Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Originally Posted by zs05wc

Originally Posted by RoOk


Picture is mad

Brotherly love
If youre really a Michigan fan there is nothing
about it.  If the buckeye was getting lit up then yes it would be

Dantonio literally gave himself a heart attack last night after that game.  Sounds like he's ok tho, which even tho he is a sparty is good news.

Honestly could care less, the picture is

Theirs Buckeye fans on here who have stated their impresses with Robinson & enjoy watching him. I liked the picture because their brothers.
Originally Posted by zs05wc

Originally Posted by RoOk


Picture is mad

Brotherly love
If youre really a Michigan fan there is nothing
about it.  If the buckeye was getting lit up then yes it would be

Dantonio literally gave himself a heart attack last night after that game.  Sounds like he's ok tho, which even tho he is a sparty is good news.

Honestly could care less, the picture is

Theirs Buckeye fans on here who have stated their impresses with Robinson & enjoy watching him. I liked the picture because their brothers.
Wow that sucks for Keenum & Houston. They were going to thrash those CUSA schools this season.

Hope he can get a RS
Wow that sucks for Keenum & Houston. They were going to thrash those CUSA schools this season.

Hope he can get a RS
[h2]Clemson Staff goes Bowdenesque in a loss to Auburn [/h2]
by DrB on Sep 19, 2010 1:47 AM EDT in FUTBAW

More photos » Dave Martin - AP

Clemson running back Andre Ellington (23) ripped Auburn a new $%++%+$all night, but didn't touch the ball for large parts of the game.

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Ifelt like I should write something before the Jack Daniels takes fulleffect. I've listened to the postgame press conferences and talkedabout our problems with FF and we've come to a mutual conclusion thatthe reason Clemson doesn't win games like this is because we don't dolittle things right. If you want to hear someone praise your Tigerstonight for their effort, you better click on over to TigerNet, I don'tgive stars for 5-heart Dabos til they win games like this.

And little things like snapping the ball are why we ended up losingthis game in OT, but thats not why we lost this game and blew a 17-0lead. Losing a 17-0 lead is a glorious *++# up that only brings backmemories of a truly Tom Bowden-style screw job. I imagine TigerNetdolts will put the loss on Catanzaro, but this loss does not go on him.It doesnt go solely on Steele, and most of you thought they'd runeverywhere on us, they didn't.

This was a team loss. Little things from everyone contributed.

The first half of this game was pretty much perfect. Clemson dideverything I wanted them to do on the first drive, as those who readour stuff daily would know. It was clearly scripted, but weexecuted. We pounded the ball inside and out all over them, hit screensand play action passes, and really just came out there and punchedAuburn right in the mouth. Most people I saw on the Auburn messageboards said that if you punched Clemson in the mouth that we'dfold....but we didnt fold tonight, we dealt the first punches anddidn't quit. Thats a positive, one of few I can find, but a positive. 2years ago under Tommy we'd have gone 3 & out and lost 35-10. Atleast we do fight in games.

But fighting in games is not what we pay you for Dabo Swinney. Wepay you to win, and there were some stupid $$% calls that were made onthe sidelines that we hold you responsible for. I'm not going to put itall on Napier when youre the man calling in the plays and running thesubstitutions, and hiring the coaches.
  • When Auburn adjusted to what we were doing, and began slantingtheir lines, which takes away some of the gap scheme plays we run(Power, Isolation), we didnt adjust by going to zone plays. We decidedto run on 1st and 2nd down, pounding sand, and throw on 3rd & long.No adjustment. No screens. No outside tosses and sweeps. We poundedsand from the 2nd quarter til the 4th like that.
  • No matter the adjustment, an OL that is "supposedly" as talentedand experienced as our own is, and we've been repeatedly told that itis by the recruiting services, should be able to halfway block man/man.If they slant and you're good, you just move them anyway. Gapplays like Iso/Power are straight up man/man hat-on-hat blocking andyou couldn't move anybody inside, Brad.
  • We went Empty set on 3rd & long, with no answer for the Auburnblitz. I don't care what level youre at, but you're not going to block6-7 guys with 5. I hate going empty set, but when you can clearly tellthey are blitzing, you need to adjust the protection. We did not adjustto this that I saw. Dalton Freeman didn't cover the $%+++%# A-gap allnight, there was always a LB coming into the gap where he was supposedto be standing. Chris Hairston, you must MOVE YOUR FEET to block guyson the edge.
  • I want to know why the hell Jamie Harper was in this game at RB. Ifhe's the only one that can catch, and his TD grab was truly awesome, heshould be moved to slot WR or H-back. He tiptoed into holes and refusedto lower his shoulder on people all night. He wouldn't hit a DB, andthen pussed out on blocks. He played like a *!#+@. You don't give a guy19 carries when he gets nothing (44 yards, just over 2 ypc), when youhave another guy with 22 for 140. Thats a BOWDEN MOVE, and I don't forgive that #%+%. Its the same damn stuff Bowden did with Davis and Spiller and Reggie: Leave in the guy that ain't getting it done, while the one that actually feels like running hard sits on the sideline.Why we continued to pound the ball on 1st and 2nd down with Harper is atrue $%% thought if there ever was one. I thought Jamie had overcomethis problem, as it was my main complaint about him up until about game4-5 last year, but apparently he hasn't. 235lbs and won't lower hisshoulder on a guy and tiptoes into a hole like he's scared? Put himsomewhere else.
  • WRs: we knew they'd cost us a game. Jaron could've made that catchat the end. Ashe could, someday, sometime, before he graduates, learnhow to catch a SLANT. I recalled two passes which bounced off Ashe'shands on slants last year that were picked, and he couldn't pull onetonight. Dye decided to flub a couple, then woke up and made hiscatches. McNeal didn't know a play and cost us a TO.
  • I thought, for about 3 quarters-worth of the game, that our DLplayed very well. They did what we asked, and controlled the LOS andtheir gaps. There was a time in that 3rd quarter where they fellasleep, you could tell their pad level went up and their rush techniquewent sour. It looked like they were all told to Bull-rush and hold thepocket for awhile. Auburn held them ALL NIGHT, several times yankingoff their helmets (no call of course), particularly #57 on Thompson,who was getting his $$% beat by BT up and down the field.
  • There were blown coverages, and big screwups at LB and DL otherwisethat cost us points. I'd rather wait til I watch the film again topoint fingers at individuals. On the whole you'd have to say the passdefense did well but they didnt cover Adams well.
I don't put the loss on Kyle, Kyle played well. Kyle had littleprotection on 3rd down, thats the OL and Napier calling the blockingschemes. He had no WRs open and when they were, they couldn't catch it.He had no running game help from Harper. Its not a mystery to Auburnwhat youre gonna do on 3rd & 10. Our coaches didn't adjust.

If Brad Scott can't teach a group of guys over 3-4 years how to pushpeople out of the way, then his lard $$% should not be here. If JoeyBatson can't get the muscle on them to push guys around, then he shouldnot be here, particularly when we keep losing linemen to injuriessuffered/exacerbated doing squats and deadlifts (JK Jay and now KalonDavis). If Jeff Scott can't teach his WRs how to catch passes that hitthem in the hands, or get open against a suspect secondary, then heshould not be here. If Billy wants to pound the ball when it doesntwork, and forget for 2.5 quarters that screens and toss sweeps andorbit plays took advantage of their LB's inability to read flow, thenhe shouldn't be calling plays.

I would also point out to you that we hired a coach at the same time Auburn did. Who made the better choice?

Finally, though I do not in any way put this loss on Catanzaro, Iwill point out that Tom gifted 2 kickers scholarships who are not ourprimary kicker, and also gifted Matt Skinner a scholarship, and all hedoes is snap the ball on kicks. THATS ALL HE DOES.

If you want to know why Clemson loses games like this, its thoselittle things that we screw up and teams like Alabama and Ohio Statedon't.

(FYI, on David Smith, it looks like a bad ankle sprain, no breaks)
[h2]Clemson Staff goes Bowdenesque in a loss to Auburn [/h2]
by DrB on Sep 19, 2010 1:47 AM EDT in FUTBAW

More photos » Dave Martin - AP

Clemson running back Andre Ellington (23) ripped Auburn a new $%++%+$all night, but didn't touch the ball for large parts of the game.

Browse more photos »

Ifelt like I should write something before the Jack Daniels takes fulleffect. I've listened to the postgame press conferences and talkedabout our problems with FF and we've come to a mutual conclusion thatthe reason Clemson doesn't win games like this is because we don't dolittle things right. If you want to hear someone praise your Tigerstonight for their effort, you better click on over to TigerNet, I don'tgive stars for 5-heart Dabos til they win games like this.

And little things like snapping the ball are why we ended up losingthis game in OT, but thats not why we lost this game and blew a 17-0lead. Losing a 17-0 lead is a glorious *++# up that only brings backmemories of a truly Tom Bowden-style screw job. I imagine TigerNetdolts will put the loss on Catanzaro, but this loss does not go on him.It doesnt go solely on Steele, and most of you thought they'd runeverywhere on us, they didn't.

This was a team loss. Little things from everyone contributed.

The first half of this game was pretty much perfect. Clemson dideverything I wanted them to do on the first drive, as those who readour stuff daily would know. It was clearly scripted, but weexecuted. We pounded the ball inside and out all over them, hit screensand play action passes, and really just came out there and punchedAuburn right in the mouth. Most people I saw on the Auburn messageboards said that if you punched Clemson in the mouth that we'dfold....but we didnt fold tonight, we dealt the first punches anddidn't quit. Thats a positive, one of few I can find, but a positive. 2years ago under Tommy we'd have gone 3 & out and lost 35-10. Atleast we do fight in games.

But fighting in games is not what we pay you for Dabo Swinney. Wepay you to win, and there were some stupid $$% calls that were made onthe sidelines that we hold you responsible for. I'm not going to put itall on Napier when youre the man calling in the plays and running thesubstitutions, and hiring the coaches.
  • When Auburn adjusted to what we were doing, and began slantingtheir lines, which takes away some of the gap scheme plays we run(Power, Isolation), we didnt adjust by going to zone plays. We decidedto run on 1st and 2nd down, pounding sand, and throw on 3rd & long.No adjustment. No screens. No outside tosses and sweeps. We poundedsand from the 2nd quarter til the 4th like that.
  • No matter the adjustment, an OL that is "supposedly" as talentedand experienced as our own is, and we've been repeatedly told that itis by the recruiting services, should be able to halfway block man/man.If they slant and you're good, you just move them anyway. Gapplays like Iso/Power are straight up man/man hat-on-hat blocking andyou couldn't move anybody inside, Brad.
  • We went Empty set on 3rd & long, with no answer for the Auburnblitz. I don't care what level youre at, but you're not going to block6-7 guys with 5. I hate going empty set, but when you can clearly tellthey are blitzing, you need to adjust the protection. We did not adjustto this that I saw. Dalton Freeman didn't cover the $%+++%# A-gap allnight, there was always a LB coming into the gap where he was supposedto be standing. Chris Hairston, you must MOVE YOUR FEET to block guyson the edge.
  • I want to know why the hell Jamie Harper was in this game at RB. Ifhe's the only one that can catch, and his TD grab was truly awesome, heshould be moved to slot WR or H-back. He tiptoed into holes and refusedto lower his shoulder on people all night. He wouldn't hit a DB, andthen pussed out on blocks. He played like a *!#+@. You don't give a guy19 carries when he gets nothing (44 yards, just over 2 ypc), when youhave another guy with 22 for 140. Thats a BOWDEN MOVE, and I don't forgive that #%+%. Its the same damn stuff Bowden did with Davis and Spiller and Reggie: Leave in the guy that ain't getting it done, while the one that actually feels like running hard sits on the sideline.Why we continued to pound the ball on 1st and 2nd down with Harper is atrue $%% thought if there ever was one. I thought Jamie had overcomethis problem, as it was my main complaint about him up until about game4-5 last year, but apparently he hasn't. 235lbs and won't lower hisshoulder on a guy and tiptoes into a hole like he's scared? Put himsomewhere else.
  • WRs: we knew they'd cost us a game. Jaron could've made that catchat the end. Ashe could, someday, sometime, before he graduates, learnhow to catch a SLANT. I recalled two passes which bounced off Ashe'shands on slants last year that were picked, and he couldn't pull onetonight. Dye decided to flub a couple, then woke up and made hiscatches. McNeal didn't know a play and cost us a TO.
  • I thought, for about 3 quarters-worth of the game, that our DLplayed very well. They did what we asked, and controlled the LOS andtheir gaps. There was a time in that 3rd quarter where they fellasleep, you could tell their pad level went up and their rush techniquewent sour. It looked like they were all told to Bull-rush and hold thepocket for awhile. Auburn held them ALL NIGHT, several times yankingoff their helmets (no call of course), particularly #57 on Thompson,who was getting his $$% beat by BT up and down the field.
  • There were blown coverages, and big screwups at LB and DL otherwisethat cost us points. I'd rather wait til I watch the film again topoint fingers at individuals. On the whole you'd have to say the passdefense did well but they didnt cover Adams well.
I don't put the loss on Kyle, Kyle played well. Kyle had littleprotection on 3rd down, thats the OL and Napier calling the blockingschemes. He had no WRs open and when they were, they couldn't catch it.He had no running game help from Harper. Its not a mystery to Auburnwhat youre gonna do on 3rd & 10. Our coaches didn't adjust.

If Brad Scott can't teach a group of guys over 3-4 years how to pushpeople out of the way, then his lard $$% should not be here. If JoeyBatson can't get the muscle on them to push guys around, then he shouldnot be here, particularly when we keep losing linemen to injuriessuffered/exacerbated doing squats and deadlifts (JK Jay and now KalonDavis). If Jeff Scott can't teach his WRs how to catch passes that hitthem in the hands, or get open against a suspect secondary, then heshould not be here. If Billy wants to pound the ball when it doesntwork, and forget for 2.5 quarters that screens and toss sweeps andorbit plays took advantage of their LB's inability to read flow, thenhe shouldn't be calling plays.

I would also point out to you that we hired a coach at the same time Auburn did. Who made the better choice?

Finally, though I do not in any way put this loss on Catanzaro, Iwill point out that Tom gifted 2 kickers scholarships who are not ourprimary kicker, and also gifted Matt Skinner a scholarship, and all hedoes is snap the ball on kicks. THATS ALL HE DOES.

If you want to know why Clemson loses games like this, its thoselittle things that we screw up and teams like Alabama and Ohio Statedon't.

(FYI, on David Smith, it looks like a bad ankle sprain, no breaks)
Originally Posted by dreClark

How do you not where White/Red cleats w/ those Zona jerseys

Nike prolly didn't want to outfit that. Last year they got white/red cleats for the bowl game.
Originally Posted by dreClark

How do you not where White/Red cleats w/ those Zona jerseys

Nike prolly didn't want to outfit that. Last year they got white/red cleats for the bowl game.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by dreClark

How do you not where White/Red cleats w/ those Zona jerseys

Nike prolly didn't want to outfit that. Last year they got white/red cleats for the bowl game.
Navy upper and red accents on some vapors would be 
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by dreClark

How do you not where White/Red cleats w/ those Zona jerseys

Nike prolly didn't want to outfit that. Last year they got white/red cleats for the bowl game.
Navy upper and red accents on some vapors would be 
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