Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

Glad to hear that a criminal investigation is being conducted on the mother in regards to child neglect.
So your saying they should have shot the child?

Exactly my point

The gorilla had to die to save a child but some of y'all just wanna give the mom a free pass

"It could happen to anyone" well no it really couldn't

Your kid pinching their sibling when a parent isn't looking can happen to anyone, allowing a 4 year old to crawl into a zoo exhibit happens to extremely negligent parents
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It's weird, I've always thought black people would be more sensitive to issues to animal rights. Many acts of animal cruelty are the result of white privilege and imperialism (eg. poaching, keeping animals in zoos, systemic extermination of animals-eg buffalo).

Man wut?
Not all lapses in judgement are equal.

If she lost the kid and it didn't end up in the gorilla area, it would be nothing but a bad lapse in judgement and hopefully something she could learn from.

Her lapse in judgement caused a gorilla to get killed for no reason other than her child falling into the gorillas area due to her lack of attentiveness. That's not something you can say, "oops my bad, poor gorrilla, but it was gods plan"

If anything she should have to foot the bill for whatever the gorilla is worth. Yeah. Ultimately they had to kill the gorilla in this situation given the circumstances, but the mother should be held accountable in that respect.
:rofl: is that really him?

Perhaps. There is one comment that says "I bet this is the kid..." but if the kid is 4 now, this video was from 2014. Y'all have Chuck E Cheese's in New York? "Yo they gotta get'im. This ***** dunkin"
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For someone that's so anti zoo you seem to really be concerned with their bottom line.

I don't like zoo's. I like irresponsible mouth breathers even less. Keep skipping over how I think the parent should be held accountable......
Nah I do understand the child's safety was priority and their was really no other way to ensure that safety, you tranq him, you risk pissing him off and in turn possibly killing the child, you enter that enclose meant to retrieve the child, more people might just get killed and ironically enough I would think he would kill the zookeepers "protecting" the kid....if you ask me, the SBG didn't want to harm the child....he acted in a nurturing matter and knew the child posed no threat...he had him for over 10 minutes, he wanted that kid dead, kid would have been dead in 2 seconds.

What I don't understand is the complete lack of empathy from you dudes that are so dismissive about animal lives...same dudes that don't flinch when a dog is abused, when species go extinct, straight up arrogant dudes with a species superiority complex, as a species we are pretty cancerous to our Ecosystem....yet somehow us >>>>>>> them.
And yes the parent should be held accountable....the zoo is not responsible for every wondering child that crosses their gates, every child is their parents responsibility....that woman's irresponsibility put her child lives at risk and caused the loss of an endangered gorilla....at the very least the zoo should bring up a lawsuit.
maybe it was the mom's first visit to the zoo.

she took her eye off little hellion for up to 25 seconds because she was so amazed by the beauty and grace of Harambe.

because they share blood and DNA some child instinct took in to impress his mom so he jumped in the cage, while the mom was stuck in amazement of such a heaven sent creature.
And yes the parent should be held accountable....the zoo is not responsible for every wondering child that crosses their gates, every child is their parents responsibility....that woman's irresponsibility put her child lives at risk and caused the loss of an endangered gorilla....at the very least the zoo should bring up a lawsuit.
If that happened to you would you feel the same way that you deserve to be sued? Kids can wander away in the blink of an eye b
How on EARTH did Black Lives Matter become a topic in THIS thread. I swear the, "You can't care about two things at the same time" internet logic kills me
What I don't understand is the complete lack of empathy from you dudes that are so dismissive about animal lives...same dudes that don't flinch when a dog is abused, when species go extinct, straight up arrogant dudes with a species superiority complex, as a species we are pretty cancerous to our Ecosystem....yet somehow us >>>>>>> them.
How do you figure those are the same dudes?
Nah I do understand the child's safety was priority and their was really no other way to ensure that safety, you tranq him, you risk pissing him off and in turn possibly killing the child, you enter that enclose meant to retrieve the child, more people might just get killed and ironically enough I would think he would kill the zookeepers "protecting" the kid....if you ask me, the SBG didn't want to harm the child....he acted in a nurturing matter and knew the child posed no threat...he had him for over 10 minutes, he wanted that kid dead, kid would have been dead in 2 seconds.

What I don't understand is the complete lack of empathy from you dudes that are so dismissive about animal lives...same dudes that don't flinch when a dog is abused, when species go extinct, straight up arrogant dudes with a species superiority complex, as a species we are pretty cancerous to our Ecosystem....yet somehow us >>>>>>> them.
it will always be Humans >>>>>>>

A dog is nothing more then a dog.

Are humans the only species that cares that much about other species?

I just don't get it.
how did no one else see the kid?

i bet someone maybe saw the kid, but didnt want to do anything because of how the public would react of him/her touching someone elses kid and parenting them.
Here's to hoping any being more evolved and conscious than us, doesn't think like some of us. :lol:
We getting enslaved and abused, day 1.
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it will always be Humans >>>>>>>

A dog is nothing more then a dog.

Are humans the only species that cares that much about other species?

I just don't get it.

The gorilla seemed to care for the child

There's also the pit bull puppy who was taken in by kittens
And yes the parent should be held accountable....the zoo is not responsible for every wondering child that crosses their gates, every child is their parents responsibility....that woman's irresponsibility put her child lives at risk and caused the loss of an endangered gorilla....at the very least the zoo should bring up a lawsuit.

The parents should be sued?
For the price of the gorilla?
What's a gorilla go for these days anyways?
Moving goal posts.

I bet if that kid's mom wasn't negligent the gorilla would be alive right now
Plenty of species have shown nurturing qualities towards other species and if that happened to me as a parent and a lawsuit was brought up, of course I wouldn't like it, just like I didn't like getting arrested for a DUI a decade ago....but I understand why and how I was wrong....ironically enough I'm about to go through the thread of where the cop executed the pitbull that ran out to greet him and see which of you dudes caping for the mom here was ready to put that dog owners head on a spike instead of the cop.
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