Good Guy Lucifer Is An Underrated Meme

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)."
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
Sillyputty organizes post, and quotes and answers each one to make it easier for you to read.
But then he gets bashed for it? For what reason? Of being considerate and making it easier for you to read and answer?
And then they add several emocons of
and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers.
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.

LOL @ RKO leaving to think about his response for hours and that's all he was able to come up with---Silly Putty writes paragraphs of logical and well organized arguments in minutes

The difference in intellectual prowess between people like Putty and RKO is comedy
Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
I don't think it's about changing ones mind about Christianity. It's more of hoping to see one actually think for themselves.
There is no right or wrong because in the end, not one of us has the answer.

I'm agnostic if that makes any difference.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)."
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
Sillyputty organizes post, and quotes and answers each one to make it easier for you to read.
But then he gets bashed for it? For what reason? Of being considerate and making it easier for you to read and answer?
And then they add several emocons of
and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers.
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.

LOL @ RKO leaving to think about his response for hours and that's all he was able to come up with---Silly Putty writes paragraphs of logical and well organized arguments in minutes

The difference in intellectual prowess between people like Putty and RKO is comedy
Dude. Me and Putty have gone back and forth on here and PM before. Why must I keep burning time typing wall of text to prove the same point?

Through PM, HE stopped. IN the thread about the foundation of our rules and regulations. HE stopped.

The intellectual prowess? He brought up the argument that "Well maybe Satan isn't that bad. He wanted us to be knowledgeable". That's not something I agree with. I have said before that his intentions are to deceive and turn humans away from God to spite God.

I find myself saying forget it when it comes to these debates now due to going back and forth with others years ago and for what?
 Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lets remember something right quick. If we're going by the Bible, Humans chose their route in life. Those routes were deemed punishable and that's what happened. As I recall, Satan helped get that ball rolling with his role in deceiving humans.

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?

Again RKO, you still neglected to reconcile God's kill count, much less destroying the entire world minus Noah's family (and of course 2 of every animal), condoning rape, condoning murder, condoning slavery, with the fact he is somehow the GOOD guy.
Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)."
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
Sillyputty organizes post, and quotes and answers each one to make it easier for you to read.
But then he gets bashed for it? For what reason? Of being considerate and making it easier for you to read and answer?
And then they add several emocons of
and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers.
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.
Cause he loves it, he would die if he couldnt do it.
He has to have his fix of debating religion or he will go into withdrawal.

I really dont understand why ppl put the didnt read, why just not read it and keep it moving 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)."
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
Sillyputty organizes post, and quotes and answers each one to make it easier for you to read.
But then he gets bashed for it? For what reason? Of being considerate and making it easier for you to read and answer?
And then they add several emocons of
and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers.
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.

LOL @ RKO leaving to think about his response for hours and that's all he was able to come up with---Silly Putty writes paragraphs of logical and well organized arguments in minutes

The difference in intellectual prowess between people like Putty and RKO is comedy
Dude. Me and Putty have gone back and forth on here and PM before. Why must I keep burning time typing wall of text to prove the same point?

Through PM, HE stopped. IN the thread about the foundation of our rules and regulations. HE stopped.

The intellectual prowess? He brought up the argument that "Well maybe Satan isn't that bad. He wanted us to be knowledgeable". That's not something I agree with. I have said before that his intentions are to deceive and turn humans away from God to spite God.

I find myself saying forget it when it comes to these debates now due to going back and forth with others years ago and for what?
 Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lets remember something right quick. If we're going by the Bible, Humans chose their route in life. Those routes were deemed punishable and that's what happened. As I recall, Satan helped get that ball rolling with his role in deceiving humans.

God kills and slaughters innocent people, and blames Satan for it? Satan was the one who told him to send the flood, you know damn well not everyone who lived on earth deserved it
Children? Babies? Animals? Are you friggin kidding me?

That's like me beating my kids and saying my wife stressing me out made me do it, easiest scapegoat in history
Wow @ Putty's post. That is funny the bad guy punishes the wrong people.

Putty, what do you believe in? Do you believe in God/Devil?
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Again RKO, you still neglected to reconcile God's kill count, much less destroying the entire world minus Noah's family (and of course 2 of every animal), condoning rape, condoning murder, condoning slavery, with the fact he is somehow the GOOD guy.

OK, post the scriptures and we'll go through them together.

If the people are wicked and only bring out the worst in the world, wouldn't that explain why they had to be dealt with. You know like capital punishment?

But go get those scriptures condoning rape and stuff. We'll all go through them together.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK. Lets gets started.

[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)][/color]
[color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]Please hear me out.[/color]

But its funny you ask, In the beginning of early christianity, which I presume you're referring to, Some gnostic christians in the early church, inverted this story; they said the "God" was Satan, and the snake was Jesus. They reasoned, that any God who wanted to deny man knowledge, could only be a false God, while Jesus would desire people to know the truth.

You see, the "god" of the bible does a lot of REALLY messed up things. Its actually Satan that opens Man's eyes to the reality and harshness of the world and the complexities of life. You could say that the satan of the bible did humanity a favor.

You could also argue that if satan was that evil then you would probably follow him and not even know it since it would confuse you. You really don't even know if you're actually following Satan or God in the first place.

Stop right there. You are already off to a fail. Satan has been going against God since before humanity was created. Lucifer was jealous of God. He wanted to be God. 
Being Stumped 101. Class is in session. 

"Since humanity was created" 4.6+ billion years, or 10,000? 

Lucifer wanted to be god?

Thats funny. 

God created something and couldn't even control it.

So much for being "god" can't even fend off posers. How Omnipotent

I love how you say this all with such conviction. As if you KNOW this is the case. But of course you do. Its in the bible!



The meme was funny at first but you seem to actually be able to make an argument for why Lucifer would be the good guy? Seriously?!

Lucifer actually allowed humans to gain knowledge by eating the fruit (if you believe the "snake" was the devil/lucifer/demon whatever)

God killed more people than Satan.

The people satan killed in the bible was actually under the advice/permission of God anyways. 

I feel like i'm arguing over chapters of Lord of the Rings or Star Wars accuracy right now. 

Religious people are huge geeks when you think about it. 

This is fan-fiction at its finest. 

Lucifer chose rebel against the will of God.

God creates lucifer...knowing everything about it, knows what its thinking and what it will do, and knowing it has more power than it...and can't control it?
God seems impotent (not enough for Mary though...Hi-Oh!), to say the least. 

He was punished for it. So what good intentions would he have pertaining to us? Why would someone who went against God be good for us or have our best interest at heart?  

How do you know that "god" is "god" and lucifer is "lucifer" ? 
If you claim the devil is good at deception, how would you REALLY know? 

And do you claim to be able to tell the difference?

What do you use to draw that difference?

Like I said, your thirst to go against God is strong, boy.

 Which god?
In fact, your lack of praise for Thor or Odin is particularly offensive. I hope by his mighty grace that Zeus does not strike you down as you sleep.

You'll stoop as low as ignoring the obvious reason why Lucifer is the bad guy in this scenario. 

Or why God keeps messing up the very thing it creates 
...instead of fixing what it created, it just floods them out? How "effective" 
It can't even get the story right...first jews, then christians, then muslims. 

Dude created the first humans knowing they would do what he knew they would do and still punished them.

God is an MASSIVE punk.

All the evidence seems to point out that Satan has always wanted mankind to be wise and knowledgeable, and has always served as God's tester of man, pointing out hypocrisy and weakness, and serving as god's personal Abu-Graib guardian, as punishment for pissing off the almighty in an earlier scrap.


I'll stop here. Not even going to waste anymore of my or your time, Silly.
Please, I wouldn't want you to waste your time with me either.
Considering you haven't made a point or addressed any claim set for especially after saying this:

RKO2004 wrote:
Scientific Method wrote:
Predictable, non answer still. ANY believer out there want to try?

His and your questions are being answered. Give me some time, I have a separate tab open for him.

I'll be back later...

Heres a meme for you:
Scumbag RKO2004

Says he will come back to answer questions posed to him.


Comes back and refuses to answer questions posed to him. 


Stop stalling and address those memes on page five like you said you would.

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

sillyputty wrote:
GrimlocK wrote:

I actually read half of that and then I realized you were gonna ruin my buzz I got going so I stopped.

Yup, grim just ignored all the points you just made.  You literally quoted three words out of my passage.  Out of all the people that I think take the internet too seriously your the biggest one 

Hop off my #@$* and stop trying to quote me all the damn time.

Oh really? 

Dudes get their points dismantled and this is how they respond?

Heaven forbid I actually take the time to read what you write AND analyze it. 
That would be RIDICULOUS

Dude you wrote 5 paragraphs about another country and took a dump on their religious and economic practices. 
...but don't worry though, hes not taking the internet seriously!

Did you just forget this:

GrimlocK wrote:
I agree that church and state should remain separate and that the laws written unto people by the government to obey should be somewhat similar in say not harming another person but anything beyond that while may seem "sinful" like gay marriage should not be written into our laws. Then again if we do this what's to stop someone from marrying a goat.

Our laws are going to based on the rules or commandments from religions...but it doesn't mean that it should be the same thing or that every commandment from religion should be a law.

India is a place that is totally backwards to me. Corrupt government, humougous separation between rich and poor, caste system still being in effect, and yadda yadda. I'll never understand how a nation can let a movie industry produce so many damn high budget movies yet can't do anything about their poor. They pump so much money in the glitz and the glam of aping American and Europe yet their non upper-class or brahmins or what have you are struggling all the damn time. I can of think that the movies India makes are force-fed to the poor that pack a movie theatre just to blind them from their hard lives as a sort of drug itself.

Knowing how India is actually makes me respect the movie industry in America a bit more because our celebrities actually do more for our country and others than I see happening with those uber-rich movie stars in India.

What a shame. I believe in a god that see's the work you do for others and the help you provide uplifting those around you to a better place, not one that you need to fund huge amounts of money to make a parade filled with trinkets and statues that usually gets scrapped right after the festivities.


Buddy has the memory of a gold fish or something... 

Silly you take the time to color code my response to a question and edit your replies till you think it's perfect lmao.  And your trying to get me on some "look who's talking" type @$%+.  your a lame...get used to that title cuz you got it on lock.  In every thread you take the time to dissect responses that are contra to yours and like I said go as far to take a word and quote it.  Your like a girl who needs to prove she's right 

I think of you as my kid sister.  I come on NT for the lulz and to relax not trying to have a back and forth with you girl.  

I you want to be free to make your response but get mad when someone:

A. Reads it

B. Responds to each line of it.

C. Exposes contradictions

Damn SillyPutty, why you gotta be reading my responses and stuff?! Whats up with all dat writing? 
Thats not fair! All you do is bully us! Why can't we just speak with no opposition. Why you gotta address each point I made? Damn! You're so lame. I bet you just sit at around and come up with ways to poke holes in my arguments. Well're a lame anyways. You remind me of a woman...a weak one at that. Because sexism doesn't exist in my eyes, so i'll just compare you to a woman. You always think you right about something. Why you gotta always have opinions. Jeez. You always take our fun away. I just come on here for the laughs anyways. You over here highlighting my responses like that MEANS something. I didn't write stuff so you could read it, DUH! You take the internet too seriously. I bet you get no girls. You're probably gay anyways. What type of man don't love jesus? I bet you don't even know where stars come from. Dummy. Probably believe in evolution. Well tell me this sillyputty, how come I ain't no dog? huh? You telling me my girlfriend is gonna give birth to a gorilla? 

Religious people don't actually want tolerance. They just want to not be challenged. Lets call it what it really is.

A lot of Emperors trying on new clothes I see around here... 

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

 at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)." 
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
And then they add several emocons of 
 and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers. 
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.

Well you can hop off the nutz too 
Why are you so hurt? 

Are you even going to TRY and make an argument? 

The fascinations with testicles is laughable....yet oddly erotic.

Dude also thinks that theres nothing from stopping us from having sex with horses and frogs. 

I mean...if you're into that sort of thing.... 

Dudes are KINGS of ad-hominems on here 

Here is a nice reference for everyone on here: 

Dudes are polling in the 


Half of this thread is knee deep in the pink and orange

Originally Posted by cartune


Ouch! Nice one!

Thats a real shot to the gut. 

Tell me. Please.

How was my weekend? What did I do? Who did I see? What did I eat? You know EVERYTHING about me, right? 

Dudes LOVE to stay making assertions they can't back up. 

SillyPutty pokes holes in religious that means he has no friends and eats TV dinners for breakfast. 

This is how I probably chill according to you: 



Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
What do you accomplish by telling a kid that Santa isn't real?

Its not like Santa has influence on politics or economics, right?

The judeo-christian-islamic "god" and its followers do. however. 

In Kentucky the governor cut 50 million from education and reallocated 45 million to a Creationist Theme Park


I mean like i said. Its a completely free country and if you want to be free to believe in a jesus that will return for his faithful (but they get offended when you call them a cult 
) then go ahead. 

But don't think that I have to respect that or NOT express my criticism of it. Nothing is free from being challenged or questioned no matter how personal it is.


...I will FIGHT for your RIGHT to believe what you want...there is a difference.

Why are you asking me if  "just want to be right?"...well, wouldn't you? Or are you ok being wrong about something? 

Don't tell me you know something, like the claims made by religious people, then when I investigate the claim, it doesn't stand up. 

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

RKO cliffnotes: "Satan is evil because God said so"

Satan may not be good for you RKO, but based on what I've read in the bible I've concluded that he/it is a better option for me than your God

Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lemme guess slaughtering innocent children and animals is part of his mysterious ways?

Now you're getting it! 


Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Jordan Novice

 at those who say something along the lines of "I'm not even going to answer that. Why should I waste my time with ____(insulting name calling)." 
And then they go and attack on something that doesn't even matter. Like "Lol, too long, didn't read. Not going to respond to blah blah"
Sillyputty organizes post, and quotes and answers each one to make it easier for you to read.
But then he gets bashed for it? For what reason? Of being considerate and making it easier for you to read and answer?
And then they add several emocons of 
 and that does nothing but make you look foolish. I don't think I've ever seen straight forward answers. 
I don't know how sillyputty can continue and put up with this each and every time.

LOL @ RKO leaving to think about his response for hours and that's all he was able to come up with---Silly Putty writes paragraphs of logical and well organized arguments in minutes

The difference in intellectual prowess between people like Putty and RKO is comedy
Dude. Me and Putty have gone back and forth on here and PM before. Why must I keep burning time typing wall of text to prove the same point?

Through PM, HE stopped. IN the thread about the foundation of our rules and regulations. HE stopped. 

I don't have the time nor patience to educate you privately on biology 101 and critical thinking. 

Go take classes at a community college or Khan academy. 

There are private tutors on craigslist.

I stopped replying because your answer was "well where did awl dis stuff come from then?" 

Bruh. I'm not wasting my time on educating you on stuff a 10th grader who paid attention can answer. 

THe funny part is that you were clearly asking all those questions about the origins and biology because you have doubts deep down and you want me to push you over the edge. There is no way you could be that inquisitive and still be honestly religious.

Just be honest. You're probably more scared of hell or being punished for thought crime than you are because you're pious. 

The intellectual prowess? He brought up the argument that "Well maybe Satan isn't that bad. He wanted us to be knowledgeable". That's not something I agree with. I have said before that his intentions are to deceive and turn humans away from God to spite God


I find myself saying forget it when it comes to these debates now due to going back and forth with others years ago and for what? 
 Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lets remember something right quick. If we're going by the Bible, Humans chose their route in life. Those routes were deemed punishable and that's what happened. As I recall, Satan helped get that ball rolling with his role in deceiving humans.
So we're free to do anything...except as long as god allows us to do something. 

God has a plan for all of us...but you still pray to change your fate. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

RKO cliffnotes: "Satan is evil because God said so"

Satan may not be good for you RKO, but based on what I've read in the bible I've concluded that he/it is a better option for me than your God

Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lemme guess slaughtering innocent children and animals is part of his mysterious ways?
On the low I think the disgusting truth is they think when GOD kills there's nothing wrong with it. It goes along with the preposterous narrative of him having superior logic so how dare we mere mortals question his will.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

RKO cliffnotes: "Satan is evil because God said so"

Satan may not be good for you RKO, but based on what I've read in the bible I've concluded that he/it is a better option for me than your God

Funny how Sillyputty has brought up various points as to why Satan is more moral than God but you are yet to address any one of them--Let's start with the obvious God's body count in the bible

Lemme guess slaughtering innocent children and animals is part of his mysterious ways?
On the low I think the disgusting truth is they think when GOD kills there's nothing wrong with it. It goes along with the preposterous narrative of him having superior logic so how dare we mere mortals question his will.
Even worse, when God tells them to kill it's ok
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
People genuinely realizing religion for what it is and actually using their minds to work together without trying to separate and make divisions would literally change the world. If that happens because of what some atheists do it isn't an issue of pride where we can say we were right and you were wrong it'd change everything about how we live as a society.
Things I've learned from this thread:

1. Silly really is Optimus Prime? Huh, go figure.

2. Grimlock is a troll. but it's cool since Trolls gon be trollin'

3.RKO is really stubborn on God being an ultimately good and unfallible character. He had me hyped thinking he could score for the religious types going against Sillyputty but that didn't happen. I for one would appreciate a solid reference or example of Satan deceiving man. And no, "it's in the bible" won't do because I've never read it. My apologies. 

4. Silly really tries to be unbiased and and open for debate at anytime but he tends to end on a condescending note that just makes him look like a jerk. There's no need to attack members for their beliefs. For the most part it's nonthreatening but I don't see how laughing at someone for liking Tyler Perry or Superbad help.  I for one appreciate the messages. You can keep trying to feed others the fruit but some just prefer paradise.
What stood out to me is when Satan said that the story (history) is always written by the winner. So would it be safe to compare God vs. Satan to Caucasoids vs. Every Other -Oid in terms of who is superior?
I mean we only hear one side of the story. The bible. That isn't fair if you are an intelligent person.

Where is Satan's version of the story?

So question Anton, people that follow Crowley, what do they think happens when one dies?Do they believe in Heaven and Hell?

I have always said that Heaven seems like a boring place to be.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What stood out to me is when Satan said that the story (history) is always written by the winner. So would it be safe to compare God vs. Satan to Caucasoids vs. Every Other -Oid in terms of who is superior?

Great point, like I said what if God is evil and the deceiver-What if God and Satan are working together, and God created Satan as a distraction to blind people from his nefarious ways?
It's the oldest trick in the book

Not rly a "follower" of Crowley, dude gives me the creeps-Not really sure what he believed about the afterlife but you should do some research into it and tell us

And heaven has always sounded awful to me, based on the people who think they're going to get in
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by slickp42189

Originally Posted by bauercans
yea i know that, how is it that i cant possibly know anything because im Christian? like im supposed to be like OMG im having an epiphany, im not Christian anymore
you guys are honestly not telling me anything new, i was required to study this in hs for four years and im still deciding to stick with my guns, because it works for me
Doing things because they're comfortable doesn't make them any more true, valid, or real.
But hey, if you admit to lying to yourself, go ahead.

I presented evidence that challenges in every way each claim you made. But I can't spell it out for you. Its up to you to decide how long you want to keep the charade up.

Intellectual dishonesty and incongruence is apart of the gift bag of being religious it seems.

You should be proud to wear that cognitive dissonance like a medal, just don't be surprised if someone tells you that its not gold, but rather a wood pendant painted yellow.

Maybe if people spent more time learning about the history of things they claim to identify with, we wouldn't be having these sorts of "back and forths." Its a shame that I have to know more about this, than you...and I'm not even the one that believes this, thats YOUR job. You'd think someone who wants to be religious would be able to rectify the glaring inconsistencies in logic, if it was true, but they can't even do that...and they REFUSE to. Its also alarming that religious logic is the only area in their daily lives that they neglect to apply the same standard of criticism and objectivity. Moving the goalposts as we call it...

But like I said, its a free country, and I will support your right to believe whatever you want to believe...I will NOT, however, respect what you believe. There is a difference. 

There is no though, idea, concept, or conclusion that is free from criticism or inquiry. No matter how personal or important you think it is. 
of course im not going to apply the same logic i use in every day life to my faith, do i need to? 
Damn SillyPutty, why you gotta be reading my responses and stuff?! Whats up with all dat writing? 
Thats not fair! All you do is bully us! Why can't we just speak with no opposition. Why you gotta address each point I made? Damn! You're so lame. I bet you just sit at around and come up with ways to poke holes in my arguments. Well're a lame anyways. You remind me of a woman...a weak one at that. Because sexism doesn't exist in my eyes, so i'll just compare you to a woman. You always think you right about something. Why you gotta always have opinions. Jeez. You always take our fun away. I just come on here for the laughs anyways. You over here highlighting my responses like that MEANS something. I didn't write stuff so you could read it, DUH! You take the internet too seriously. I bet you get no girls. You're probably gay anyways. What type of man don't love jesus? I bet you don't even know where stars come from. Dummy. Probably believe in evolution. Well tell me this sillyputty, how come I ain't no dog? huh? You telling me my girlfriend is gonna give birth to a gorilla?

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
People genuinely realizing religion for what it is and actually using their minds to work together without trying to separate and make divisions would literally change the world. If that happens because of what some atheists do it isn't an issue of pride where we can say we were right and you were wrong it'd change everything about how we live as a society.
"Change the world" You can't be serious, human greed would still be around even if religion didn't exist............That's the reason? you want a "better world" and you think without religion that would be a reality? please tell me you're in Highschool and haven't experienced life yet 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Again RKO, you still neglected to reconcile God's kill count, much less destroying the entire world minus Noah's family (and of course 2 of every animal), condoning rape, condoning murder, condoning slavery, with the fact he is somehow the GOOD guy.

OK, post the scriptures and we'll go through them together.

If the people are wicked and only bring out the worst in the world, wouldn't that explain why they had to be dealt with. You know like capital punishment?

But go get those scriptures condoning rape and stuff. We'll all go through them together.

Judges 21:10-24

Numbers 31:7-18

Deuteronomy 20:10-14

Deuteronomy 22:28-29

Deuteronomy 22:23-24

2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB

Deuteronomy 21:10-14

Zechariah 14:1-2

Exodus 21:7-11

Any of the above. These are just a sampling of scriptures where God condones rape mostly, but also we have slavery, God killing a baby, forcing rape victims to marry the guy who raped them, encouraging the rape female captives, sex slavery, attempted genocide, stealing of wives TO rape, and death of rape victims.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
People genuinely realizing religion for what it is and actually using their minds to work together without trying to separate and make divisions would literally change the world. If that happens because of what some atheists do it isn't an issue of pride where we can say we were right and you were wrong it'd change everything about how we live as a society.
"Change the world" You can't be serious, human greed would still be around even if religion didn't exist............That's the reason? you want a "better world" and you think without religion that would be a reality? please tell me you're in Highschool and haven't experienced life yet 
We wouldn't have to worry about all Religion-related things. No more controversy about evolution, no religion-based terrorist attacks, no money spent on churches and stuffing the wallet of the individuals trying to take advantage of misguided religious people. It would make everything a whole lot easier. Lives wouldn't be wasted trying to get closer to an imaginary being..
And we could prosecute all these priest raping little boys. But anyways, just noticed
3.RKO is really stubborn on God being an ultimately good and unfallible character. He had me hyped thinking he could score for the religious types going against Sillyputty but that didn't happen. I for one would appreciate a solid reference or example of Satan deceiving man. And no, "it's in the bible" won't do because I've never read it. My apologies.

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Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Question: If you get "Christian" people to admit God isnt real and they are wrong, what have you accomplished? REAL QUESTION, do you just want to be right? I don't get into these posts anymore but I really wanna know, what do you get if you change a Christian persons mind?
People genuinely realizing religion for what it is and actually using their minds to work together without trying to separate and make divisions would literally change the world. If that happens because of what some atheists do it isn't an issue of pride where we can say we were right and you were wrong it'd change everything about how we live as a society.
"Change the world" You can't be serious, human greed would still be around even if religion didn't exist............That's the reason? you want a "better world" and you think without religion that would be a reality? please tell me you're in Highschool and haven't experienced life yet
Yes I am serious. It would be a great and monumental start. I never said the removal of religion would remove every problem. However, the removal of religion would change how the world works. That's undeniable. It would just be up to us to make it change for the better.
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