Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Jumpers

Originally Posted by CheGTR

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

at life.
dope screen name 
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by holler mcdollar

i saw "the bridge" a while back and thought it was crazy. some parts dragged on, yeah, but the story on the guy "gene" (long haired guy in that vid) was downright sad. his blog is still online, the entries obviously stopped years ago.

Do you have the link to his blog?

And for people that want to watch is on HULU.
This was all I was able to find.
Ive been on the Golden Gate a few times and just looking down makes me dizzy.
I walk closer by the cars then i do the railings
A friend of mine that i met back in middle school killed himself just recently.
He shot himself in the head.
no one knows why he did it.
he was loved by everybody, he always had a smile on.

we had a small memorial the next day and so many people showed up to share stories about him and show that we all missed him.


So now i look at suicide differently, and don't think i could ever judge anybody who commits suicide, because only they know what they are doing.
Originally Posted by Clevereddie

A friend of mine that i met back in middle school killed himself just recently.
He shot himself in the head.
no one knows why he did it.
he was loved by everybody, he always had a smile on.

we had a small memorial the next day and so many people showed up to share stories about him and show that we all missed him.


So now i look at suicide differently, and don't think i could ever judge anybody who commits suicide, because only they know what they are doing.
sry to hear
Wow, kinda crazy. I have little remorse for those that take their own lives, as I feel that suicide is quite selfish, however, I feel that someone should have tried to stop them. Most people just walked by, not even paying attention or caring.
.....the part where dude was snappin the pics on the bridge and actaully saw chik about 2 jump. He took it upon himself to help her and pulled her back over. He saved that chik's life.....afterwards, while she was bein taken into custody, he said chik looked @ him like "u son of a b_"
Like she was mad that dude saved her life!!!!!!!
She wanted 2 die.
I can't imagine wat could possibly be goin through their minds b4 the jump or any act of suicide. But apparently when they have their mind made up 2 go, they just........go
they need to install that damn net. i couldnt imagine suicide, much less jumping off a bridge. i like my life.
Shaze804 wrote:
they need to install that damn net. i couldnt imagine suicide, much less jumping off a bridge. i like my life.
why? thats 40-50mill, and the people are just gonna find another way to /themselves. it's inevitable.

i do feel bad for them, but a net isn't going to end suicide. these people need love, friends, etc.

reading the blog link posted for Gene has me
  over here.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Shaze804 wrote:
they need to install that damn net. i couldnt imagine suicide, much less jumping off a bridge. i like my life.
why? thats 40-50mill, and the people are just gonna find another way to /themselves. it's inevitable.

i do feel bad for them, but a net isn't going to end suicide. these people need love, friends, etc.

reading the blog link posted for Gene has me
  over here.

I guess you're right. Cali already has a mountain of debt

I was reading his blog too...i read the last couple & then scrolled up to this one 

Oh boy!!
It’s Xmas eve. I hope Santa brings me something good. Like a nice juicy contract with some big game developer or a fat wad of cash so I can pay my bills & rent or maybe the girl of my dreams or maybe even a shotgun so I can blow my brains out… lol yeah right. I’d be lucky to get a stocking full of coal (at least I could sell it or something). I already know what I’m getting for Xmas… a big fat NOTHING. It must be what I deserve. So anyway, I have decided not to do anything tonight, not to go anywhere. I wouldn’t make very good company right now anyway. I’m not exactly what I would call jovial or festive. I’ll sit alone here in my dark little house. Hopefully I can be somewhat creative tonight, I’ll try to work on Chanel’s tattoo design some more. Hopefully she’ll be online later. She always cheers me up a bit.

I did get an email from a recruiter from Ubi Soft in Canada. He saw my resume online. I have it posted in several places, including , & . Maybe something good will come from that. We shall see. Things are looking pretty grim at this point. My money is running out fast. Phone bill is due, PG&E is due, DSL is due, my storage space is over due, rent is coming up. I’m scared %*+@@#!#. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I don’t want to borrow money from anyone, but I may have to. I don’t want to live on the street. I don’t want to lose everything, not that I really have much to lose.

%%%**, %%%**, %%%**. Whine, whine, whine, Me, me, me. I’m going to shut the @%!% up now, because even I’m tired of hearing it.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Shaze804 wrote:
they need to install that damn net. i couldnt imagine suicide, much less jumping off a bridge. i like my life.
why? thats 40-50mill, and the people are just gonna find another way to /themselves. it's inevitable.

i do feel bad for them, but a net isn't going to end suicide. these people need love, friends, etc.

reading the blog link posted for Gene has me
  over here.

Rescue teams add up to more.
This interests me.

While I only watched the short youtube clip, I felt for those people. I don't know what they went through that ultimately made them decide to take their lives but it must have been too much for them to bear.

However skewed it may seem, we are going to die one day. Taking your own life just shortens this time. Familial relations and emotions remain attached long after. But it's still the ending of someone's life. Take out the logic and effect it has on people, most notably because empathy is such that we as humans, and moreso relatives of the victims, would like to think that we could have done something.

It's the most selfish act ever, but it's still death.
I read his blog that was posted a couple of pages back and it is odd.....I found myself saying the same things that he was saying a couple of years back. I think if you assess his life, it didn't seem that bad to the point of committing suicide...but then again a person can only stand being knocked down so many times at once. A lot of it was just problems relationships, money, and way of living. Sad to think that lead to his death.
Someone posted this 2-3 years ago. The whole thing was on youtube under a different name.

Pretty sad and disturbing.
Plenty of people commit suicide after coming from the casino. Peep that statistic.

The magical number is 200,000$ in debt.
Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Suicide is seriously the most selfish thing that one can ever do. #**% is stupid, for real. You only get one life to live and you think your problems are bigger than family, friends, the world, the universe and all the amazing things one can see, do, hear, feel, etc in life.
Here's the thing you're failing to realize: not everyone has family that cares about them. I work with juvenile delinquents, and there's one kid at work right now whose biological parents are both dead (from different circumstances), and he was accused of molesting a little girl in one of the foster homes he was in when he was 8. He's now 16, been in 27 different foster homes, and he's about to graduate the program we have at work. For kids with traditional families, graduating the program I work at means they have completed their court sentence by graduating, and they can go back home, with their charges dropped (ranging from weapons possession, drug possession, assault, GTA, etc.). This kid is one of the few on campus that has NO charges, so graduating the program for him doesn't mean he's fulfilling a court sentence. It simply means that he can go back to foster care.

Foster care. He has been rejected by 27 different foster homes already, and his reward for graduating our program is that he gets to go back to this system that continuously bounces him around. And why has he been in so many foster homes? Because of two things: #1- because of the accusation from 8 years ago, and #2- he has issues with depression and hyperactivity. The last foster home he was in suggested that he be placed in a juvenile treatment program for delinquent behaviors, and his social worker agreed, so he was sent to us.

Now when he goes back to foster care, he will still have that accusation hanging on his head, and he definitely still has depressive episodes and hyperactive behaviors.

Picture THIS kid as a 25-year-old on the side of the bridge. He's having trouble coping with having NO caregivers to reach out to every Mother's Day and Father's Day and Christmas and everything. He can't stomach one more story of people getting all kinds of well-wishes on their birthdays when his birthday goes by every year without so much as a call. Maybe a friend from wherever he works that year buys him a round, maybe he just stays at home with his dog.

You tell me that your line about him being selfish applies.

"Dude, you're being selfish! Think about your family, and how hurt they'll be when they hear you're dead!" Yeah, about that...

"You have all kinds of friends that will be heartbroken by you being gone!" If you're expecting him to look back on this address book of people who he knows value him, you're basically giving him more reason to jump by not knowing anything about him, not knowing that he has struggled to form meaningful friendships his whole life, including adulthood. His address book is VVVNDS.

"Think of your kids and your wife/girlfriend." Right, because women are CLAMORING to fall in love with a guy who grew up in foster care and consequentially developed hyperactive, depressive behaviors and was accused of molestation as a young boy. You're sure this 25-year-old young man you're trying to talk down has a loving relationship to look back on?

You can't tell this kid to think about hurting the people that matter to him, because the entire reason he's standing there is because he's sick of not mattering to anyone, as evidenced by countless holidays alone or with people who tossed him a charity invite to their house because they know his situation.

Sure, there are people who are undermining how much their parents and wives and husbands and children love them, and your line about them being selfish works for them, but there are people who are fully aware that their funeral would have absolutely no one in attendance that was sincerely heartbroken and in serious mourning over their death. You might be aware that YOUR funeral would have plenty of people in mourning over your death as well as people pissed off that you put them through that pain, but your experience is by NO means universal.
man, poor dude
. He deserves a hug, at least.

but why do we judge the suicidal? NOBODY asked to be born anyway

 23ska909red02 thanks for the story, it was really sad and it should help people understand that no one should judge.

Only God can judge for this reason
That's truly sad to see, I've seen people during clinicals with no hope stay and die with dignity though..
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