Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

Kill yourself.

You don't deserve to be a human
Do you even have children?

Be real... how much experience do you have watching kids?

I go on school trips with my fiancee. She teaches special education. We have taken them to the zoo. 20 kids. 6 parents. Is it a headache? Hell YES. It's expected though. Purely having kids, is not an excuse to not properly supervise them.
I go on school trips with my fiancee. She teaches special education. We have taken them to the zoo. 20 kids. 6 parents. Is it a headache? Hell YES. It's expected though. Purely having kids, is not an excuse to not properly supervise them.

Sooooo... that's a no?

Got it.

Carry in, my G. No more responses coming from me.
Sooooo... that's a no?

Got it.

Carry in, my G. No more responses coming from me.

Glad you understand.
That's a strong no. I know the amount of responsibility it takes to raise kids. I'm too selfish right now for that.

You don't really KNOW. You have an idea.
It's cool when you know you can give a kid back after x amount of time.

I thought it was already established this woman was tending to another child and this happened in the blink of an eye.
Why are you still talking from this superior moral ground?

I'm going to be serious for one second.
I really do think it's cool that you help your fiancée out on field trips.
The type of work she does with special Ed kids is something she probably doesn't get thanked for.
I hope life never finds you or your fiancée in a situation where you have to explain an unfortunate circumstance with one of these children.
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Of course not, that 3 year old was.
I genuinely wish this kid the best.

I'm impressed that he wants to go back to the zoo after this.

It sounds like something out of a movie where this sparks some immense passion this kid has for animals.

Hopefully, he doesn't end up a product of his own environment. 
I hope life never finds you or your fiancée in a situation where you have to explain an unfortunate circumstance with one of these children.

I had enough of you.  

Peace be with you bro. 
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Should japejapejape kill himself too? Who else doesn't deserve to be human?


Your talking about that childs life not being worth more then the last SB.

Jape just said not all lives were worth it which I agree.

There's absolutely nothing that child could of done in his 4 years on earth that would make me hesitate saving his life.
At least he's ok. Just a few scraps. It could have been wayyyy worse. He's a tough kid. 
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All these animals activist coming out of the wood works is annoying. You got people with dog and cat who never seen the inside of their owners homes yet people are still bashing the zoo and kid moms for this gorilla death. Like homie said before Humans>

In a few years will endangered animals really be a topic? I mean they're making genetically altered Humans and ****, I'm sure a clone SB will pop up sooner or later.
If the police want to get involved that's one thing but for these low lives to be attacking the family with death threats on social media is disgusting. 
All these animals activist coming out of the wood works is annoying. You got people with dog and cat who never seen the inside of their owners homes yet people are still bashing the zoo and kid moms for this gorilla death. Like homie said before Humans>

In a few years will endangered animals really be a topic? I mean they're making genetically altered Humans and ****, I'm sure a clone SB will pop up sooner or later.

Human arrogance.. "We got smart people out there, they'll figure it out so the rest of us don't have to worry about ****. :lol:
How did this end up in 40 pages?
It's very unfortunate that this accident resulted in the death of this gorilla but it's hardly a tough choice to make when a child's life is on the line. You can't immediately sedate a silverback so lethal force was the only option here. The parents are clearly to blame here, a young child shouldn't be left out of sight in a place like a zoo. 4 year olds are gonna be curious at the zoo and may not always be aware of risks. Therefore it is the parents' duty to educate their children about the risks at the zoo and to watch over them so they don't take them.
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They harvested the viable sperm from it anyways. It will still get to reproduce, just perhaps in a way that is less carnal and pleasurable for the Miss SBG
Press conference going on now about whether or not charges will be filed.

Edit: no charges filed
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