GoT. A spoiler discussion thread

Tormund was the MVP. Hound was the Head Herb In Charge this episode.

I imagine that they know that NK's going to resurrect Viserion. I guess now Dany and co. are going to need the scorpions with dragonglass harpoons or flaming harpoons. I wonder if Melisandre can burn Viserion out of the sky? She torched Orell's eagle in the books. Not quite the same thing but would be dope.
I just wanna say, ya doubted me and a couple of other NTers when we came to the conclusion that Sansa was in fear of her life because of Arya....what ya got to say now? LF did exactly what I thought he I think Arya is doing some double Jedi mind trick **** on he think he's pulling her strings, but she's pulling his...let's see
Little Finger always spinning that web, think his luck runs out with Arya. she scary :lol:
I would appreciate a PM as well... My girl so mad I watched this without her last night :lol:
Read the thread before 'spoiler' was added to the title..why would u make this thread?

This episode was vanglorious!!! I couldn't stop shaking.

First off tho that leak was genuine, smh. Everything is on point.

Tormund and the Hound banter too funny. But c'mon man the Hound went from crazy killer to wuss. Dude was weak.

When Beric and Thoros lit their flaming swords it was go time!!! But dang we never got a how Beric lightsabered his sowrd for the last battle. I'll just go with the lord light and the force

Sansa/Arya storyline is taking a weird turn. It's lengthier than i expected but i know the outcome. I detest Sansa even more. She's still power hungry :smh:

I thought Dany would go berserk mode when Viserion caught the L man. For those thinking the NK is op, he's the Night King. Dude has magic. His spear ripped open Viserion like a pinata :frown: RIP

Dany finna give up the gooch twice over to Jon. He about to really be a dragon rider.
Nobody in Winterfell really seems concerned with the Whitewalkers. Somebody refresh my memory....but they clearly believe Jon about the impending threat from the North right?

To see Sansa so worried about Worldly trivial things is intersting....but that's kind of her character. I wonder if Arya knows about the whitewalkers and everything.

I guess Danaerys going behind the wall and SEEING the white walker army really drives it home. She said something to that effect.
LOL @ Tormund talking about he has a lady to get back too :rofl: that dude is mad in love on some yambs he ain't ever getting.


But man when he was getting washed, and it seemed curtains i was tearing up fam. Cuz he wasn't just dying man he was asking for help too :emoji_confounded:
Man that Thoros Death was hard on me, at first I thought he was going to make it after he didn't initially die from the Wight Snow Bear. His death is on the Hound smh freezing up because that snow bear was on fire. The Hound is supposed to be the best fighter out of this group but this ep he was the biggest liability.

Night King is a world class javelin thrower. Didn't like it being a 1 shot kill and would've been better taking the dragon down to the ground as IATT IATT said and having the dragon fight the army on the ground before going out.
y'all too much with that spear throw, the final boss doing final boss things.
The Hound ALWAYS been afraid of fire....he still the man, and he still the reason Tormund mans Tormund is so Damn likable...his Friendzone love affair with Brienne >>>>> Jorahs with Dany :lol:
What about throwing those rocks? Hound was the big liability this ep

The Hound ALWAYS been afraid of fire....he still the man, and he still the reason Tormund mans Tormund is so Damn likable...his Friendzone love affair with Brienne >>>>> Jorahs with Dany :lol:
Like someone else said in the other thread, these last minute saves from death is getting old. This show was built on absolute ruthlessness and now not a single character can die? :lol:

So to make up for lost time, are we going to kill 1-2 major characters in the final season per episode? :rofl:
Loved how Beric and Thoros lit up their swords simultaneously. :nthat:

Thought it was a wrap for Tormund :sick:

I too was expecting Jon to access some hidden inner power :rofl:

**** the night king :angry:
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