Goodbye, 2010 COLLEGE FOOTBALL SEASON - twas a great year,

Originally Posted by dreClark

Dubose is a longshot to qualify if I'm not mistaken.

Looks like Elkino Watson will spurn UM and go to UF

Going into BTW again
Originally Posted by after h0urs

Strong rumors that Buck Allen committed to SC

reading that as well.... not sure how much we need another back but his film looks good. I think he's listed at about 210 maybe he can put some weight on become our "big back". I just dont want another log jam at the back position cuz that running back by committee approach never really let our guys get into a rhythm.


Sounds like the Vols might have the inside track on Dawson, Malik Jackson apparently was his host and im sure he spent as much time bad mouthing USC as he did trying to sell Tennessee.
From what I've read Buck would be coming in as a back, possibly try to get some more weight on him and make him a true fullback. All rumors at this point however.
I might tend to agree with you, says he runs a 4.4 but we'll see. Ill defer to the coaching staff on this one. I'd hate to see anyone waste their talents so wherever is gonna suit these guys the best is where i hope they end up at.


If Buck Allen goes out to USC to play FB he needs a swift back brain kick 

Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT



If Buck Allen goes out to USC to play FB he needs a swift back brain kick 

Did we lose Wright to the barn??
Wright is playing games, he's told the staffs at UT and AU he's theirs ...

people are optomistic but ehhhh

Saban to the Titans??????????????????
Originally Posted by dreClark

Kent Turene has decommitted from USC. Old News?
Kind of...

Even though it just became "official", it was not a surprise based on the rumors that started swirling after his UGa visit last week.
Appears that Tony Alford may leave ND to coach RB's @ UF.

Barry Sanders and Ken Griffey Jr. were both in Tallahassee this past weekend, as both their sons (Barry Sander Jr. and Trey Griffey) participated. Trey Griffey is a WR and will be playing for Dr. Phillips next year

Spoiler [+]


Timmy J.
I dont get the Turene thing, he really seemed like he wanted to be part of this class, He just reaffirmed his commitment like 2 or 3 days ago, although it is indeed true there has been rumors flying around since his Georgia visit.
people on the pay sites seem to think hes not coming because Curtis Grant is coming down, not gonna hold my breath on that one.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Kent Turene has decommitted from USC. Old News?

It's actually surprising because insiders have been saying Turene reaffirmed his commitment few days ago; he must have changed his mind literally yesterday or today
I would lose my mind if Saban went to Tennessee. It would be so funny. an't see it happening unless Bud opens up the pocket book with a redunk amount of cash
Even after the Turene reaffirmed to USC the UGA people were confident that he was doing that just to get the media off his back and that he actually committed last week when Watts Dantlzler spilled the beans early and Turene denied it. He has apparently been all Dawg since then and then I guess Ray Drew gave him a call also after Drew committed on Friday.
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