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misleading title?

nah, dudes was clowning folk because whenever he puts something in the thread title, it always got jinxed.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

when i saw the thread title i was

I thought like we just signed White Chocolate and i didnt know about it, and like Lebron signed an extension or some %%*! with the Cavs, i was ready to lose it... but i see what you did there
yeah, you know what I did there....rest of team nyk, yall should know what I didas well
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Sessions/AI or nobody.

we have Duhon, Nate, Douglas, Hughes to man the back court right now

You tell me who Jwill or Tinsley are better than outa those 4 right now..

Sessions and AI ARE better than the majority, which makes them a valuable addition...those 2 current scrubs, no.
Donnie, make a @*#+%! offer to Sessions already. If the Bucks match, they match...but we'll get nowhere flirtling with stopgap players like J. Will,Tinsley and AI.

We need to pick up long term players now if we can, and I don't see a better option that Sessions.
we meet with Sessions agent tomorrow (actually today now) so hopefully we can get somewhere (knocks on wood)

EDIT: and prophecy... dont put !*+% bout Sessions in the title, i dont even wanna see his +%%!+@! name mentioned until he signs in ink and has a pictureholding up a Knicks uni... [Ari Gold] Silence is Golden [/Ari Gold]
the post had some info on sessions. Who knows if this holds any merit because the reporters have been crap this summer. It's Marc Berman.

Chubby Wells, agent for the young Bucks point guard, told The Post yesterday Sessions could accept a Knicks offer either today or tomorrow.

"We've been playing footsie with the Knicks the last two weeks," Wells said. "I'm sure we'll clarify something in the next coupledays with the Knicks or another team and figure out what's going on."

The Clippers, who waived guard Mike Taylor, are the other team involved, but the Knicks appear to be the frontrunners because they are able to offer Sessions astarting role. In a nutshell, Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni is lobbying to sign

Sessions, 23, but team president Donnie Walsh is concerned a long-term deal starting at the mid-level exception of $5.8 million will compromise the Knicks'2010 salary cap space, even though free-agent forward David Lee could be headed for a one-year pact.

According to a source, Walsh wants to sign Sessions to a long-term deal starting at less than $5.8 million so that his 2010-2011 cap number will be less than$6 million. The source said a number of proposals have been discussed, including a one-year contract.
$800 million from the buyer with the vaseline in his mouth. Going once..............going twice.....................
Did he ever end up answering any of the calls? I called and got the same response about him changing call back later, but I never did. He's taking the mosthilarious route to getting a reality show.


The Cavaliers once thought that they would be able to sign another major free agent in addition to LeBron James next summer, but that is no longer the case.

The NBA's salary cap will be $58 million for the 2009-10 season, and the league office has warned teams that the cap could drop to as much as $8 million next year.

Cleveland signed Anderson Varejao, Jamario Moon and Anthony Parker this summer, effectively using up their cap space.

VASTLY overpaying for Vareajao FTFW
this N' is GONE dog....smh.

lmao @ having 3 billion to play with tho....dude prolly dont even remember what a salary cap is at this point....
Originally Posted by THE GR8



The Cavaliers once thought that they would be able to sign another major free agent in addition to LeBron James next summer, but that is no longer the case.

The NBA's salary cap will be $58 million for the 2009-10 season, and the league office has warned teams that the cap could drop to as much as $8 million next year.

Cleveland signed Anderson Varejao, Jamario Moon and Anthony Parker this summer, effectively using up their cap space.
VASTLY overpaying for Vareajao FTFW

haha Stern gave the cavs a present when he said the cap is gonna be lowered significantly and the cavs go and screw it up. To be honest Idon't think Stern wants Dolan anywhere near lebron and I don't blame him.

Who knows though man.... who freaking knows. We need to have a good season show him we have pieces for him to work with. Curry is the most important player ofnext years season.
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