Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

He's 5, he's super duper smart, but when he gets around me he doesn't behave.
Same, dude is on his best behavior around his moms. When she leave he start spazzing out, he got stronger too. :smh: Scratched the hell out of me with his nails and almost took my eyes out.

Troll the Internet into Bolivia...
Can't get a couple toddlers to throw sum respeck on they names.

Never change, NT.
Everybody coming into this thread with the struggles they care about completely unrelated to the Gorilla. :lol:

-Sucks about Harambe, but what about Chiraq. :smh:

-Yo I know Harambe ain't have to die BUT what about all the premature babies who die every day.

-Harambe I'm a let you finish, but the extinction of the Native Americans was the worst genocide of all time.

-I know it sucks that Harambe died but free my Uncle pookie, he ain't do it.

An animal dying is the calling card for some reason.

acting like they're bringing awareness here.
Instead of fighting for what you believe in. Protesting for what you believe in. Doing anything productive about a matter you seem so passionate about.. We got members who much rather tell other people what they should care for in a thread about a rilla's death. Do they honestly think they're doing more than a troll job?

The ability to care for more than one subject is beyond the comprehension of the narrow minded..
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Funny part is the same folks downplaying the gorillas death and trying to say what people should be mad about would get their panties in a bunch at the "all lives matter" crowd.

For the record, I think that all lives matter stuff is corny and distasteful. But they're doing basically the same thing in here. "Why do you guys care about a gorilla so much" "What about so and so" "why don't you guys care about this as much" etc.
The hell is wrong with you :smh:

You're playing the "what about Chicago" card in this thread. Unbelievable
I kind of agree with blco..

RIP to the gorilla and all, but there were 69(!) shootings and 4 human beings killed in Chicago over the weekend. There's been almost no coverage by the national media but wall to wall gorilla coverage.


The hell is wrong with you :smh:

You're playing the "what about Chicago" card in this thread. Unbelievable

you're more outraged at da "card" than da actual dead bodies :smh: :lol:

Oh miss me complete with this ********. You're forever playing this "fake outrage" card like people (especially liberals) don't really care about the issues they speak about.

Chicago is just a dog whistle to say, "what about lack on black crime"

The truth of the matter is that I do care, but I know many people that love to throw out the Chicago red herring don't.

When it comes to Chicago dudes come out of the wood work with BS arguments that pretty much about to: "the conditions in those neighborhoods are all about the moral failings of the black residents there". It is always about the music, or the gangs (which I admit is big but not unique to Chicago, black people or urban areas), or "culture". It is never about the systemic forces that helped make that city what is is today.

If people were SO concern about Chicago, especially the ones that need to bring it up after every case of police brutality and injustice towards members of the black community, then the problem could be fixed relatively easy.

There is a thought exercise. Not advocating for all of this, but still:

We know that poverty and violence are highly correlated. Middle class and high income African Americans aren't in the streets gunning each other down like crazy. So if Chicago's problems need to be solved so badly, then they answer might be to make it as easy possible for the residents to make out of poverty.

Guarantee every kids in school a free college education, trade school, or professional trading. Throw as much resources at the schools as possible; try every programs that has shown even the slightest gains, and if all else fails give the parents straight up Friedman vouchers to go to the best private schools in the state, and bus the kids there. Fund the ATF to keep illegal guns out the state, and give them the power to drop the hammer on anyone that facilities the trafficking inward.

Decriminalize residents of the city being in possession of a illegal gun, and fund a gun by back program so ridiculous that dudes will be sprinting to turn in any ole gun for stacks. You're a Chicago resident, you're turning in a gun, prepared to get paid.

Buy off the gangs to leave the kids alone with legal government contracts for something, giving legal a real alternative to gang banging.

Provide low cost mortgages, housing vouchers, rent control, or build Public Housing to the standard they would be if they were be built for rich students at IU. And do this in various parts of the city so it is finally truly integrated. Give the people income grants (I'm not even talking welfare, I'm talking a basic living income) that incentivizes dual parent households.

And you know what, since the argument is that these young men are morally bankrupt, a plan this crazy is destined to fail. And people like you, Blco, and everyone else that wants to throw out the "Chicago" red herring will be proven right.

Better yet, pass this right now, so Obama's name can be on it, so when it does fail, it can tarnish his legacy permanently.

Another win.

But people that love to talking about are bad Chicago is, and how something must be done. The ones who guilt trip those that don't want to have the same derivative nonsensical argument about it, as really caring about dead bodies, and want to inject it into every conversation involving a black person, now have a way to prove everyone right.

But that plan sounds ridiculous right!? Of course it does, because to people like you the conversation is never about helping people in Chicago or stopping the violence, it is about pedaling a bull **** red herring.

So excuse me for not wanting to entertain it for the millionth time.

People that throw about that red herring constantly, especially in a thread regarding a dead gorilla, only care about those dead young men as long as they can give them a talking point.

That is what pisses me off, that all these dead boys mean to them is that.

@TimidTebow you know these two dudes resumes regarding issues like this, if you really think they are interested in having a productive discussion about the issues facing your people then I don't know what to tell you. Other than I hope we don't see you running into a thread, raging at everyone in sight, because of them said something you perceive as offensive to your people
Oh miss me complete with this ********. You're forever playing this "fake outrage" card like people (especially liberals) don't really care about the issues they speak about.

Chicago is just a dog whistle to say, "what about lack on black crime"

The truth of the matter is that I do care, but I know many people that love to throw out the Chicago red herring don't.

When it comes to Chicago dudes come out of the wood work with BS arguments that pretty much about to: "the conditions in those neighborhoods are all about the moral failings of the black residents there". It is always about the music, or the gangs (which I admit is big but not unique to Chicago, black people or urban areas), or "culture". It is never about the systemic forces that helped make that city what is is today.

If people were SO concern about Chicago, especially the ones that need to bring it up after every case of police brutality and injustice towards members of the black community, then the problem could be fixed relatively easy.

There is a thought exercise. Not advocating for all of this, but still:

We know that poverty and violence are highly correlated. Middle class and high income African Americans aren't in the streets gunning each other down like crazy. So if Chicago's problems need to be solved so badly, then they answer might be to make it as easy possible for the residents to make out of poverty.

Guarantee every kids in school a free college education, trade school, or professional trading. Throw as much resources at the schools as possible; try every programs that has shown even the slightest gains, and if all else fails give the parents straight up Friedman vouchers to go to the best private schools in the state, and bus the kids there. Fund the ATF to keep illegal guns out the state, and give them the power to drop the hammer on anyone that facilities the trafficking inward.

Decriminalize residents of the city being in possession of a illegal gun, and fund a gun by back program so ridiculous that dudes will be sprinting to turn in any ole gun for stacks. You're a Chicago resident, you're turning in a gun, prepared to get paid.

Buy off the gangs to leave the kids alone with legal government contracts for something, giving legal a real alternative to gang banging.

Provide low cost mortgages, housing vouchers, rent control, or build Public Housing to the standard they would be if they were be built for rich students at IU. And do this in various parts of the city so it is finally truly integrated. Give the people income grants (I'm not even talking welfare, I'm talking a basic living income) that incentivizes dual parent households.

And you know what, since the argument is that these young men are morally bankrupt, a plan this crazy is destined to fail. And people like you, Blco, and everyone else that wants to throw out the "Chicago" red herring will be proven right.

Better yet, pass this right now, so Obama's name can be on it, so when it does fail, it can tarnish his legacy permanently.

Another win.

But people that love to talking about are bad Chicago is, and how something must be done. The ones who guilt trip those that don't want to have the same derivative nonsensical argument about it, as really caring about dead bodies, and want to inject it into every conversation involving a black person, now have a way to prove everyone right.

But that plan sounds ridiculous right!? Of course it does, because to people like you the conversation is never about helping people in Chicago or stopping the violence, it is about pedaling a bull **** red herring.

So excuse me for not wanting to entertain it for the millionth time.

People that throw about that red herring constantly, especially in a thread regarding a dead gorilla, only care about those dead young men as long as they can give them a talking point.

That is what pisses me off, that all these dead boys mean to them is that.

@TimidTebow you know these two dudes resumes regarding issues like this, if you really think they are interested in having a productive discussion about the issues facing your people then I don't know what to tell you. Other than I hope we don't see you running into a thread, raging at everyone in sight, because of them said something you perceive as offensive to your people
Nobody reading all that
If people really care about these other issues why not make a thread about it? Rather than trying to high jack other topics

Just seems like a pitiful cry for attention
Oh miss me complete with this ********. You're forever playing this "fake outrage" card like people (especially liberals) don't really care about the issues they speak about.

Chicago is just a dog whistle to say, "what about lack on black crime"

The truth of the matter is that I do care, but I know many people that love to throw out the Chicago red herring don't.

When it comes to Chicago dudes come out of the wood work with BS arguments that pretty much about to: "the conditions in those neighborhoods are all about the moral failings of the black residents there". It is always about the music, or the gangs (which I admit is big but not unique to Chicago, black people or urban areas), or "culture". It is never about the systemic forces that helped make that city what is is today.

If people were SO concern about Chicago, especially the ones that need to bring it up after every case of police brutality and injustice towards members of the black community, then the problem could be fixed relatively easy.

There is a thought exercise. Not advocating for all of this, but still:

We know that poverty and violence are highly correlated. Middle class and high income African Americans aren't in the streets gunning each other down like crazy. So if Chicago's problems need to be solved so badly, then they answer might be to make it as easy possible for the residents to make out of poverty.

Guarantee every kids in school a free college education, trade school, or professional trading. Throw as much resources at the schools as possible; try every programs that has shown even the slightest gains, and if all else fails give the parents straight up Friedman vouchers to go to the best private schools in the state, and bus the kids there. Fund the ATF to keep illegal guns out the state, and give them the power to drop the hammer on anyone that facilities the trafficking inward.

Decriminalize residents of the city being in possession of a illegal gun, and fund a gun by back program so ridiculous that dudes will be sprinting to turn in any ole gun for stacks. You're a Chicago resident, you're turning in a gun, prepared to get paid.

Buy off the gangs to leave the kids alone with legal government contracts for something, giving legal a real alternative to gang banging.

Provide low cost mortgages, housing vouchers, rent control, or build Public Housing to the standard they would be if they were be built for rich students at IU. And do this in various parts of the city so it is finally truly integrated. Give the people income grants (I'm not even talking welfare, I'm talking a basic living income) that incentivizes dual parent households.

And you know what, since the argument is that these young men are morally bankrupt, a plan this crazy is destined to fail. And people like you, Blco, and everyone else that wants to throw out the "Chicago" red herring will be proven right.

Better yet, pass this right now, so Obama's name can be on it, so when it does fail, it can tarnish his legacy permanently.

Another win.

But people that love to talking about are bad Chicago is, and how something must be done. The ones who guilt trip those that don't want to have the same derivative nonsensical argument about it, as really caring about dead bodies, and want to inject it into every conversation involving a black person, now have a way to prove everyone right.

But that plan sounds ridiculous right!? Of course it does, because to people like you the conversation is never about helping people in Chicago or stopping the violence, it is about pedaling a bull **** red herring.

So excuse me for not wanting to entertain it for the millionth time.

People that throw about that red herring constantly, especially in a thread regarding a dead gorilla, only care about those dead young men as long as they can give them a talking point.

That is what pisses me off, that all these dead boys mean to them is that.

[@=/u/115367/TimidTebow]@TimidTebow[/@] you know these two dudes resumes regarding issues like this, if you really think they are interested in having a productive discussion about the issues facing your people then I don't know what to tell you. Other than I hope we don't see you running into a thread, raging at everyone in sight, because of them said something you perceive as offensive to your people

Nobody reading all that

You don't have to read it papi, I didn't type it you
So is hunting for food good or no? I'm not Rambo :lol:

Who said leisure though? Hunting in the cold rain, waiting around isn't exactly leisure. Once I found how badly animals have it in farms, I decided I'd rather get my food a better way. I didn't start because I was into archery or something. The whole point is to get your food in the least harmful way. Not to feel like some tough guy with a knife between my teeth. You never shot a bow. Shooting a recurve or someth antique bow and killing the animal with first blow is extremely difficult.
Keep getting your meat from the grocery store. Acting like that's the better way.

Newsflash, not everyone lives in the woods b.
All lives matter as a counter to black lives matter is a gross rhetoric. Just as bringing up black lives here. I find it distasteful and ignorant, especially since the history whites have comparing the black man to apes. We understand black lives matter. That's not the topic at hand. Make the topic you feel passionate about. You might even get to converse with ppl of the same notion in pms and explore thoughts even more. Like I have in this very thread.
Generally speaking, Chicago usually is a **** or supremacist talking point considering they don't even have the highest crime rate in the us.
If people really care about these other issues why not make a thread about it? Rather than trying to high jack other topics

Just seems like a pitiful cry for attention

This. I been seeing people on Facebook complaining about how some boat with a bunch of immigrants sunk in the Mediterranean last week and why isn't it getting the same attention the gorilla is getting.

It sounds good and all, but since they're on my Facebook friends list. I went through their profiles and checked their posts to see if they posted anything about that boat sinking when it actually happened. Suprisingly, none of them did and they waited until the gorilla thing happened to pretend like they cared or are concerned.
Newsflash, not everyone lives in the woods b.

I live in Westchesta
Fleetwood stop on the harlem line :lol:
I go hunting upstate with a crew of construction workers and foremen.
Venison lasts a looong time in the freezer.
I don't go every month. They have archery places to practice nearby. Anything is possible if you try hard enough b.
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I live in Westchesta
Fleetwood stop on the harlem line :lol:
I go hunting upstate with a crew of construction workers and foremen.

I don't have anything against your idea of hunting....you are in line with the food chain, there will always be predators and prey....I'm cool with that.

I don't mess with hunting for sport tho.

And I don't see why you talking down on the rest of us who buy our meat from the butcher...we gotta eat too...
Dudes want to be fancy with the meat like this chicken spot ain't been keepin us fed for decades.
I don't have anything against your idea of hunting....you are in line with the food chain, there will always be predators and prey....I'm cool with that.

I don't mess with hunting for sport tho.

And I don't see why you talking down on the rest of us who buy our meat from the butcher...we gotta eat too...

Cause it's weird how ppl can judge others for working to get some of their food. As they stroll to the groceries, thinking hunting is cruel or something. I'm perfectly fine with anyone getting their food that way. I still buy ground beef and pork from butchers. My beef is with the ignorance behind it. Hunting is the lesser necessary evil.
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You was judging parents for taking their kid to the zoo.
You had ZERO facts and you was judging hard for wild pages.

How do you have the nerve to talk about being judged?
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