Got a DUI last night UPDATE: pg 3 - charges dropped

Originally Posted by jamminbyalias

Originally Posted by GregOdensBedpan

no sympathy from me

Good, I wasn't looking for it.
Yes you were.
Originally Posted by jamminbyalias

So I was pulled over for a DUI last night. Pulled over around 3am, 5 minutes from my house. I was on the way home from a club, driving my friends car (the alignment or something is off-- becuase the car basically swerves very easily any time you touch the wheel). Anyway, I was given a handful of field sobriety tests-- which I think I did well in. I was given the option of a breath test or a blood test. I chose the blood test, hoping to buy some time. Took the blood test and then was thrown in the drunk tank for about 9 hours. Terrible
. Anyway, I am hoping I was not over the legal limit-- I should get my blood work results back in about 2-3 weeks. I had maybe 6 1oz. shots between 9-10pm, and had a 1.5 oz shot around 11or 11:30pm. I didn't take the blood test until 4am. I tried messing with a few blood alcohol calculators online, some say I'm under the limit, and some say I'm over the limit. So I'm pretty much borderline under or over. I'll keep my fingers crossed-- wish me luck!
Generally speaking, yes. But in this situation, not really. Why would people who don't know you "wish you luck" on beating a DUI unless theysympathized with your predicament?

at the nerve of someone who comes to a message board to ask peopleyou don't know to "wish you luck" in beating a criminal charge calling me a kid...
Originally Posted by jamminbyalias

kingofthesouthga wrote:
u got lucky now let it be a lesson learned and never do it again

Pretty much. Regardless if I was under the limit or not, definitely not worth it. By the way, just a piece of information I learned after consulting with a few lawyers in the past month. It is still a chargeable offense (DUI) to be driving with blood alcohol content UNDER .08 and over .04-- as long as a police officer can prove that any alcohol in your system is effecting your driving (field sobriety tests FTL).

dam, never even heard of that.

how many points will the average man register per drink?

and areyouin, what kinda post is that???
Why should I wish you luck? I hope you fail the blood test and get your license suspended for a few years. Irresponsible people like you do not deserve todrive.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Generally speaking, yes. But in this situation, not really. Why would people who don't know you "wish you luck" on beating a DUI unless they sympathized with your predicament?

at the nerve of someone who comes to a message board to ask people you don't know to "wish you luck" in beating a criminal charge calling me a kid...

Do you not understand the difference between empathize and sympathize? Someone can easily have wished me luck because they EMPATHIZED with my situation-- notnecessarily having sympathy for me. And
at the nerve of someonewho's posting in the "Batman TAS is thee best cartoon" thread calling me a kid.
I went for a little drive last night
. Easily 13oz of jager and 7-12 coronas.
I'm in a village that is quite after 6pm, but that's no excuse.

Good luck dude. Gotta be careful out there.
I you get pulled over drunk dont take the test... you will get your license suspended for a year but if you get a DUI you will get that and will have to pay&&& and do community service

sombody correct me if I'm wrong
Originally Posted by jamminbyalias

Originally Posted by red mpls

Generally speaking, yes. But in this situation, not really. Why would people who don't know you "wish you luck" on beating a DUI unless they sympathized with your predicament?

at the nerve of someone who comes to a message board to ask people you don't know to "wish you luck" in beating a criminal charge calling me a kid...

Do you not understand the difference between empathize and sympathize? Someone can easily have wished me luck because they EMPATHIZED with my situation-- not necessarily having sympathy for me. And how the hell does me posting on a general discussion message board make me a kid when you're the one posting in the "Batman TAS is thee best cartoon" thread?
So you were looking for empathy from a message board full of strangers, not sympathy
. I thought you were justlooking for "good luck" wishes in getting off the hook with something you did that potentially put people's lives in danger

As for the Batman cartoon, that was my favorite thing to watch when I was a shorty but I'm not the one actingirresponsibly then looking for empathy from strangers for it now
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by jamminbyalias

Originally Posted by red mpls

Generally speaking, yes. But in this situation, not really. Why would people who don't know you "wish you luck" on beating a DUI unless they sympathized with your predicament?

at the nerve of someone who comes to a message board to ask people you don't know to "wish you luck" in beating a criminal charge calling me a kid...

Do you not understand the difference between empathize and sympathize? Someone can easily have wished me luck because they EMPATHIZED with my situation-- not necessarily having sympathy for me. And how the hell does me posting on a general discussion message board make me a kid when you're the one posting in the "Batman TAS is thee best cartoon" thread?
So you were looking for empathy from a message board full of strangers, not sympathy
. I thought you were just looking for "good luck" wishes in getting off the hook with something you did that potentially put people's lives in danger

As for the Batman cartoon, that was my favorite thing to watch when I was a shorty but I'm not the one acting irresponsibly then looking for empathy from strangers for it now

Obviously the judge and DA didn't think I was acting irresponsibly enough to be charged. I'm sure they are a better judge of character than you are.You specifically quoted me saying that I wasn't looking for sympathy, trying to say I was. I just proved you wrong, I wasn't. Hell, if everyone,including total strangers empathized with each other, things would be a lot better all around. So I don't see anything wrong with posting my situation onNT. But since you don't understand my vocabulary, put down your cereal bowl, turn off the Saturday morning cartoons, and grab a dictionary real quick.
Kids... I have my own to worry about. I'm not even going to wasteany more of my time on you.
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