Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Predictable, non answer still. ANY believer out there want to try?

Too busy complaining about how Satan is a villian and their beliefs are being bashed

Stop asking questions, RKO may get offended
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Predictable, non answer still. ANY believer out there want to try?

His and your questions are being answered. Give me some time, I have a separate tab open for him.

I'll be back later...
A read for those that feel like only christianity ever gets referenced:
Published: January 21, 2012 01:17 IST | Updated: January 21, 2012 01:17 IST
[h1]Salman Rushdie & India's new theocracy[/h1]Praveen Swami

AP Salman Rushdie

India's secular state is in a state of slow-motion collapse. The contours of a new theocratic dystopia are already evident.

In 300CE, the historian and cleric, Eusebius, fearfully recorded the rise of a new “demon-inspired heresy.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by RufioRufioRufio

But if god doesn't exist and satan doesn't, why spend time talking about Nothing at all?

Ole Jerry and George lookin bwois

Because although atheists claim religion is fiction, unlike other works of fiction it affects all of us because it is politicized. Would you want politicians making laws based on Mayan mythology, and teaching Mayan religion in our schools as fact?

This.There's a reason church & state are separated...even then thou, da right to vote& da right to organize has alot of these radicals with large numbers politicalInfluence.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

If you ask someone a question and they give you an answer you dont like or an answer you feel is it disrespectful? or is he just answering the question that was asked and YOU felt disrespected?

As someone that wasnt raised in the church and wasnt pushed one way or another on or off religion, i dont know what to believe, so i can only judge by what can or cannot be proven.

Hell, i dont even know if im athiest.............I believe there is a creator of some sort, but i dont believe if the items in the bible.

BTW, the memes are pretty funny, a few are funny haha, the others are just "funny" in another sense.

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Predictable, non answer still. ANY believer out there want to try?

Too busy complaining about how Satan is a villian and their beliefs are being bashed

Stop asking questions, RKO may get offended


thread needs moar meme.

I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat.

Our laws are going to based on the rules or commandments from religions...but it doesn't mean that it should be the same thing or that every commandment from religion should be a law.

India is a place that is totally backwards to me. Corrupt government, humougous separation between rich and poor, caste system still being in effect, and yadda yadda. I'll never understand how a nation can let a movie industry produce so many damn high budget movies yet can't do anything about their poor. They pump so much money in the glitz and the glam of aping American and Europe yet their non upper-class or brahmins or what have you are struggling all the damn time. I can of think that the movies India makes are force-fed to the poor that pack a movie theatre just to blind them from their hard lives as a sort of drug itself.

Knowing how India is actually makes me respect the movie industry in America a bit more because our celebrities actually do more for our country and others than I see happening with those uber-rich movie stars in India.

What a shame. I believe in a god that see's the work you do for others and the help you provide uplifting those around you to a better place, not one that you need to fund huge amounts of money to make a parade filled with trinkets and statues that usually gets scrapped right after the festivities.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat.
How quickly christians delve into gay sex, then beastality and then necrophilia....
grin.gif hiding something there, Santorum?
Do you know what separates gay sex from screwing a donkey?


Until a donkey can consent to having sex with you, then it should be illegal.

End of story.

Try again with these non-sequiturs.

Our laws are going to based on the rules or commandments from religions...but it doesn't mean that it should be the same thing or that every commandment from religion should be a law.

No they're actually not.
Our laws are not based on religions.

Most of our US laws are based on English law dating back to codified periods around the magna carta and developing into Common Law and referred to through something called Black's Law as a popular standard (not black people). Look it up.

Morality and thus ethics resulting in laws have existed and predated every modern religion.

Morality and thus legislature are nothing but the rules within a society. They come from principles deemed important to support by respective communities.

Laws and morality changes with time...but its funny that an infallible god would create an infallible text only to have you all pick and choose from much for that, right? 

Its funny to me that honestly, moderate christians are smart enough to know that they don't want religion in government...but that very notion debunks the validity of religion. If something was proved to be true and completely useful and valid, why wouldn't we want it to be legislated? Isn't that why the theory of relativity gets taught in high school and not the parable of jonah and the whale? 

India is a place that is totally backwards to me.

Way to be unbiased.
Its called cultural relativism. Get a passport and obtain some perspective for once.

Corrupt government, humougous separation between rich and poor, caste system still being in effect, and yadda yadda.

Are we talking about India or the United States?
I'll never understand how a nation can let a movie industry produce so many damn high budget movies yet can't do anything about their poor.

I thought we were talking about India, not California.
They pump so much money in the glitz and the glam of aping American and Europe yet their non upper-class or brahmins or what have you are struggling all the damn time.

Maybe their poor and disenfranchised should rise up or something...lets call it the Occupy only if we could think of a place to hole up in...

I can of think that the movies India makes are force-fed to the poor that pack a movie theatre just to blind them from their hard lives as a sort of drug itself.

Says the man who probably watched Superbad or a Tyler Perry movie. 

Knowing how India is actually makes me respect the movie industry in America a bit more because our celebrities actually do more for our country and others than I see happening with those uber-rich movie stars in India.
Are you making vague and completely baseless assertions that Bollywood stars do nothing for the community?
You mean to tell me that doing a 30-second PSA on late night TV from american stars equates to doing good in the community?

You mean to tell me that getting dressed up to go to glitzy fundraisers means something? 

Your standard for criticism is so out of order its ridiculous. 

You won't even ATTEMPT to be consistent.

What a shame.

Go figure.
I believe in a god that see's the work you do for others and the help you provide uplifting those around you to a better place, not one that you need to fund huge amounts of money to make a parade filled with trinkets and statues that usually gets scrapped right after the festivities.

Kinda like Easter, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, Lent, or any other Christian celebration, right? 

Its funny...thats YOUR god. 

You don't even know what god is. Everything you assert is a guess. Its all made up in your head and exists only to you.

This is why I have no qualms calling religious people narcissists. They are solipsistic in their perspectives about the world and see things only through their eyes. Perspective is an SAT word to many of them. In addition to lacking the ability to be honest enough for objective introspection they seem to think that merely having an opinion makes it valid, instead of taking the time to actually legitimize what it is that they're trying to say. 

This is pathetic.
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke


Why should he have to explain his life? For what? Pointing out illogical stories and contradictions is not disrespect. If your faith and religion stands on strong ground then you should be able to answer his questions easily. He asks simple questions that religious people shy away from.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke


Why should he have to explain his life? For what? Pointing out illogical stories and contradictions is not disrespect. If your faith and religion stands on strong ground then you should be able to answer his questions easily. He asks simple questions that religious people shy away from.
I wa just thinking that, people gotta tell their life stories before giving their opinions on NT how? Chokeonsmoke why don't you explain your life to us?
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat

I actually read half of that and then I realized you were gonna ruin my buzz I got going so I stopped.

Yup, grim just ignored all the points you just made.  You literally quoted three words out of my passage.  Out of all the people that I think take the internet too seriously your the biggest one

Hop off my #@$* and stop trying to quote me all the damn time.
Originally Posted by cap1229

What thread did meth go at Optimus prime in? Link
I don't recall it either unless it was the thread where I was going back and forth with him also and if it was that thread Meth was not defending religion, he was talking about us basically attacking religion and religious posters, the whole pseudoscience thing, etc.

He didn't go at anybody.
An Ad Hominem is a general category of fallacies in which a claim orargument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about theauthor of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Typically,this fallacy involves two steps. First, an attack against the characterof person making the claim, her circumstances, or her actions is made(or the character, circumstances, or actions of the person reporting theclaim). Second, this attack is taken to be evidence against the claimor argument the person in question is making (or presenting). This typeof "argument" has the following form:
  1. Person A makes claim X.
  2. Person B makes an attack on person A.
  3. Therefore A's claim is false.

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat

I actually read half of that and then I realized you were gonna ruin my buzz I got going so I stopped.

Yup, grim just ignored all the points you just made.  You literally quoted three words out of my passage.  Out of all the people that I think take the internet too seriously your the biggest one 

Hop off my #@$* and stop trying to quote me all the damn time.

Oh really? 

Dudes get their points dismantled and this is how they respond?

Heaven forbid I actually take the time to read what you write AND analyze it. 
That would be RIDICULOUS

Dude you wrote 5 paragraphs about another country and took a dump on their religious and economic practices. 
...but don't worry though, hes not taking the internet seriously!

Did you just forget this:

GrimlocK wrote:
I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat.

Our laws are going to based on the rules or commandments from religions...but it doesn't mean that it should be the same thing or that every commandment from religion should be a law.

India is a place that is totally backwards to me. Corrupt government, humougous separation between rich and poor, caste system still being in effect, and yadda yadda. I'll never understand how a nation can let a movie industry produce so many damn high budget movies yet can't do anything about their poor. They pump so much money in the glitz and the glam of aping American and Europe yet their non upper-class or brahmins or what have you are struggling all the damn time. I can of think that the movies India makes are force-fed to the poor that pack a movie theatre just to blind them from their hard lives as a sort of drug itself.

Knowing how India is actually makes me respect the movie industry in America a bit more because our celebrities actually do more for our country and others than I see happening with those uber-rich movie stars in India.

What a shame. I believe in a god that see's the work you do for others and the help you provide uplifting those around you to a better place, not one that you need to fund huge amounts of money to make a parade filled with trinkets and statues that usually gets scrapped right after the festivities.


Buddy has the memory of a gold fish or something...
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke


Why should he have to explain his life? For what? Pointing out illogical stories and contradictions is not disrespect. If your faith and religion stands on strong ground then you should be able to answer his questions easily. He asks simple questions that religious people shy away from.
I wa just thinking that, people gotta tell their life stories before giving their opinions on NT how? Chokeonsmoke why don't you explain your life to us?


OK. Lets gets started.

Please hear me out.

But its funny you ask, In the beginning of early christianity, which I presume you're referring to, Some gnostic christians in the early church, inverted this story; they said the "God" was Satan, and the snake was Jesus. They reasoned, that any God who wanted to deny man knowledge, could only be a false God, while Jesus would desire people to know the truth.

You see, the "god" of the bible does a lot of REALLY messed up things. Its actually Satan that opens Man's eyes to the reality and harshness of the world and the complexities of life. You could say that the satan of the bible did humanity a favor.

You could also argue that if satan was that evil then you would probably follow him and not even know it since it would confuse you. You really don't even know if you're actually following Satan or God in the first place.

Stop right there. You are already off to a fail. Satan has been going against God since before humanity was created. Lucifer was jealous of God. He wanted to be God.

The meme was funny at first but you seem to actually be able to make an argument for why Lucifer would be the good guy? Seriously?!

Lucifer chose rebel against the will of God. He was punished for it. So what good intentions would he have pertaining to us? Why would someone who went against God be good for us or have our best interest at heart? 

Like I said, your thirst to go against God is strong, boy. You'll stoop as low as ignoring the obvious reason why Lucifer is the bad guy in this scenario.

All the evidence seems to point out that Satan has always wanted mankind to be wise and knowledgeable, and has always served as God's tester of man, pointing out hypocrisy and weakness, and serving as god's personal Abu-Graib guardian, as punishment for pissing off the almighty in an earlier scrap.


I'll stop here. Not even going to waste anymore of my or your time, Silly.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by sillyputty

I actually read half of that and then I realized you were gonna ruin my buzz I got going so I stopped.

Yup, grim just ignored all the points you just made.  You literally quoted three words out of my passage.  Out of all the people that I think take the internet too seriously your the biggest one 

Hop off my #@$* and stop trying to quote me all the damn time.

Oh really? 

Dudes get their points dismantled and this is how they respond?

Heaven forbid I actually take the time to read what you write AND analyze it. 
That would be RIDICULOUS

Dude you wrote 5 paragraphs about another country and took a dump on their religious and economic practices. 
...but don't worry though, hes not taking the internet seriously!

Did you just forget this:

GrimlocK wrote:
I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat.

Our laws are going to based on the rules or commandments from religions...but it doesn't mean that it should be the same thing or that every commandment from religion should be a law.

India is a place that is totally backwards to me. Corrupt government, humougous separation between rich and poor, caste system still being in effect, and yadda yadda. I'll never understand how a nation can let a movie industry produce so many damn high budget movies yet can't do anything about their poor. They pump so much money in the glitz and the glam of aping American and Europe yet their non upper-class or brahmins or what have you are struggling all the damn time. I can of think that the movies India makes are force-fed to the poor that pack a movie theatre just to blind them from their hard lives as a sort of drug itself.

Knowing how India is actually makes me respect the movie industry in America a bit more because our celebrities actually do more for our country and others than I see happening with those uber-rich movie stars in India.

What a shame. I believe in a god that see's the work you do for others and the help you provide uplifting those around you to a better place, not one that you need to fund huge amounts of money to make a parade filled with trinkets and statues that usually gets scrapped right after the festivities.

Buddy has the memory of a gold fish or something...

Silly you take the time to color code my response to a question and edit your replies till you think it's perfect lmao.  And your trying to get me on some "look who's talking" type @$%+.  your a lame...get used to that title cuz you got it on lock.  In every thread you take the time to dissect responses that are contra to yours and like I said go as far to take a word and quote it.  Your like a girl who needs to prove she's right

I think of you as my kid sister.  I come on NT for the lulz and to relax not trying to have a back and forth with you girl. 

RKO cliffnotes: "Satan is evil because God said so"

Satan may not be good for you RKO, but based on what I've read in the bible I've concluded that he/it is a better option for me than your God

Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lemme guess slaughtering innocent children and animals is part of his mysterious ways?
at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)."
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
Sillyputty organizes post, and quotes and answers each one to make it easier for you to read.
But then he gets bashed for it? For what reason? Of being considerate and making it easier for you to read and answer?
And then they add several emocons of
and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers.
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.
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