Glad you had some fun, but I hope you didn't pay rape for tickets.

On another note, I am currently going out with a girl that I met at the show.
Dude is sick, I just got his ripper CD last spring and it's definately on rotation
Sura- realistically, should I even make the attempt if I'm on crutches?

I had my eye on his Louisville date for a minute now but just had knee surgery and not sure if I'll be cleared to walk by then.

I'd hate to miss it, but I'd also hate to go and get the hell beat out of me while hopping on one leg.
Had no idea dude was currently touring. Tickets still available in Mpls...hell yeah. Sura, I disagree with you on 95% of everything you say, but Girl Talk isnot one of those things.
Originally Posted by Quick Kick Me In The Jonk

Sura- realistically, should I even make the attempt if I'm on crutches?

I had my eye on his Louisville date for a minute now but just had knee surgery and not sure if I'll be cleared to walk by then.

I'd hate to miss it, but I'd also hate to go and get the hell beat out of me while hopping on one leg.
It's a horrible idea to go on crutches. I don't know about you, but my main reason of going was not the music.
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