Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

This thread was a wrap when the usual ignorant people came in a few pages ago.

they all follow each other.

I still don't see how some blacks use right wing/Fox News talking points against themselves :smh:

I still ain't met a white person who felt responsible for Dylan roof
I still don't see how some blacks use right wing/Fox News talking points against themselves

I still ain't met a white person who felt responsible for Dylan roof
wait why would a random white person feel responsible for dylan roof 

Scratch what I said about paying for the disposal. Mom should pay for the funeral and burial costs. This feels like an episode of south park in the making.

You think anyone gave him a goodbye kiss?
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this is niketalk general...all it takes is the same couple of losers from the trump thread to invade and the hence the topic shifts into a race related discussion 
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I think you can figure it out on your own...it doesn't require much careful analysis to determine how the topic at hand became compared to shootings in chicago and its progression from such into whether black lives are important or not and etc   
I think you can figure it out on your own...it doesn't require much careful analysis to determine how the topic at hand became compared to shootings in chicago and its progression from such into whether black lives are important or not and etc   
i cant figure it out on my own because that group of people didn't bring race into this thread
And never have I claimed that they did maybe you should read my posts more carefully and understand the meaning of the word shift
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This thread was a lot better when I was in here making all that sense about needing more facts while a lot of you cats were ready to send chil services to this families' home.
Here I stand looking I was right and cats like Fujitsu are left apologizing and trying to justify the fact that he goes out and kills animals.

Now you all found a way to turn this into a race thing...talkin bout "Chicago"

I used to be kidding when I would tell NT that ya need to be more like me. I realize now that was no joking matter and a lot of you should try and be more like me.
You sound like Elkin stop it.

Any time there is an incident like this child protection services is always brought in. Protection and permanency.

The problem is most register people are not intelligent enough to understand what CPS is about and assume it's just a "punishment".
Real talk...

Endangered species of gorilla vs. the life of one human w/ a total population of 7+ billion.

I wouldn't have been able to pull the trigger tbh. 

Tragic for that one human life, but vs. an entire species on the verge of being wiped from the face of existence.... nah.
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