth or at least a liberal perspective. Beck and Limbaugh and Hannity and OReilly pander to the stupidity of WASPs. 

If Olbermann had atleast some sort of liveliness to his personality or his show, instead of the dull, dry humor he provided on his show and when he was on Football Night in America on NBC, he'd still be on air, 
Strictly from a TV/Radio standpoint, Beck, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, and Hannity provide a show that's entertaining, yet informative, now wether you agree its accurate or not, it isn't the point, but that they were killing Olbermann ratings wise. 
That's the main problem today. You look back at news in the 80s, 70s, and 60s and it was meant to inform. It's top priority was to inform the people. It did not take a back seat to entertainment. Holding that in favor is what has warped our society and culture. You can't just report what's going on you gotta give your own opinion and spin on things.

So when you look at what eNPHAN is talking about it shows how Americans are fine with an uneducated buffoon catering to one group's ideas solely because they are told what they want to hear and would rather perpetuate their own fears and prejudices.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Oh good, here comes the large font and tons of rolling smiley faces. Typical of an enphan response. Nobody is mad, you are obviously missing my point, and I am still not sure what yours is, so I will leave it at that.

what point is that? what is your point? that not everyone with a college degree is smart and not everyone who dropped out of college is stupid?
wow, thanks for that. Had it not been for my bachelor's degree and you telling me, i would have never known that...

oh, you're not sure of what my point is?

that one side's media is led by ph.d. rhoads scholars

and the other side's media is led by uneducated pill heads

is it clear enough for you, yet?

(and you're arguing against my "point", when even you admit you're unsure as to what my point you're arguing against something you don't even understand/know what it is? sounds pretty logical there.)
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Oh good, here comes the large font and tons of rolling smiley faces. Typical of an enphan response. Nobody is mad, you are obviously missing my point, and I am still not sure what yours is, so I will leave it at that.

what point is that? what is your point? that not everyone with a college degree is smart and not everyone who dropped out of college is stupid?
wow, thanks for that. Had it not been for my bachelor's degree and you telling me, i would have never known that...

oh, you're not sure of what my point is?

that one side's media is led by ph.d. rhoads scholars

and the other side's media is led by uneducated pill heads

is it clear enough for you, yet?

(and you're arguing against my "point", when even you admit you're unsure as to what my point you're arguing against something you don't even understand/know what it is? sounds pretty logical there.)
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

but then again, your comments are a reflection of america, which is why beck even has listeners....

"theyre all the same"


- ouch.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

So what you are saying is, if you didnt go to an Ivy League college then you arent allowed to have a political TV Show? ., thats not what he's saying.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

you're changing my post.
- thats what these idiots love to do on here.
.....if it isnt that they'll polarize your issue and add to it. before you know it people are chiming in on what they turned it into rather than READING what you said in the OG post. thats NT though, take it or leave it.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

but then again, your comments are a reflection of america, which is why beck even has listeners....

"theyre all the same"


- ouch.

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

So what you are saying is, if you didnt go to an Ivy League college then you arent allowed to have a political TV Show? ., thats not what he's saying.

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

you're changing my post.
- thats what these idiots love to do on here.
.....if it isnt that they'll polarize your issue and add to it. before you know it people are chiming in on what they turned it into rather than READING what you said in the OG post. thats NT though, take it or leave it.

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse. 

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with "most Repubs can relate better".

I read alot of Republicans thoughts and many say that they'd rather have a guy they "could have a beer with", a person who is "more like me" running the country and making the decisions.
Save your qualified response. Americans of both political parties like politicians they think they can 'relate' to. Why do you think John Edwards emphasized his hardscrabble mill-town roots, EVERY CHANCE HE GOT?

But I can see you've delved deeply into Conservative thought (after all, 'alot' sure is a lot).
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Budweiser

Originally Posted by cguy610

^ Repubs can relate better to pill popping idiots. They vote for him because "he's just like me".
This is frightening. No, I don't like Beck or the Fox News cadre. But it's scary that you actually believe this.

So much for raising the civility of public discourse. 

Sorry, I should have qualified that statement with "most Repubs can relate better".

I read alot of Republicans thoughts and many say that they'd rather have a guy they "could have a beer with", a person who is "more like me" running the country and making the decisions.
Save your qualified response. Americans of both political parties like politicians they think they can 'relate' to. Why do you think John Edwards emphasized his hardscrabble mill-town roots, EVERY CHANCE HE GOT?

But I can see you've delved deeply into Conservative thought (after all, 'alot' sure is a lot).
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I agree that Glenn Beck is a moron, but it has nothing to do with his education level. Olbermann's rants are equally disturbing. Just because one person is educated doesnt make them smart, just like a person who isn't educated isnt automatically dumb. It doesnt work that way. I know plenty of stupid people who graduated college. I know alot of smart people who didnt. 

Never will Olbermann's rants ever come close to being as disturbing as Beck's paranoia.  It wouldn't surprise me to see the equivalent of Beck's paranoid ramblings written in feces on the wall of a mental hospital.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I agree that Glenn Beck is a moron, but it has nothing to do with his education level. Olbermann's rants are equally disturbing. Just because one person is educated doesnt make them smart, just like a person who isn't educated isnt automatically dumb. It doesnt work that way. I know plenty of stupid people who graduated college. I know alot of smart people who didnt. 

Never will Olbermann's rants ever come close to being as disturbing as Beck's paranoia.  It wouldn't surprise me to see the equivalent of Beck's paranoid ramblings written in feces on the wall of a mental hospital.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

So when you look at what eNPHAN is talking about it shows how Americans are fine with an uneducated buffoon catering to one group's ideas solely because they are told what they want to hear and would rather perpetuate their own fears and prejudices.

dude is saying "if beck was a ph.d"

if he was, he wouldnt be glenn beck as we know him

he would be educated

his thoughts and opinions would come from an educated, well-versed mind....

trelvis, if you ARENT defending beck, then what is it that you're doing, exactly?

i take offense to these three people being categorized or even compared.....

this whole time im like "eh, theyre just on opposite ends of the spectrum"

then my girl asks me to look up beck's bio

come to find out, dude has a high school education.....

he dropped out of a religious course....

these three people should NEVER be compared.

my argument is void of Oreilly, YOU SAY, because he is educated and it would hurt my argument...

i agree, but not because it would hurt my argument, but because HE IS EDUCATED, ANY IDEA OR THOUGHT HE FORMS COMES FROM AN EDUCATED MIND....

even tho he's prone to believing god formed the moon with his bare hands, he's still educated...

i dont agree with him hardly ever, but im not bashing him for being high-school educated, either...

so, yes, this is a glenn beck trashing post...


he's a pill-popping, alcoholic, pothead with a 12th grade education, IF THAT....(thats my "point" thats the "point" of the post)

you disagree?

@ you.
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