Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Thank you!! Don't let the door hit you on the way out Johnathan.
Think the the thing about Delaware was just a rumor. Nothing substantive.

And i'm guessing some of it will depend on what UF does at OC. Whether Addazio stay and if he's gone who they bring in.
Fear The Ibis wrote:

As far as Cam goes....It's not about what you's about what you can prove. You USC fans need to take your panties out of a bunch. There aren't enough solid facts to definitively prove that a wrong doing occurred. And even if it did are you going to punish Auburn for what Miss State did. It's a whole different conversation if Cam actually went to Miss State and this stuff came up...but he didn't. He went to Auburn....and there's no proof that he accepted money from Auburn there's nothing the NCAA can do.

yep, many pages ago I posted an article about an old Alabama recruit who's coach  sold his services to Bama, He was allowed to play DI ball, just not at the Bama, he ended up going to Memphis
Originally Posted by Bruce Waynee

Most won't care but Arizona/Arizona St. is a big rivalry in the desert.  I hate everything about that school. 

8-4 with a win over A$U = good by Arizona standards
7-5 and losing at home to A$U= utter failure

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]BEAR DOWN![/color]
I haven't seen much of Arizona, but I've caught a handful of Arizona State games this year. Brock looked pretty damn solid last week after Threet got the concussion. I'm hoping ASU can pull this one out.


I didn't see the Golson switch to ND coming. A couple days ago he gave an interview to Scout saying he was solid to UNC only two days later to switch his commitment.

If Marquise doesn't stick with us I hope Butch & Co. have a back up plan ready to go. Does anyone know what's going on with Jacoby Brissett?
NT seen this? That's just filthy play 

Probably old, but I hadn't seen this posted yet.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

As far as Cam goes....It's not about what you's about what you can prove. You USC fans need to take your panties out of a bunch. There aren't enough solid facts to definitively prove that a wrong doing occurred. And even if it did are you going to punish Auburn for what Miss State did. It's a whole different conversation if Cam actually went to Miss State and this stuff came up...but he didn't. He went to Auburn....and there's no proof that he accepted money from Auburn there's nothing the NCAA can do.

Proof?  Evidence?  Facts?  Tell me you're joking 
.  You do realize that the NCAA made their ruling on SC based on the idea that the school "should have known"?  Translation: we have no concrete evidence that you cheated, but you should have known Reggie was getting benefits.

NCAA has one objective: maintaining control/relevance.  The media/public influenced the SC ruling because the NCAA was losing control in their eyes.  If the media continues to press the Auburn issue, I guarantee you that they will at the very least wipe this entire season off Auburn's books.  The NCAA doesn't operate on judicial law; there is no need for proof or evidence.
The one thing that bothers me is I thought there was a quote from Cam that stated something along the lines of, "My dad is doing my recruiting after my JC year and he will make the decision for me."

That seems like he knew what his Dad was doing or at the least gave up his "I dont know whats happening" defense by releasing control of his recruiting to his Dad.

Can someone clarify the quote and if this makes sense please?
lulz at the questions about the product
Questions from other members : Verbal Commitment From My Future 5-Star Son
[/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Question & Answer[/td][td]Answered On[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][tr][td][table][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Does he come with a laptop computer and prepaid debit cards?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Can you add a "buy it now" option for $200,000?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Will there be a discount the second time around if he were to get kicked out of school the first time for say stealing laptops or committing fraud at his previous university?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Howza bout a goodole fashon homa deescownt far the stars and bars[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Hello. First and foremost I want to say WDE! We are looking to put together a winning program down here in west Georgia! I was curious if you would take $180,000 for him right now. It would be in 3 payments. Would that be any issue? We're all smiles down here! I would like you to sign him over using crayons if possible! Thanks![/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Will you expect your five star recruit to have his own electronic items such as a laptop, or will this be expected as well?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Can you confirm that your son will have no knowledge of this arrangement, therefore preserving his eligibility?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]The Board of Regents, I mean, some people I know, they are interested in whether we could name your son before he is born in order to ensure his name is flashy and marketable to the Heisman Committee. Is this possible or do you have a name in mind?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Is your "family friend" Kenny Rogers?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]This could work if you setup a ministry and funnel the funds through that. It could then be hidden as an "anonymous donation"[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Can we just do a "Buy-it-now" for $180,000? Auctions make me nervous...[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Our pay pal function isn't working right now, and ebay stands to rip us off with its fees. Do you live near a dumpster or maybe a big tree that you could point us to? We could leave a paper sack with cash in there if that is easier. Also, do you have any relatives that need a double wide?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Hi, Can you provide documentation showing that his bloodline is Barner free? No one would want such a disability showing up later in their investment. Thanks.[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]If we agree to end the auction early, everyone will need to know that i did not pay you anything, even though others have agreed to pay. Agreed? Weagle.[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Good afternoon! Is there any possibility of a legal name change for your son? That could make this transaction harder to trace down the road and avoid affecting the Bowl eligibility of our fine institution. If so, may we suggest "Chick-fil-a" as a possible name? It would please our conference's sponsor. Thanks![/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Just wanted to clarify if we win, that you won't tell the boy where all this money came from?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Has your son been arrested or gotten 12 traffic violations or cheated academically while at another school?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Weagle Weagle! Do you accept unmarked ATM cards or uncashed casino winnings slips? Thanks![/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]You don't think he would have a "five finger discount" problem, do you? If he does, that's ok as long as I know up front about it.[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td].[/td][/tr][tr][td]Q: [/td][td]Do you have a highlight tape I could view?[/td][td]Dec-02-10[/td][/tr][tr][td]A: [/td][td]The ultrasound video is not available yet.[/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table][/td][/tr][/table]
I love how everything that SC fans post is dismissed as saltiness/bitterness when it actually makes sense.

There was no way Cam was going to get suspended during the season.  I love that CBS article Gunna posted, as if CBS doesn't have any monetary interest in that story.

There is too much money at stake, ratings are at stake if Auburn doesn't make the NCG.

Just happy that the NCAA kept my hopes of Oregon v. Aubrun alive.

Pretty much guaranteed that something is going to come of this down the line but for right now the NCAA is just doing what's best for their product.
Bottom line, this is pretty much it.

In the off season or 2-3 years down the line it will be discovered by the NCAA that Cam did know what his pops was up to.
I think only reason they ruled him eligible is because of the national championship game coming up. It's not going to go away anytime soon, and I would not be shocked if 5 months from now we get evidence that his dad did get extra benefits.
I agree Cam should play, but I disagree that the case is resolved.

Verne Lundquist is the most annoying college football announcer ever.
Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

As far as Cam goes....It's not about what you's about what you can prove. You USC fans need to take your panties out of a bunch. There aren't enough solid facts to definitively prove that a wrong doing occurred. And even if it did are you going to punish Auburn for what Miss State did. It's a whole different conversation if Cam actually went to Miss State and this stuff came up...but he didn't. He went to Auburn....and there's no proof that he accepted money from Auburn there's nothing the NCAA can do.
Just like there was a lot of proof that USC knew about Reggie's "benefits" or his parents new living situation hundreds of miles away in San Diego.

NCAA's answer to USC: You should have known.

If you can't see through the hypocrisy, I don't know what to tell you since the NCAA gave Cam and Auburn a pass for "not knowing".

You really think Auburn landed Cam out of the goodness of Cam's heart.  Why wouldn't Cam go to Auburn?  They were a hot school with a very successful coach at the helm...oh wait, that's not the case.

Some of you are just unwilling to look through the @%%@%%%$.

Cam didn't leave Florida because Tebow decided to come back, we all know that now due to the info that was leaked by Florida.
Cam had his heart set on Mississippi State
Auburn was coming off some bad years under Tuberville, signed a not so hot coach coming off two sub par years at Iowa State.
Cam picks Auburn

I don't blame Reggie for taking benefits.  I don't blame Cam for taking benefits.  NCAA Football is a dirty +*! game.

One thing you can say about both is that they were sloppy +*! @*%! and they didn't pay off folks that they pissed off along the way.

I don't like Yahoo! Sports articles, since they basically dragged us down (
), but that Dan Wetzel article is on point, especially the quotes from Sonny Vaccarro.
Originally Posted by acidicality

I think only reason they ruled him eligible is because of the national championship game coming up. It's not going to go away anytime soon, and I would not be shocked if 5 months from now we get evidence that his dad did get extra benefits.
I agree Cam should play, but I disagree that the case is resolved.
Yup, it's no coincidence that the NCAA rushed this ruling.  When has the NCAA ever done something fast?
Originally Posted by after h0urs

Originally Posted by Fear The Ibis

As far as Cam goes....It's not about what you's about what you can prove. You USC fans need to take your panties out of a bunch. There aren't enough solid facts to definitively prove that a wrong doing occurred. And even if it did are you going to punish Auburn for what Miss State did. It's a whole different conversation if Cam actually went to Miss State and this stuff came up...but he didn't. He went to Auburn....and there's no proof that he accepted money from Auburn there's nothing the NCAA can do.

Proof?  Evidence?  Facts?  Tell me you're joking 
.  You do realize that the NCAA made their ruling on SC based on the idea that the school "should have known"?  Translation: we have no concrete evidence that you cheated, but you should have known Reggie was getting benefits.

NCAA has one objective: maintaining control/relevance.  The media/public influenced the SC ruling because the NCAA was losing control in their eyes.  If the media continues to press the Auburn issue, I guarantee you that they will at the very least wipe this entire season off Auburn's books.  The NCAA doesn't operate on judicial law; there is no need for proof or evidence.
You know more than I do, although your point of view is not even close to objective, but I don't see how the issue that USC "should have known" equates to the NCAA not having evidence.  If anything, that means that the situation was that obvious (not just small cash payments to his parents that couldn't have been tracked, for example) that USC's compliance department was negligent in doing its due diligence and that there was enough smoke there while he was at USC for them to have been aware of Reggie Bush's rules infractions.

The NCAA is a corrupt, backwards organization, I won't doubt that.  USC got a raw deal in comparison to some of the other *+@! that happens, especially in the football powerhouse SEC that continues to go unpunished, I think the SEC itself plays a part in that.  However it at least seems like the NCAA takes bigger issue with schools and their compliance departments that turn a blind eye to violations that could have been caught and self-reported.  I understand the frustration, the NCAA is awful in so many senses.
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