Gorilla shot after 4yr old falls in enclosure VOL.....RIP HARAMBE

she lawyered up, but her and her lawyer said they have no plan to sue.

meaning theyre going to try to sue.
This thread was a lot better when I was in here making all that sense about needing more facts while a lot of you cats were ready to send chil services to this families' home.
Here I stand looking I was right and cats like Fujitsu are left apologizing and trying to justify the fact that he goes out and kills animals.

Now you all found a way to turn this into a race thing...talkin bout "Chicago"

I used to be kidding when I would tell NT that ya need to be more like me. I realize now that was no joking matter and a lot of you should try and be more like me.
LOL this guy
She should sue. Why was it so easy to fall into a gorilla pit? I would sue the @$&* out of that zoo
She had a pr firm helping her out within days. People are vultures. For days, she didn't want her name out there. Then it's like she won the lotto
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She should sue. Why was it so easy to fall into a gorilla pit? I would sue the @$&* out of that zoo

Pretty sure all the small writing on the pass for the zoo you paid for pretty much destroys any chances of that.
Same thing at Disneyland or buying a ski pass.

All businesses can't make things 100% safe for people with zero sense. . If you happen to get electrocuted at the drive thru window by jabbing the order mic with a screw driver it's hardly McDonald's fault.
They killed 2 lions less than a few weeks ago when that suicidal guy jumped in their exhibit and tried to mess with them
She should sue. Why was it so easy to fall into a gorilla pit? I would sue the @$&* out of that zoo

Pretty sure all the small writing on the pass for the zoo you paid for pretty much destroys any chances of that.
Same thing at Disneyland or buying a ski pass.

All businesses can't make things 100% safe for people with zero sense. . If you happen to get electrocuted at the drive thru window by jabbing the order mic with a screw driver it's hardly McDonald's fault.

Also, there's a fxking railing there. You have to actively climb over it and go through some bushes...

Not sheriff trolling...
^^ "They must of had the v8 in there" 
You 100% right. I'm no monk. I'm not going out of my way for anyone but the ppl I'm cool with. I don't do it for anyone else's benefit but people still benefit from what I'm doing. Deers are overpopulated. There is a NEED to hunt them. #teamhuman eh?

Without hunting, deer and other animals would overpopulate and die of starvation.


View media item 2052976

I've been in favor of full eradication of deer. It gets a weird look but I swear I'm not wrong

She should sue. Why was it so easy to fall into a gorilla pit? I would sue the @$&* out of that zoo

It's not easy. Have you been?

Regardless new enclosure up, matches most of the zoo now
no offense but don't group me with people on either side of the argument.

when u sounded like Elkin-

"when I was in here making all that sense about needing more facts while a lot of you cats were ready to send chil services to this families' home."

you assume what child services does.  Unless you are in the social service or mental health field then you have no clue what protocol is like from state to state.

Both of ya need to hop off :smile:
I'm truly astounded that people are

1. Legitimately upset that an animal died to protect a person
2. Pretending that a ******* baby doing baby stuff is out of the norm.

Sometimes i think NT famb try to out "hot take" each other.
I'm truly astounded that people are

1. Legitimately upset that an animal died to protect a person
2. Pretending that a ******* baby doing baby stuff is out of the norm.

Sometimes i think NT famb try to out "hot take" each other.
Except that gorilla is endangered fam, and there are 7 billion people on this planet.

Trolley dilemma.
2. Pretending that a ******* baby doing baby stuff is out of the norm.
When you bring a 3 year old to the zoo it's your job to keep your eye on them at all times. She would have to of had her eye off the kid for a minute for him to crawl/walk all that way and fall in. 

When you bring a 3 year old to the zoo it's your job to keep your eye on them at all times. She would have to of had her eye off the kid for a minute for him to crawl/walk all that way and fall in. 

You make zero sense, my G.
If it was the LAST SB on earth, he needed to catch the bullet.


Apparently, a humans intelligence to recognize a gorilla is endangered is valued in the animal kingdom...

But the life of a human baby is not.

Seems legit.
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