Good Books To Read?

Down these Mean Streets (my 2nd fav book)
The Alienist (my fav book)
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Jurassic Park (the book is diff from the movie in so many ways)
Into the Wild
Black Boy (reading it for a pluralism class at school now, good read, get to see how African-Americansdelt with racism in the south just one generation afterbeing freed)
The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy because there's lots of stuff that the movies omitted

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Originally Posted by sendtheroses

All Quiet on the Western Front
Life of Pi
Maus (graphic novel)
i concur with life of pi.... i'm actually thinking about getting a tattoo inspired by the book...its got such a deeper meaning than meets theeye
whoever said guns germs and steel needs to off themselves. i hate that book with a passion. i had to read it for my human geo class.

read Hunger Of Memory by Richard Rodriguez.

Less Than Zero (Bret Easton Ellis is brilliant, a standout of his generation.)
The Road (Cormac McCarthy has been called the greatest American writer alive. Look into Blood Meridian as well.)
The Kite Runner
Choke (Just started it. I'm a newcomer to Palahniuk, but I like what I've read so far.)
any of david pelzers books. the first one is great. A CHILD CALLED IT. It's prety sad though but its good at the same time imo
any book by Donald Goines (Black Gangster, Blackgirl Lost, Daddy Cool)
Night - Elie Wiesel
autobiography of malcolm x...
autobio of assata shakur...

the dictionary.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Freakonomics.[/color]

I wanted to pick this book up, but dude said they only had it in hard cover and that cost $28
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