Green New Deal proposes to get rid of air travel, replaced by high speed rail?

You know the world would be a lot better place, if republicans believed in climate change and proposed market based solutions as a counter balance to left wing big goverment maximalism.

That way we could reach a happy medium and, ya know, save the world.

but alas.
because da world is gonna end in 12 years. :lol:
Im not a scientist I don't really know how bad it's going to get and how fast.

all i know is, the best minds of my generation are working in silicone valley trying like hell to get people to click on more advertisments, or working on wall street, building algorithms to make trades. .000001 second faster than the competitor.

and meanwhile the threat of extinction looms.

Republicans need to help figure this out, otherwise, you will only have far left wing solution's.
America spent ungodly amounts of money, to put a man on the moon, many test pilots died, and it turns out it was so utterly pointless that nobody has ever gone back

for no reason other than jingoistic pride.

you would think that even if there was a 1% chance that climate disaster could result in the extinction of human life, we'd be willing to spend the same amount of money.

but alas. Koch brothers need that extra billion.
and meanwhile the threat of extinction looms.


some of ya been watching too many movies.

da only thing that can threaten our current run of prosperity are ideas conjured up by irational fear.

AOC's green new deal proposal got so panned and laughed at they took it down, and claimed people doctored and photoshops da document.

its a horrible by any measure.
ninjahood lives in a black and white world. His infantile brain can not grasp that the world operates through a spectrum and there are many shades where hypothetical situations do not occur. It is only fitting that he has no sense of culture throughout the world, yet he lives in one of the most diverse places in the world.
This could be a product of living like a teenager in his 30s.

some of ya been watching too many movies.

da only thing that can threaten our current run of prosperity are ideas conjured up by irational fear.

AOC's green new deal proposal got so panned and laughed at they took it down, and claimed people doctored and photoshops da document.

its a horrible by any measure.

im not here to argue without about climate change my guy it's not relevenat to me, maybe all the scientists are wrong, i dunno, don't really care.

I just think the republican party is irrational and most of the modern economy is irrational. even if there is .01% chance the worst predictions about climete change are right, the only rational response would be too make massive investments in combating that possibility.

thats not even your own opinion..u read that somewhere :smh: :lol:

here's everything that exist because we decided to go to da moon.

so what you're saying is that a massive government investment in Research and Develoment in the pursuit of an irrational goal is good?

okay fine I agree.
Like i really don't get it, if going to the moon is good because the research made in pursing that goal resulted in a bunch of other postive inventions and developments.

sooo then why don't we do the same thing with climate change?

worst case climate change is fake, but we get a whole bunch of inventions out of it, people in kentucky can stop mining coal...who loses in that situation? :lol:
and you wonder why being a socialist is trendy...

Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire because he makes addictive software for your phone that makes you feel bad about yourself and occasionally foments genocide.

he then uses that money, to hire the literally the smartest people on invent make you...look at more advertisements.

meanwhile each year the earth gets hotter and hotter and other than like Tesla (which appears to be run megalomaniac on adderall).

American market capitalism's response to this is to spend HUNDREDS of millions of dollars to convince people that climent change is a hoax.

it's insane and hilarious and creepy. :lol:
and you wonder why being a socialist is trendy...

Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire because he makes addictive software for your phone that makes you feel bad about yourself and occasionally foments genocide.

he then uses that money, to hire the literally the smartest people on invent make you...look at more advertisements.

meanwhile each year the earth gets hotter and hotter and other than like Tesla (which appears to be run megalomaniac on adderall).

American market capitalism's response to this is to spend HUNDREDS of millions of dollars to convince people that climent change is a hoax.

it's insane and hilarious and creepy. :lol:

It's almost like the goal is to continue maximizing profits at the detriment of the consumer while convincing you that the more money they make, the better it is for you in the long run :lol:

some of ya been watching too many movies.

da only thing that can threaten our current run of prosperity are ideas conjured up by irational fear.

AOC's green new deal proposal got so panned and laughed at they took it down, and claimed people doctored and photoshops da document.

its a horrible by any measure.
Why y’all so afraid of this Latina from the Bronx? Every chance you Republicans get you looking to discredit and hold her down like she is some Antichrist. Girl is trying to start a new way of thinking that should encourage people to think progressively and find an efficient middle ground.
Why y’all so afraid of this Latina from the Bronx? Every chance you Republicans get you looking to discredit and hold her down like she is some Antichrist. Girl is trying to start a new way of thinking that should encourage people to think progressively and find an efficient middle ground.
men with daddy issues and misogynistic views are afraid of woman who challenge the status quo.
Why y’all so afraid of this Latina from the Bronx? Every chance you Republicans get you looking to discredit and hold her down like she is some Antichrist. Girl is trying to start a new way of thinking that should encourage people to think progressively and find an efficient middle ground.

It’s well documented that NH always had a thing against The Bronx.
it's insane and hilarious and creepy.

hold my beer.

Why the 'Green New Deal' is a gift to President Trump's reelection campaign
FEB 10, 2019 | 3:00 AM


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) speaks about the proposed "Green New Deal" with other congressional supporters of the plan in Washington on Feb. 7. (Shawn Thew / EPA/Shutterstock)

To the editor: Listening to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and others talk about the particulars of their “Green New Deal”reminds me of a scene from one of the Austin Powers movies.

In the year 1969, Dr. Evil has built a laser on the moon and is threatening to destroy major cities. He is speaking via video link to the president (played by Tim Robbins) and demands $100 billion in ransom. The president and members of his Cabinet immediately burst out laughing, pointing out that much money doesn’t even exist in the entire world, much less the U.S., in 1969.

When I hear Ocasio-Cortez and others describe dismantling the airline industry and replacing it with high-speed trains, abolishing the internal combustion engine, passing living-wage proposals and renovating every building in the U.S., I see a 4-year-old promising to make her mother the “bestest cake ever.”

The best news for Republicans is that it looks like Democrats are going to craft their 2020 strategy around this lunacy, and I'm going to be handing out cigars and brandy to celebrate President Trump’s reelection.

David Pohlod, Oak Park
How you got the balls to talk about irrational fear and your arguments are literally based on irrational fears?

Talking bout you won’t be able to go to DR.
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