Good Books To Read?

Originally Posted by just reason

Night - Elie Wiesel


I also liked The Art of War
Books on my must read list

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, and Political

The Covert War Against Rock

The American Directory Of Certified: Uncle Toms

How To Win An Argument All The Time

Art of War

You'll Never Work Again In Hollywood

Lest We Forget  Velma Maia Thomas

An Original Man Claude Andrew Clegg III

Black Robes White Justice Bruce Wright

Unforgivable Blackness Geoffery C Ward
"Bad Science"- Gary Taubes.
It's about the cold nuclear fusion fiasco of the late 80's. Excellent read.
The Alchemist
48 Laws of Power
33 Strategies of War
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

That looks good, will give it a go.
I suggest - 

Anthony Bourdain - Kitchen Confidential for something different.  His crime novels are good too.

Less Than Zero is fantastic.

Marching Powder, this is a great book I read it in one sitting.  The prose is not fantastic but the story is compelling.
For a msg board with mostly men I dont understand how this book has not been mentioned.

I'm about to preorder my copy of Wretched, Pitiful, Poor, Blind & Naked by Malice(of the Clipse) but right now I'm reading Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy
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