Green Day or RHCP... Vol. Greatest band of our generation?

I wonder if you guys really believe that anyone mentioned here is either better or more influential than Sonic Youth.
Pumpkins and Radiohead are lightyears ahead of anything Sonic Youth has ever produced.

Metallica the greatest metal band? What are the OTHER metal bands you listen to if Metallica is the best.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Pumpkins and Radiohead are lightyears ahead of anything Sonic Youth has ever produced.

did some dude really say Nickelback? Nickelback? Are you serious? Nickelback? i cant even believe what im reading...

Foo Fighters?

Green day?
gun's n roses?

some of you dudes should just retire from music thats not rap

its despicable in here...
Good to finally see some objectivity abound in the thread, right there in the previous 2 replies.

*yes sarcasm


Out of curiosity, Strawberry Milk: what do you listen to that is so superior to the bands you're amazed athearing in here? You're surprised at reading Foo? Green Day? Oasis? Offspring? Then what do you listen to that is sooo, SOOOOOO much better than them, tothe point where you can't BELIEVE these bands have been mentioned?
I can relate to Green Day's earlier stuff alot more than alot of RHCP stuff. Maybe thats because I've been an upset, angry, depressed, confused,awkward teenager, like Bille Joe Armstrong. Alot of RHCP stuff is great but I feel no connection. Californication, Under the Bridge, great songs to listen to,but they don't speak to me. Listen to Basketcase, I'm sure EVERYONE has had days where they feel like that. Bands that need to be in the running: Oasis(really more the band of the British generation), Sonic Youth, Radiohead, REM, Nirvana, Weezer, Pearl Jam, Pixies, Sublime. Whats really scary is that thereare only 2 more years in the 2000s and I really don't know how many great rock albums there have been. The Strokes, The Hives, The White Stripes put outsome great stuff early, but after that....
Originally Posted by hugebird

I wonder if you guys really believe that anyone mentioned here is either better or more influential than Sonic Youth.
Sonic Youth was amazing, Daydream Nation being an all time indie classic. But I fear they are too obscure to be the greatest band of the generation.The minority who listened to sonic youth knew whats up though.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ Well now if we're going to include metal bands, then I have to agree with my man right here. I'd take Metallica over any band mentioned in here so far, and I LOOOOVE Green Day, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, and Foo Fighters.

But they're not on Metallica's level.

I didn't mention them earlier because I thought maybe people weren't wanting to include 'metal' in the discussion of 'rock'. Clicking on the thread and reading through the responses at first, it seemed like 'rock' in the title sparked more of an 'alternative' discussion, so I went with that.

But if we're including metal bands, then... yes, I agree with you: Metallica is my pick for greatest rock band of our generation.

HybridSoldier- wherever you got those figures from, would you mind looking up Metallica's numbers? I'm sure their numbers demolish anyone else mentioned. Thanks, man.

*edit* I see you posted a reply as I was typing, so I didn't see it before I went to make my reply. Just like I thought: Metallica owns.
"Exxxiiiiit: light. Enteeeeerrrr: night. Taaaaaake my hannnnddd... off to never, neverland."

Metallica seems to me more of an 80ss band than a 90s band
I'm a bigger fan of ...And Justice for All than I am of the Black Album.
IMO, Metallica fell off after the Black Album

Anyway, Green Day was a fixture in the early 90s...I'm not a fan of American Idiot, but their previous stuff was/is really good.

Most influental band of the 90s is Nirvana without a question.

Anyway, music is different for everyone. My favorite bands of the 90s are Jane's Addiction, RHCP, and RATM.
I'm also a fan of the Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, STP(under-rated IMO). The 90s were a great time for music
Metallica is mainly an '80s band with one great album in the early '90s, so they don't count. As for the original thread, if you're comparingRHCP to Green Day, it's no contest, RHCP is just much better. They have one of the best rock bass players ever, plus their songwriting and transformationover the years has been incredible.

And to the guy that said Nickelback, well, go kill yourself for being ******ed.
Rancid > Green Day

Some of y'all need to stick to the rap/hip hop threads, because you dont know what your talking about.

Saying Nickleback is a good Rock band is like saying Soulja Boy is a good rapper, it might even be worse.
I'm going to have to agree with the fact that Nickleback should never have entered the discussion.

However, I won't agree that Nickleback is as bad (or worst) to rock as Souljah Boy is to rap. I can't stand Souljah Boy.
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