Gotham Knight video game (new trailer) 8/22/20 p.66

Do i need to play the other games to fully "play" this game?

I was always on the fence about the other ones, but for some reason I never played. I think this one is gonna make me buy it :evil:
Do i need to play the other games to fully "play" this game?

I was always on the fence about the other ones, but for some reason I never played. I think this one is gonna make me buy it :evil:

You are really missing out...just play the first two and you'll be fine. Arkahm origins isn't bad either.
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You should play them both. At the very least it will set you up to understand where the story of the new game
Man... Those screenshots look amazing.

Like everyone said, if you're a Batman fan or remotely interested I suggest you play the other games first. Great games in my opinion.
If the Arkham map is as big or bigger than the GTA V map then give this game GOTY already. 
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There's no way it'll be that big.

Plus I think I remember reading that they were more interested in making something more dense and detailed.
If the Arkham map is as big or bigger than the GTA V map then give this game GOTY already. :wow:  

I am reading game informer now. It reads Arkham Knight takes place in the all new central zone of Gotham city split into three islands, an area roughly FIVE times the size of the map in Arkham City.
If the Arkham map is as big or bigger than the GTA V map then give this game GOTY already. :wow:  

Ehh, when I first heard about the GTAV map I was excited but playing the game it was such a chore to drive for 15 real world minutes to get to the other side of the map for some missions plus more than half of it was filled with country roads and mountains that were not fun to explore. I know Gotham is purely a big city but can you imagine gliding for 15+ minutes to reach your destination? :x Hopefully they implement a fast travel system with the Batwing like they did in Arkham Origins so you can skip to your destination if you want to.
I ordered Arkham city today from gamestop, just to realize a few minutes later amazon has the GOTY edition for cheaper + prime :smh:

need to cancel my gs order now :lol:

Is arkham city a good one to start with? I didnt want to get arkham city since it came out in 09..

EDIT: didnt know about Arkham Origins. def gonna get that..

EDIT 2: just saw that "For Arkham Origins, development duties shifted away from series creators Rocksteady Studios." is it still worth it? I wont know the difference between any of the other games..
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I ordered Arkham city today from gamestop, just to realize a few minutes later amazon has the GOTY edition for cheaper + prime :smh:

need to cancel my gs order now :lol:

Is arkham city a good one to start with? I didnt want to get arkham city since it came out in 09..

EDIT: didnt know about Arkham Origins. def gonna get that..

EDIT 2: just saw that "For Arkham Origins, development duties shifted away from series creators Rocksteady Studios." is it still worth it? I wont know the difference between any of the other games..

I say, start with origins then move on to city. You won't be disappointed. City is prolly the best game I've ever played
You should still play Asylum too. IMO not as good as city but still an amazing game. I never played Origins though
Definitely play all of them, it takes maybe 5-10 hours to finish each game from start to end (not finishing the game to 100%).

I'd suggest Asylum first and then City next. I have no problems with Origins but it can be skipped if you don't have the time, story is still very good though so pick it up if you finish up Asylum and City and want more dosage of Batman.

Plus these games can probably be had for $10-$15 each now so that shouldn't even really play a factor.
Think of it as watching Dark Knight Rises without watching Batman Begins or The Dark Knight. You're missing out on 2 excellent games. Oh and dont bother with Origins. It's the Batman & Robin of the series. 
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