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Nate had his best game this year against the Clippers when Duhon couldn't play so Nate started. Put up some monster numbers 33 pts, 15 ast, 9 reb, 5steals. Found the highlights
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

I'm I the only one that notices that whenever the OP updates the subject heading, he pretty much jinxes every time?...
Well, hopefully this new headline would get jinx'd too...
Originally Posted by Woodside718

Nate had his best game this year against the Clippers when Duhon couldn't play so Nate started. Put up some monster numbers 33 pts, 15 ast, 9 reb, 5 steals. Found the highlights
Breen is such a *@*+@@% buzzkill... "I dont know if you want him dancing right before the game."



i dont know if id call that his best game of the season, cause he went OFF in a few and we lost that game in LA (Al FTL
), but all around statistically itdef was, Nate played GR8 as a all around PG
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

I'm I the only one that notices that whenever the OP updates the subject heading, he pretty much jinxes every time?...
c'mon man, I only change it to what is beingreported...and if that was the case, yall lucky I haven't changed it to something about a certain number 23
Steph is bananas. My man can be sippin' a fruity drink on a beach in the Bahamas, yet he's posted on a webcam.
he just put in a big block of vaseline down his throat just as I tuned in....once again, he did it....that can't be healthy at all
Originally Posted by Woodside718

Nate had his best game this year against the Clippers when Duhon couldn't play so Nate started. Put up some monster numbers 33 pts, 15 ast, 9 reb, 5 steals. Found the highlights

Forgot I had this:


I love that gif

I love Nate man... I would be very happy if he stayed long term, but I just don't see it in the plans.
Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

Knicks still in play for sessions

liked that article... good loooks

please dont jinx though, im not getting excited over any more Seesions rumors until the contract is in ink... I was ready to scoop a Sessions jersey afterthose rumors last week that the Knicks were gonna offer him a contract in the next few days and Milwaukee wouldnt match

but yeah it def seems like he is still in play (thank god)...

A source close to Jamaal Tinsley said that he will commit to the Knicks, even it means accepting less money than other teams may offer, because he wants to be reunited with Donnie Walsh and play in New York.

It is not yet certain that the Knicks will deliver an offer to the former Pacers point guard.

Mike D'Antoni, according to sources, would prefer to make a run at Milwaukee free agent point guard Ramon Sessions.

great news, cause i would be heated as @@@+ if we signed Tinsley over Sessions. Signing him after losing Sess is one thing, but if we gave up onSess to sign @*+%%%! Tinsley id be heated
^ yo gr8 its funny how milwaukee matching somewhat depends on the old hag bruce bowen
... nah but we seriously need to get this man signed.. I can see theknicks next year running older teams out their socks. sess, will, and gallo SHOULD be the cornerstones of this franchise for a very long time
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