Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,


Florida is playing horrible
welcome Aaron Murray

Branden Smith at WR to start the game


Youngstown just took the lead on Penn State... 80 yard wr screen
Penn state and those big ankles

on big ten network
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I dunno, I thought ESPN was on the verge of an agreement with TImeWarner last week 

yeah that must be it cuz i was never able to access it before. pleasant surprise.

at Florida.  This team is sloppy as hell.
welcome Aaron Murray

Branden Smith at WR to start the game


Youngstown just took the lead on Penn State... 80 yard wr screen
Penn state and those big ankles

on big ten network
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

I dunno, I thought ESPN was on the verge of an agreement with TImeWarner last week 

yeah that must be it cuz i was never able to access it before. pleasant surprise.

at Florida.  This team is sloppy as hell.
The more I watch Florida, the more I like South Carolina to win the SEC east...and I'm shocked to say that.
The more I watch Florida, the more I like South Carolina to win the SEC east...and I'm shocked to say that.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

I'm sorry.  Florida sucks.

I wouldnt say that, but they look TUUURRIBLE right now. 
I know penn state is trailing but if anybody is watching, how do they look?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

I'm sorry.  Florida sucks.

I wouldnt say that, but they look TUUURRIBLE right now. 
I know penn state is trailing but if anybody is watching, how do they look?
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