Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Jumpers

This is deep man.... I knew someone who off'd themselves when i was a kid... I never understood why... I think some people just need someone to talk to
Originally Posted by UNCfatfan

This is deep man.... I knew someone who off'd themselves when i was a kid... I never understood why... I think some people just need someone to talk to
quoted for emphasis

Sometimes that's all it takes.
Originally Posted by ChampionEdition

see, these people have no appreciation for life.
even if i was homeless and hungry, i'm happy to be alive.
there are people who die in extremly horrible ways EVERYDAY on no accord of their own.
and you wanna kill yourself?
ok. go right the @@$% ahead.

reminds me... my gore thread should be just about full.

grow up

if u already have grown up then stop thinking like a kid
After watching this I got really shook.
The saddest part is the lack of human compassion, that some people show for those who make this choice.

Selfish?  Yes.  Cowardly?  Yes.  Helpless?  No.

Some of you are heartless. How can you say you have absolutely no remorse for them? I mean, have a heart. There really are people out there who feel as though all hope is lost.
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