Green New Deal proposes to get rid of air travel, replaced by high speed rail?

umm no, cuz when you look at da importance of issues of likely voters, "climate change" ranks at da bottom. Republicans are better not to even accept da premise and continue it to be a left wing dogmatic pet project.

Fine, just don't complain when Democrats get power again and nuke the filibuster and enact a bunch of green policy with zero Republican input.

Not forwarding an argument on a vector of policy has a cost.
it's so funny how ninja wants america to prosper, yet cannot see that by not enacting alternatives to fossil fuel consumption is hindering the usa from being a major player in the future economies. slowly the world will move forward with more sustainable methods and the usa will be left behind. all because ninja has a fantasy of driving a muscle car that he will never own.
how's that gonna happen?
It's doesn't matter how, it will happen eventually, they won't be out of power forever.

And when that happens there won't be any talk of compromise or moderation.

The same thing happened with healthh care. Republicans for years didn't come up with an argument for their vision of healthcare and they crashed and burned when it came time to repeal Obamacare.

When it's time to fight the green new deal, having no response to it other than "LOL socialism" is going to doom them in the long run.
Every time i step into one of these threads it's about 90% right vs Left, & never about the actual REAL weaknesses or strengths of the actual proposal. Whatever is being asked is like a footnote in the scheme of dem vs rep beef :smh:

Its the real world. Humans are selfish. Nobody can admit being wrong.... espeecially on here
It's doesn't matter how, it will happen eventually, they won't be out of power forever.

only way thats happening is when democrats return to their roots of being in da center left, with proposals like da green new deal? ita gonna be a lonnng time.
The same thing happened with healthh care. Republicans for years didn't come up with an argument for their vision of healthcare and they crashed and burned when it came time to repeal Obamacare.

When it's time to fight the green new deal, having no response to it other than "LOL socialism" is going to doom them in the long run.
healthcare routinely ranks in da upper echelons of important issues. "climate change"? umm how bout no.
only way thats happening is when democrats return to their roots of being in da center left, with proposals like da green new deal? ita gonna be a lonnng time.
Yeah cause that's what Barack Obama did to win the presidency move to the center.

Politics is cyclical, at some point the pendulum will swing and Democrats will be in power and the filibuster will go down and some green policy will be enacted. Republicans should figure out whAt they are gunna say now rather than wait untill it's too late.
healthcare routinely ranks in da upper echelons of important issues. "climate change"? umm how bout no.
I'm sure getting rid of the estate tax rank superlo on any list of voter priorities. But some how republicans keep talking about, because there base funders want them to talk about it.

The base of Democratic party cares about climate and so I can prise green new de ideas are not going anywhere.
where exactly do you get that from? you know things work in parallel right? improving and being self reliant is going backwards? so essentially with the invention of new hybrid cars is going backwards? now that we don't necessarily depend on oil from foreign countries, we are taking a step back? harnessing the power of renewable energy will put us behind?

man you are so delusional
Right. You can’t maintain what we have while building something better that takes over. That wasn’t the basic fundamental reason why apple became the powerhouse it is today. Selfcannibalization is the key to sustainability. Otherwise we’ll just wait for the other countries to take over, develop the technology and we’ll lag behind rather than being the superpower paving the road.
Politics is cyclical, at some point the pendulum will swing and Democrats will be in power and the filibuster will go down and some green policy will be enacted.

democrats would dismantle da fillibuster at their own peril like it stung em with judicial nominations, which brings me to
3 words, supreme court majority.

green power plan never got off da ground because it was frozen in da courts...

imagine if Ruth Ginsberg goes down with 6 years? yeah....
under da umbrella of limited government.
green new deal is " the under umbrella of big government. "
democrats would dismantle da fillibuster at their own peril like it stung em with judicial nominations, which brings me to
3 words, supreme court majority.

green power plan never got off da ground because it was frozen in da courts...

imagine if Ruth Ginsberg goes down with 6 years? yeah....

FDR's great society program was threatened by a conservative supreme coat he tried to pack the courts let's hope it doesn't come to that because

the filibuster is going down at some point that much is obvious.
its not, democrats already got burned once and Republican majority leader has been steadfast in his refusal to remove da fillibuster to pass Republican agendas.

it's going down buddy, republicans will not have the senate forever.

Here is what's about to happen.

-Young people will continue to make up a great share of the democratic coalition,

-AOC will be the most influential politician amongst that demographic.

-AOC will successfully drag all future democratic nominees to the left on climate.

-Green New Deal, will eventually be the biggest democratic party priority.

-Democrats will abolish the filibuster, or they will just ignore the senate parliamentarian and the filibuster will be abolished in all but name and some green legislation will pass with 51 votes.

-AOC leavs the congress and runs for mayor of new york or something.

those are all locks. take em to the bank.

depending on who is president, we may also see, DC, PR, Gaum statehood, Joe Manchin becomes and independent, Court Packing.

Depending on how aggressive the next democratic president is.
it's going down buddy, republicans will not have the senate forever.

you sound ridiculous, if da GOP own da majority in da senate and aren't tempted to remove it regardless of their respective wishlist, what makes you think democrats would make da same stupid choice twice that has cost them da supreme Court?
there are only two options for the democratic party, abolish the filibuster, or overrule the senate parliamentarian and use reconciliation to pass everything. which is abolishing the filibuster in all but name.

but if you think the left wing of the democratic party is just going to shrug as all their policy agenda get's filibustered youre fooling yourself.
"I’ve read the paper, and I’m impressed," Robinson said, but he added that with other technological advances it has taken a decade or so before they entered the commercial marketplace"

aka don't hold you're breath anytime soon

You do understand a decade is only 10 years right?
and that'll be da end of democrats ever being taken serious in presidential elections..

sure yeah. I heard a candidate once proposed to build a concrete wall across the entire southern one took him seriously either.

once the filibuster was killed for judges it was doomed period. if you can't see the politcal winds blowing on this i don't know what to tell you.

also the filibuster favors the republicans, republicans don't care about gridlock, democrats do. It's harder to take away public benifits then it is to give them to people.

you may not think it's smart, but it's going down, either officially, or just by abusing reconciliation.
sure yeah. I heard a candidate once proposed to build a concrete wall across the entire southern one took him seriously either.

once the filibuster was killed for judges it was doomed period. if you can't see the politcal winds blowing on this i don't know what to tell you.

democrats aren't gonna remove da fillibuster man..thats looney tune talk, your essentially admitting they can't get their zainy hair brained ideas pass a smell test thru moderate scrutiny.
everytime someone says a political party is doomed for a generation they are wrong.

they were wrong about the democrats during the bush tenure, they were wrong about the republicans after the election of Barack Obama.

there are only two politcal parties, the pendulum will always swing back, all it takes is an economic downturn, a war, or some russian interferance, and boom the other side is back.
democrats aren't gonna remove da fillibuster man..thats looney tune talk, your essentially admitting they can't get their zainy hair brained ideas pass a smell test thru moderate scrutiny.

hey that's your opinion but im telling it will happen...

you aren't in touch with the base of the democratic party, the filibuster will go down, the ground swell for it's removal is growing.

the filibuster is going to be like immigration hawkary was for republicans, the base of the party won't tolerate capitulation on the issue. you wait and see.

just wait on it.
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