Got Jumped Last Night

Apr 23, 2007
So there was this cute chick in my music class that i would talk to a lot and one night a couple weeks ago i met her at the bars. Brought her back and got thejob done. She says she has a bf but they are on a break so it didnt matter what she did. Next day i start getting calls and txts from a random number turns outit was her bf so i talked to him told him what happened and he was cool with it. So i guess this is where i made the mistake cause i smashed again but i dontknow if he found out about it. So last night im in a drunken stupor finally get into my bed and what not. At about 4 in the morning 6 dudes barge into my dormroom push my roomates out lock the door and proceed to whoop the @*!+ out of me i was in the corner against the dresser getting my head kicked in. Ive neverbeen jumped in my life this is the worst feeling in the world. For some reason i feel like a @@%*% but it was 6 on 1 so if i fought back they would have justbeat me worse.
Jumped in your own dorm room
#1 rule when getting jumped is throw the first punch. cuz thats prolly all your gonna get.
Well, now you can get them all expelled if they are students they probably won't be able to attend another school except a CC. Ruin their lives OP!
At about 4 in the morning 6 dudes barge into my dorm room push my roomates out lock the door and proceed to whoop the @*!+ out of me i was in the corner against the dresser getting my head kicked in. Ive never been jumped in my life this is the worst feeling in the world. For some reason i feel like a @@%*% but it was 6 on 1 so if i fought back they would have just beat me worse.

N's went ham!!...

But seriously tho... smh @ your roomates, they couldve at least did somethin...
Damn, sucks man. Kinda had it coming though for smashing again after you talked to her dude though.

Stay up.
They barge into your room, then kick your roommates out and lock the door they just barged through?

And they just kicked your rommate(s) out?

Someone isnt adding up.
Originally Posted by BLADE BR0WN

At about 4 in the morning 6 dudes barge into my dorm room push my roomates out lock the door and proceed to whoop the @*!+ out of me i was in the corner against the dresser getting my head kicked in. Ive never been jumped in my life this is the worst feeling in the world. For some reason i feel like a @@%*% but it was 6 on 1 so if i fought back they would have just beat me worse.
smh @ your roomates, they couldve at least did somethin...

But thats crazy tho.... what are you gonna do now? Retaliate?

from the seems you should be hospitalized or in VERY bad condition.

6 dudes barge into my dorm room push my roomates out lock thedoor and proceed to whoop the @*!+ out of me i was in the corner against the dresser getting my head kickedin.
What school you go to?

And don't listen to Lazy B with that whole get em expelled stuff unless you got good protection because I bet before they leave you'll get more thanjust a head kicking
The starting 5 and the back up point guard went in on you.

The girl, the bf, and your roomates all knew that this was going down... except you.
If true...huge L but assuming you go to a respectable school, they have to be students/ a students buddy to get into your dorms so it shouldnt be a problemtracking them down and putting an end to there education there.
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