Go to the official '09-'10 New York Knicks season thread, this thread will be locked soon


im tired of rumors.

the sad truth.

These dudes must be plotting some behemoth moves or don't have any direction.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

iverson for 1 year > white chocolate
i'm a fan of j-dub and it would be awesome seeing him chuck off the dribble 40 foot J's in the garden but dude is already 34 y/o. he'sjust not that moppy haired point that he was in sactown anymore.

you know AI is gonna be on his best behavior as he tries to salvage his career.i actually see him be a bit under control if he does play for us.or i could behorribly,horribly wrong.
PLEEASE put White Chocolate in the thread title... we are discussing with AI and Sessions, a young PG with imo all-star potential and an all-star player, andyall getting hyped over White Chocolate? Are yall +*!***# kidding me. I swear if we end up with this dude and no Sess or AI i will be +*!***# heated. Dude hasbeen outta the game for 2 years and even when he was in it in his later years he couldnt play a hint of D and lost his flair. I woulda turned this dude down 3years ago, why the %@!% would i want him now? This AINT 2002
Originally Posted by THE GR8

PLEEASE put White Chocolate in the thread title... we are discussing with AI and Sessions, a young PG with imo all-star potential and an all-star player, and yall getting hyped over White Chocolate? Are yall +*!***# kidding me. I swear if we end up with this dude and no Sess or AI i will be +*!***# heated. Dude has been outta the game for 2 years and even when he was in it in his later years he couldnt play a hint of D and lost his flair. I woulda turned this dude down 3 years ago, why the %@!% would i want him now? This AINT 2002
I'm sayin'
. When's the last time he's beengood? 2nd or 3rd year in Memphis. Hell he hasn't even been exciting since the Kings.
I'm a fan of White Chocolate, but I'd rather commit to a young, talented PG in Sessions.
Are we having the worst summer of any NBA team so far?

T-Mac, A.I., Boozer, Sessions...I wouldn't mind any one but Tinsley or J-Will?
LOL @ at these thread titles.

If it weren't for Sunday night HBO and Diddy's Making His Band, I don't think I would be able to make it until pre-season. And all of the NYC raindoesn't help either.

You should put "every day is a rainy day for Knick fans" in the thread title. 2 birds, one stone lol.
Why the %*$@ would we sign an old crippled white point guard that can't walk instead of a guy that dropped 20 assists 3 times last year? Walsh is a @!@%+*#moron if he does this.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Why the %*$@ would we sign an old crippled white point guard that can't walk instead of a guy that dropped 20 assists 3 times last year? Walsh is a @!@%+*# moron if he does this.
ay bro, did you ever bump into that chick again?
We should still go after Sessions for the long run.

Its not like Williams is going to get serious $$ if we do get him.

Maybe I'm biased ... but he will be efficient playing 15 min a game in this system, hes not going to be playing big minutes.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Why the %*$@ would we sign an old crippled white point guard that can't walk instead of a guy that dropped 20 assists 3 times last year? Walsh is a @!@%+*# moron if he does this.
ay bro, did you ever bump into that chick again?
Na I was in the city last night around the same spots as last week and she was nowhere to be found
when i saw the thread title i was

I thought like we just signed White Chocolate and i didnt know about it, and like Lebron signed an extension or some %%*! with the Cavs, i was ready to loseit... but i see what you did there

Maybe I'm biased ... but he will be efficient playing 15 min a game in this system, hes not going to be playing big minutes.
i could agree with that actually, i wouldnt mind going after a J Will if hes not a starter and we can get a Sessions also, but i think it mightcreate a logjam if we get him and Sessions while still having Duhon/Nate on the roster it would just be pointless. I think if we resigned Nate for one year andsigned Sess longterm we would be fine. Have Sessions be the starter, Nate as the 6th man energy guy/the big scorer, and have Duhon as the controlled roleplayer playing 15 minutes off the bench which is a role he is great for and best suited for, he is not a starter im sorry. I said it from the start and it iseven more true today. Duhon is a career role player (which he is good at im not taking that away from him) that we brought and tryed to turn him into a starterlast season because he is the polar opposite of Marbury just to push Steph outta NY and try and move on from that era of Knicks basketball...

I also would not be opposed of trading away Duho though if a team ishigh on him and his expiring cotract and getting something else in return and THAN maybesigning a J Will to play that role... also still not opposed to AI, just would rather have Sessions ftr
Sessions/AI or nobody.

we have Duhon, Nate, Douglas, Hughes to man the back court right now

You tell me who Jwill or Tinsley are better than outa those 4 right now..

Sessions and AI ARE better than the majority, which makes them a valuable addition...those 2 current scrubs, no.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Sessions/AI or nobody.

we have Duhon, Nate, Douglas, Hughes to man the back court right now

You tell me who Jwill or Tinsley are better than outa those 4 right now..

Sessions and AI ARE better than the majority, which makes them a valuable addition...those 2 current scrubs, no.
Co-Sign. No point in signing people... just to sign people. The strength to this team compared to the rest of the league is our sixth man. Even ifNate stays one year, we still have Douglas for the future.
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