Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

What a game!! Marshall was running the rock so tough on that final scoring drive.

I had an over of 50 points in that game and ASU moneyline. So when the kicker had those two PATs blocked...
[h1]Rich Rodriguez emotional at banquet[/h1]

Associated Press

LIVONIA, Mich. -- Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez fought back tears, talking about the toll his job has taken on his family, and used passages from the Bible and a Josh Groban song during an emotional address that closed the team's banquet.

"I truly want to be a Michigan man," he said Thursday.

Rodriguez might not get that chance next season.

I truly want to be a Michigan man.
*Knocks on wood* If the we win this Saturday that AZ kicker might have just me to SA as opposed to SD. Damn it!
Should have just gone for it after he got the first one blacked. &^$R%^#$ this man. I'm gonna find Zendejas on campus and put salad in his shoes or something
Rich Rod played this song at the end of the '85 banquet to try and save his job:

Originally Posted by tmay407

Any of you Ohio area folks know anything about Steven Daniels? Why the lack of offers?

Grades, and people aren't sold as him being a LB in college. People say they see him ending up at DT that's why UC hasn't been on him anymore.
Originally Posted by DaComeUP

Grades, and people aren't sold as him being a LB in college. People say they see him ending up at DT that's why UC hasn't been on him anymore.
Thanks. That's what I imagined. Coach Toth was in Cincinnati last night for an in-home visit. Supposedly things are looking pretty good for TAMU right now.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by after h0urs

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

As far as Cam goes....It's not about what you's about what you can prove. You USC fans need to take your panties out of a bunch. There aren't enough solid facts to definitively prove that a wrong doing occurred. And even if it did are you going to punish Auburn for what Miss State did. It's a whole different conversation if Cam actually went to Miss State and this stuff came up...but he didn't. He went to Auburn....and there's no proof that he accepted money from Auburn there's nothing the NCAA can do.

Proof?  Evidence?  Facts?  Tell me you're joking 
.  You do realize that the NCAA made their ruling on SC based on the idea that the school "should have known"?  Translation: we have no concrete evidence that you cheated, but you should have known Reggie was getting benefits.

NCAA has one objective: maintaining control/relevance.  The media/public influenced the SC ruling because the NCAA was losing control in their eyes.  If the media continues to press the Auburn issue, I guarantee you that they will at the very least wipe this entire season off Auburn's books.  The NCAA doesn't operate on judicial law; there is no need for proof or evidence.
You know more than I do, although your point of view is not even close to objective, but I don't see how the issue that USC "should have known" equates to the NCAA not having evidence.  If anything, that means that the situation was that obvious (not just small cash payments to his parents that couldn't have been tracked, for example) that USC's compliance department was negligent in doing its due diligence and that there was enough smoke there while he was at USC for them to have been aware of Reggie Bush's rules infractions.

The NCAA is a corrupt, backwards organization, I won't doubt that.  USC got a raw deal in comparison to some of the other *+@! that happens, especially in the football powerhouse SEC that continues to go unpunished, I think the SEC itself plays a part in that.  However it at least seems like the NCAA takes bigger issue with schools and their compliance departments that turn a blind eye to violations that could have been caught and self-reported.  I understand the frustration, the NCAA is awful in so many senses.
I agree with 95% of what you say but what was obvious about the Reggie's lifestyle that you would consider SC to be negligent?  His parents lived nearly 2 hours away from campus, he lived in a crummy off-campus apartment, and he drove a 90's Chevy Impala on a campus where most kids drive BMWs.  Was SC supposed to investigate anyways without any red flags?
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

I think I'm the only Michigan fan that really wants him back.

If he gets canned, that admin. better make damn well sure that harbaugh is taking the job
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

I think I'm the only Michigan fan that really wants him back.

If he gets canned, that admin. better make damn well sure that harbaugh is taking the job

If Harbaugh wants the job, then you fire Rich immediately after Stanford's bowl game.

EDIT: If not, give Rich another chance, but force him to let someone who is qualified (Mike Trgovic - D-Line coach of the Packers, D-Coordinator of the Panthers from '03 - '08 who played for Bo would be my choice) take over the D, hire their own people, and run whatever the hell D they want to...
Most of you aren't Cal fans but here's a good article on Tedford. I agree with the article for the most part, and his assessment about his shortcomings are 100% true.

[h1]Poole: Now is not the time to fire Cal football coach Jeff Tedford[/h1]
By Monte Poole
Oakland Tribune columnist

Posted: 11/30/2010 08:29:07 PM PST

Updated: 12/01/2010 05:15:44 AM PST

Jeff Tedford sees and hears the messages, knows of the Internet chatter and realizes there will be more, because there always is.

Expressions of discontent, written and spoken, some constructively critical and some simply insulting, are finding the Cal football coach.

The fan base's most radical wing is ready for him to leave Berkeley.

Tedford is the subject of bitter and often irrational backlash, yet he has no one to blame but himself. He was too good, too quickly, and it led to absurdly inflated expectations.

Now that Cal again is what it was in most "good'' seasons before his arrival in 2002, it's as if his cape has been pulled away and the "S'' stripped from his chest.

The critiques come after Tedford's worst season at Cal, which happened to coincide with increasing restlessness from those who give a hoot about the program. His team was 5-7, 3-6 in the Pac-10. The Golden Bears lost four times by more than 20 and ended the season with three straight losses at Memorial Stadium, including the Big Game by 34.

This freshly concluded four-year span in which Cal was 29-22 follows a three-year span in which it was 28-9. The program that in 2006 achieved a co-championship in the Pac-10 has responded with a 17-19 conference record since.

Tedford was unimpressive this season and has not been especially brilliant since '06. His team too often struggles to score against quality opponents. Its passing game too often fails to materialize and, most galling, the Golden Bears too often lose defining games by obscene margins.

The high-speed reaction is that mediocrity has found Tedford's program and taken up residence and, therefore, he needs to go.

Though there may come a time when Tedford should go, now is not that time -- nor would it be even if there were a convenient buyout clause to avoid paying him through the length of a contract that runs through 2015.

You don't fire a coach who rides into Cal and has eight winning seasons before one losing season. Tedford, 49, is the most accomplished coach at the school since the Pappy Waldorf era ended in 1956. How can dismissal even be considered before Tedford has an opportunity to exploit the new facility he put in motion?

Athletic director Sandy Barbour has shown no such inclination, consistently supporting Tedford. It's the right move -- for now.

Yet there is hue and cry from fans on high, from those with short memories. To recap, Tedford inherited a moribund program, giving it buzz and credibility, instilling elements of pride where there were none. For the first time in Cal history, bowl games became the norm.

If Tedford is guilty of anything, it's that he created a beast without knowing how to feed it.

He got folks to care when few previously did, and now it's working against him insofar as some of those folks want him fired. They say he has taken Cal as far as he can and it's time to find a heavyweight who can, you know, raise it to the proverbial next level.

Their ambition is commendable. Their viewpoint is myopic, if not completely blind, and utterly bereft of historical perspective.

Cal is not USC or Oregon or Washington. It's not Alabama or Texas or Penn State or Ohio State. Cal never has been a football factory. It's a fabulous university with a football program that typically has precious few and very fleeting brushes with success but a great many unions with failure.

Results under Tedford this season -- his first with a losing record -- are fairly consistent with those under his seven immediate predecessors, of which only Mike White (35-30-1) and Bruce Snyder (29-24-4) left campus with a winning record.

Tedford (72-42), though, has changed the football culture in Berkeley, raising the bar and giving the program a national profile.

What he hasn't done is build on the energy of his first five seasons.

Tedford's most visible shortcomings are 1) not showing the ability to consistently motivate the Bears to play with passion; 2) not being able to consistently recruit and develop productive quarterbacks; and 3) losing the assertive edge seen during his early years on the job.

Back then, he was out to validate his bona fides. It worked. His teams responded and fans fell in love with him.

He's now is back to Square One, in need of regaining an audience that visualizes success.

He earned a grace period between now and 2013. That's Year Two of the new facility, designed to give the program a fair chance to reach its potential.

Tedford has more than earned the right to see if he can use it to his advantage. He'll deserve stinging critiques if he can't.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

I think I'm the only Michigan fan that really wants him back.
I want him back but at this point all the uncertainty is hurting the team and recruiting.  Brandon's +@#%$#@ up by not making a decision.  For being deemed such a great AD he hasn't impressed me so far.  He says the right things and has done some things but it he doesn't realize what his indecision is doing then screw him.  Also I think the attrition will be just as bad if they get rid of RRod.  I could see Denard packing up and going somewhere else.  I'm just saying RRod is finally going to have this team w/ some good experience why not give him his last year?
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