Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

This thread was a lot better when I was in here making all that sense about needing more facts while a lot of you cats were ready to send chil services to this families' home.
Here I stand looking I was right and cats like Fujitsu are left apologizing and trying to justify the fact that he goes out and kills animals.

Now you all found a way to turn this into a race thing...talkin bout "Chicago"

I used to be kidding when I would tell NT that ya need to be more like me. I realize now that was no joking matter and a lot of you should try and be more like me.

We can't all be vegan like you brah
You sound like Elkin stop it.

Any time there is an incident like this child protection services is always brought in. Protection and permanency.

The problem is most register people are not intelligent enough to understand what CPS is about and assume it's just a "punishment".

Tell me the part where I sound like Elkin.
Are we just making blanket statements?
If that's the case you sound like Deuce King.

The word "negligent" got thrown around from the start of this thread.
People were asking for punishment ranging from lawsuits, paying zoo fees, child taken away, Darwinism.
These were all actual comments made in this thread by people on your side of the argument, when very few facts were known about the incident.

I told cats to hold reserve judgement until more info comes out.
So tell me, which is the part where I sound like Elkin?

Please respond, Deuce King.
1. I don't trust eye witness reports, people get things twisted all the time. More so with media influences and reporters asking pointed questions to confuse.

2. People say it's easy to fall over the railing? Does that mean a grown person to fall over the railing? Not sure what the "barricade" at this specific enclosure looks like, can anyone provide pictures?

3. I have no remorse for the flack the mother is getting. She has shown no remorse. Yes her child is safe, but it really doesn't end there.

4. F*** zoos and aquariums.
I ain't eem finna touch on the race issue that's something entirely different...

Some of ya'll sound stupid and I'd love to know how many are parents with children who have never been in trouble, injured, or gotten into some mischief. I won't sit up here and claim to know exactly why or how this kid ended up in the gorilla den but what I will say is it only takes a split second for a kid to wander off and get into some ****. Even under a watchful eye. If you think differently you're kidding yourself and I encourage you to spend a week with a house full of young kids and prevent every mishap from happening. Let us know how that goes. :rolleyes

Yes, the family was negligent in that instance. But trust, as a parent we ALL have instances of negligence. It's impossible to be omnipresent and prevent accidents from happening. Unfortunately this just happened to be one of catastrophic proportions and wasn't in the privacy of their home. Yes it ended badly with the gorilla being shot but hell it could have ended MUCH worse.

I'm not making excuses for the family. They ****** up. But to criminalize and demonize them for this is pretty ridiculous.

For some of y'all that seat up on that high horse is a long fall to the ground.

- Preciate it.
Tell me the part where I sound like Elkin.
Are we just making blanket statements?
If that's the case you sound like Deuce King.

The word "negligent" got thrown around from the start of this thread.
People were asking for punishment ranging from lawsuits, paying zoo fees, child taken away, Darwinism.
These were all actual comments made in this thread by people on your side of the argument, when very few facts were known about the incident.

I told cats to hold reserve judgement until more info comes out.
So tell me, which is the part where I sound like Elkin?

Please respond, Deuce King.
no offense but don't group me with people on either side of the argument.

when u sounded like Elkin-

"when I was in here making all that sense about needing more facts while a lot of you cats were ready to send chil services to this families' home."

you assume what child services does.  Unless you are in the social service or mental health field then you have no clue what protocol is like from state to state.
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She has two options at that point:

A) Really think about what she's going to say before hitting that post button.

B) Stay the **** away from any social networks

All that post did was expose the fact that her decision making abilities are questionable at best.

**** it...call child services on this family.


Stupid post on Instagram
- Thanking God
- All these kids coming to the light

Strike 3.
Shorty out.

Maybe ACS does need to come in and at least have a look through to see what's going on.

See, now that we have more info we can make educated decisions.

Maybe I'm the only one that does that though...
This what makes me a better person than a lot you scumbags.

Holla back.

You are the worst. diego diego :lol:

View media item 2053342
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You are the worst. @Diego
He's literally becoming K Steezy before our eyes 
Man i'm not against hunting, but saying it's one of the most natural and humane things you can do is just ******* goofy. Ya'll can do better.
Hunting for food is much more humane than when we run to the supermarket and pick up pre-murdered and prepared meat. People are so far removed from the process. That experience could make a person much more appreciative and respectful of nature.
You are the worst. [@=https://niketalk.com/members/37870"media, 2053342"][/GALLERY]

He's literally becoming K Steezy before our eyes 

I also called Fujitsu a murderer.
Wasn't fugee the one in here talking about Darwinism in a facetious manner?
So only you can Be facetious bro?

Since you want to pull up posts, why not go back to the original posts where I was saying let's wait until more info comes out?
This was right around that time where YOU were asking for the parents to pay for whatever costs the zoo had to incur as a result of this situation - Surely you remember that.

Instagram - You stuck on child services, arguing semantics.
Wether it was child services, lawsuits, negligence, criminal charges the point is people were quick to make judgement.
Why do you let that point escape you and put so much focus on child services?

As for the hypocrite comment - I got you papi.
Let's reflect.

- I said let's wait on more info when a lot of you cats were on your high horse

- Tweets came out (more info). I stIll stand by the fact that her posts did not put her in a good light and she should've completely stayed away from that as her comments were ridiculous. I start to form my opinion on the momma based on the absurd posts she was making. I still wouldn't be mad if ACS shows up at her door just to verify things.

The point that continues to get lost on all of you is that unlike you judgemental folk, I was not quick to jump to conclusions. I afforded this family the same benefit of the doubt I would like afforded to me the day that I find myself in a tough spot.

Lot of cats talk the talk, but I'm walking the walk papi.
He's literally becoming K Steezy before our eyes 

I enjoy Steezy's posts more. I wanna believe he's a lowkey comedian.

How diego diego is talking all this BS and was too lazy to cover his tracks? Same way he lazily called me a murderer as he goes to buy some form of meat later. Same way he lazily tried shaming ppl for judging this mom, when he did it as well. I dunno why I ever took his opinion into consideration. Must've been the Regis avy. :smh:

This thread was a lot better when I was in here making all that sense about needing more facts while a lot of you cats were ready to send chil services to this families' home.

I used to be kidding when I would tell NT that ya need to be more like me. I realize now that was no joking matter and a lot of you should try and be more like me

They're enough lazy hypocrites out there.

Since you want to pull up posts, why not go back to the original posts where I was saying let's wait until more info comes out?
This was right around that time where YOU were asking for the parents to pay for whatever costs the zoo had to incur as a result of this situation - Surely you remember that.

I do remember.
Which is why you're a hypocrite. What are you not understanding?
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So to be clear...I'm a hypocrite because I told you guys not to jump to conclusions all while I sat here and DIDNT jump to conclusions?

Sounds about right.
So to be clear...I'm a hypocrite because I told you guys not to jump to conclusions all while I sat here and DIDNT jump to conclusions?

Sounds about right.

I can see there is no reasoning with you.
Some dudes can't admit when they're wrong even when their own words bite em in the ***. It's clear as day and unedited.

All that post did was expose the fact that her decision making abilities are questionable at best.

**** it...call child services on this family.


Stupid post on Instagram
- Thanking God
- All these kids coming to the light

Strike 3.
Shorty out.

It's really two strikes since the gram post is about god but that's just me being nitpicky.

These are the facts you needed for judgement? :lol:
An instagram post on her thanking god?
Having more than one kid makes you a bad parent?
Great work, detective!
Those facts clearly had to do with her child running into a gorilla exhibit.
I'm glad you waited for them.

if the mom was some trailer park white lady with a meth dealing baby daddy yall would all be calling her dumb white trash who should be locked up. i have no problem for the mom taking heat -- she let her little dummy kid play with an ape. type a mom to take selfies on her iPhone while her kid hops on the subway tracks 
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