Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

Zoo was "fool-proof" enough to not have anything like this happen in 4 decades.  

Just because my examples are not the exact same as what happened in this case doesnt make them invalid examples.  My point remains.  Just because something was an accident, doesnt mean that someone should not be held responsible/liable for said accident.
Fool-proof means no events like the one that occurred happening Obviously the zoo wasn't fool-proof was it? I'm not arguing semantics and what ifs with you. If I allow allow a child to come to my house and he/she gets hurt I can be held liable. Same with zoo, they need to create a safer environment for patrons.
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If I were the mother I would sue the zoo for creating an un-safe environment for my child.
Zoo was "fool-proof" enough to not have anything like this happen in 4 decades.  

Just because my examples are not the exact same as what happened in this case doesnt make them invalid examples.  My point remains.  Just because something was an accident, doesnt mean that someone should not be held responsible/liable for said accident.
Fool-proof means no events like the one that occurred happening Obviously the zoo wasn't fool-proof was it? I'm not arguing semantics and what ifs with you. If I allow allow a child to come to my house and he/she gets hurt I can be held liable. Same with zoo, they need to create a safer environment for patrons.
At what point is something "fool-proof" enough though?  Hypothetically, they could build a 50 foot high fence around the gorilla pit.  Guess what?  There are probably a good amount of kids that could climb the fence and go over the top of it, if they had enough time to do so.  

The barricades were safe enough that this was not an issue for 40 years.  If the mother had been watching her child, it would still have not been an issue.
The letter from Michael A. Budkie , executive director of Stop Animal Exploitation Now, alleges the Harambe tragedy occurred because the zoo, "maintained an enclosure that violated the Animal Welfare Act," according to the letter obtained by CNN.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, which inspects the zoo annually, said it will determine whether the incident happened because the zoo was not in compliance with the Animal Welfare Act , according to Public Affairs Specialist Tanya Espinosa.

The letter from the animal rights group cites what it says are Animal Welfare Act violations and includes copies of USDA inspection reports from March 2016 and November 2014, which CNN also located independently in the USDA database

Looks like the zoo may not be up to code so yeah not 'fool proof'
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The selective outrage and lack of accountability by some in here is alarming and disturbing.

It's funny though because when I worked retail years ago, some parents would let their kids run around all over the place and make no effort to control them. Some would get mad when we would tell them to control their kid.

Yet those same parents would be the first to cry foul if their precious little baby ran into a shelf or a sharp object while they were to busy playing around on their phone.

Hopefully this lady has to pay some type of restitution to the zoo to compensate for what her negligence caused. Accident or no accident, she should pay up.
Hopefully this lady has to pay some type of restitution to the zoo to compensate for what her negligence caused. Accident or no accident, she should pay up.
Based on what we've read, I don't think she can afford the cost of a silverback
Based on what we've read, I don't think she can afford the cost of a silverback :lol:

Wage garnishment always works. They could work something out. This was more an accident than anything. They can work some type of garnishment plan out where she pays it off over time and the payments are affordable.
Hopefully this lady has to pay some type of restitution to the zoo to compensate for what her negligence caused. Accident or no accident, she should pay up.
Exactly what I have been arguing from the jump.  Thank you for putting it more eloquently than I have.  Why people think that accidents and compensation/liability have to be mutually exclusive is beyond me.
Wage garnishment always works. They could work something out. This was more an accident than anything. They can work some type of garnishment plan out where she pays it off over time and the payments are affordable.
They could put her on pooper scooper duty for the rest of her life.
I wonder what the faux outrage will be about next week. I just wish all those white people that were out there protesting did the same for Tamir rice
Uh Oh.

We can extend this sentiment to every ***** in here who has been crying over Curious George for damn near 40 pages.

Cliff notes, if you're vegan with the intent of not harming animals, that may be futile. Every thing humans do harms animals. If you live in the developed world, in a home built on the former homes of animals, using electronics/products that produce toxic waste, you're killing an animal.

Dropping knowledge in this thread is like Luke Wilson trying to explain himself to the ppl in idiocracy.
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I'm not a big fan of hunting, but I'm not completely against it.

If you're gonna eat the meat, then cool, killing for trophies (especially big name hunting) is lame as hell in my opinion

So if someone is eating the meat, I won't come out my mouth with some guilt trip. Especially since I'm a meat eater


Sitting in the forest, hiding, from a distance, with a high power rifle, and gunning down an unexpecting animal is just some sucka **** to me. Sorry :lol:

Kill it with your bare hands, maybe even a knife, a spare, or an old school bow and arrow. Then I would have a lil more respect for the act.

Many people that hunt be romantisizing way to much too.
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I'm not a big fan of hunting, but I'm not completely against it.

If you're gonna eat the meat, then cool, killing for trophies (especially big name hunting) is lame as hell in my opinion

So if someone is eating the meat, I won't come out my mouth with some guilt trip. Especially since I'm a meat eater


Sitting in the forest, hiding, from a distance, with a high power rifle, and gunning down an unexpecting animal is just some sucka **** to me. Sorry :lol:

Kill it with your bare hands, maybe even a knife, a spare, or an old school bow and arrow. Then I would have a lil more respect for the act.

Many people that hunt be romantisizing way to much too.

Bow hunting is great. It's how we've gotten food for millenias. Granted the compund bows of today are amazing. You will know what you're made of when it's your turn to make the perfect shot on a live animal. I will never understand someone who can judge while they buy meat from a store. Never questioning where the meat came from, nor what was in it, etc. Just keeping stuffing their mindless faces away.
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I'm not a big fan of hunting, but I'm not completely against it.

If you're gonna eat the meat, then cool, killing for trophies (especially big name hunting) is lame as hell in my opinion

So if someone is eating the meat, I won't come out my mouth with some guilt trip. Especially since I'm a meat eater


Sitting in the forest, hiding, from a distance, with a high power rifle, and gunning down an unexpecting animal is just some sucka **** to me. Sorry :lol:

Kill it with your bare hands, maybe even a knife, a spare, or an old school bow and arrow. Then I would have a lil more respect for the act.

Many people that hunt be romantisizing way to much too.

Bow hunting is great. It's how we've gotten food for millenias. Granted the compund bows of today are amazing. You will know what you're made of when it's your turn to make the perfect shot on a live animal. I will never understand someone who can judge while they buy meat from a store. Never questioning where the meat came from, nor what was in it, etc. Just keeping stuffing their mindless faces away.

I'm not talking about a compound bow, I mean like a Robin Hood type bow and arrow. :lol:

And that is probably where I draw the line.

And I'm not judging you for killing the animal, I'm saying you're doing it in a sucka way. And you're romantisizing way too much for something you are mainly doing for leisure.

I mean enjoy you hobby papi, but I don't have to think it is cool.

No moral guilt trip over here
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