Go to the official '09-'10 New York Knicks season thread, this thread will be locked soon

nobody dominates the ball in this system, if they do its in the half court, and in that case we havent had a go to guy in YEARS. He'd actually bebeneficial in that sense.

This is a man, one year removed from posting 26 and 7 while shooting 46% and 35% from three.

And we can get him for 1 year at the MLE to plug into D'Antoni's system?!?!?!
Originally Posted by JPZx

Ken Berger: Knicks have "zero interest" in Iverson. #NBA bit.ly/QHBtr Over 1 hour ago
It never fails.
@ ProShares.

A.I. In NYC would start a frenzy. I bet RBK would want that since the Answer XIII is the last shoe, and with the man playing in a big market, they willsell.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Ken Berger: Knicks have "zero interest" in Iverson. #NBA bit.ly/QHBtr Over 1 hour ago
thank god

why the hell would you guys want iverson for a year? All he will do is stunt gallo and chandlers growth. I was shocked that many of you actually wantediverson. Why would you want someone who will take 30 shots a game for a year instead of a possible long term point guard (sessions)

Iverson is one of the most exciting players ever, and it would be a crazy year I won't lie, but it's a backwards move.

you very well may be right.

I do think Donnie is hesitant about Ramon because of the amount of years. Which I actually think we can still look at as a good sign for next off season,he's confident.

AI knows it's make or break time. I think it'd work for 1 year.
I wouldn't mind Iverson in NYC. I've always maintained that he got a bad rap from his time in Detroit (as well as his later stage with Denver) and itwas Dumars trying to cover up for his personnel shifts that caused Iverson to become somewhat of a scapegoat.
whatever happens, this off season has been hilarious and so frustrating at the same time.

horrible reporting
At first I was opposed to possibly seeing my favorite player in a Knick uni, but as it stands now, I'd love for him to come here and straight DOMINATE. Youknow he could and would. However, I'd only like for him to come here if he finished off his career here.

It seems all this talk is for naught as sports reporters seem to shut down any rumors via twitter with the quickness.
Originally Posted by Al3xis


you very well may be right.

I do think Donnie is hesitant about Ramon because of the amount of years. Which I actually think we can still look at as a good sign for next off season, he's confident.

AI knows it's make or break time. I think it'd work for 1 year.
Is it really worth one year though? If/when he bolts next year where does that leave us? In the same position we are now. We still wouldn'thave a point.
I think if we get Ramon (which I know you're not that high on, but he has to be better then Duhon), one year under D'Antoni's system, and thegrowth of Will, Hill, and Rooster, we shouldn't be looking at a 32 win season again. Hopefully.
White Chocolate in NY??

Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit.... Sign me up! And I don't care if he's in his 30's and plays no defense. Watching Williams run the point for D'Antoni is adream come true.

I haven't purchased a basketball jersey in almost 7 years, but if this happens it's going to be 2002 all over again for me lol. (#55 Knick jersey)

*edit* you BETTER NOT put this in the thread title!! lol
i really dont believe yahoo sports, but i would love to have white chocolate on our team, and duhon as our backup? im down.
god if this was 2001 we would be having a hell of a offseason... I mean first J Kidd and Grant Hill now AI and White Chocolate

but on a real note, AI is my all time favorite player of this decade (along with Spree and probably Nate as well) and it has ALWAYS been my dream to see himcall MSG his home, but idk if he would really fit the system that well. He is VERY ball dominating and would probably hurt Will Gallos progression. On theother hand AI is still one of the Ls more talented scorers and we really do not have one player that can just go out and create his own shot and score 20+ onthe regular (Nate could do that but not on the regualr) I also think he is the kind of player that gets love in NY based on how hard he ALWAYS goes and if hecan fight off the adversity he is taking right now in NY and have a career season the Garden would love this guy, kinda like what happened with Spree back in99.
This is a man, one year removed from posting 26 and 7 while shooting 46% and 35% from three.

And we can get him for 1 year at the MLE to plug into D'Antoni's system?!?!?!
also a big factor on why i like this move, people forget about this %#$%. If anyone signs AI for a $2 million contract they get the steal of theoffeseason, dude has 1 bad year and Ns sleepin on him

But once again like i said i think he has alot eft and it has been my dream to have him play here, but i think the risk is too high that he wont fit in thesystem and i would be kinda pissed if we took him and passed on Sessions a guy who i think would run this system like a champ and do it for YEARS... but ifSess falls through (which i HOPE not but im not getting too excited after what ahppened last week with him
) but if he falls through im all for taking therisk on AI. Financially there is no risk at all, and there is such a big upside and after sessions there is noone else left in FA other than AI that i think isworth the cop.

And @#+% White Chocolate dude is garbage now and has lost all his flair as well, id honestly even take Duhon over him... stop living in the past, when was thelast time J Will had a decent season? Its not like AI where he was an all-star 2 seasons ago (I mean he was this year also i believe but i think we can allagree that his allstar selection was a fluke based solely off his rep)
yeah, i love white chocolate, nh.
g8, you kinda let your homerism take over at times.
yes, A.I. is a steal financially, but like duba said, he'll only stunth the growth of chandler&gallo. sure, he can teach them to shoot better andwhatever, but what if he leaves after one year?
we'll be in the same EXACT position. you can say that you can resign him, but how many years does he have left in him? he doesnt rely on athleticism, buthow many more bumps and hits can he take? dude stays falling on every contact

you can say that with the help of a proven scorer (A.I.), this team has potential, but if we let A.I. walk, then what happens when another superstar comes, andwe have a un-developed will & gallo?
I would love to see Williams play for the knicks but only if its for more then one year. I wouldnt mind if we got sessions either, all I care about is whoeverwe sign is for past one year that way hespart of our long term plan
Originally Posted by BangDak

yeah, i love white chocolate, nh.
g8, you kinda let your homerism take over at times.
yes, A.I. is a steal financially, but like duba said, he'll only stunth the growth of chandler&gallo. sure, he can teach them to shoot better and whatever, but what if he leaves after one year?
we'll be in the same EXACT position. you can say that you can resign him, but how many years does he have left in him? he doesnt rely on athleticism, but how many more bumps and hits can he take? dude stays falling on every contact

you can say that with the help of a proven scorer (A.I.), this team has potential, but if we let A.I. walk, then what happens when another superstar comes, and we have a un-developed will & gallo?
Isn't that basically the same argument with Williams? How does he help the team long-term?
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