Green New Deal proposes to get rid of air travel, replaced by high speed rail?

How you got the balls to talk about irrational fear and your arguments are literally based on irrational fears?

umm, da broad's office published a crackpot proposal...and was dead serious about it, till she got laughed out da gym and took it down...thats not irational...thats basically callin out someone running with sissors around small children.
hold my beer.

Why the 'Green New Deal' is a gift to President Trump's reelection campaign
FEB 10, 2019 | 3:00 AM


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) speaks about the proposed "Green New Deal" with other congressional supporters of the plan in Washington on Feb. 7. (Shawn Thew / EPA/Shutterstock)

To the editor: Listening to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and others talk about the particulars of their “Green New Deal”reminds me of a scene from one of the Austin Powers movies.

In the year 1969, Dr. Evil has built a laser on the moon and is threatening to destroy major cities. He is speaking via video link to the president (played by Tim Robbins) and demands $100 billion in ransom. The president and members of his Cabinet immediately burst out laughing, pointing out that much money doesn’t even exist in the entire world, much less the U.S., in 1969.

When I hear Ocasio-Cortez and others describe dismantling the airline industry and replacing it with high-speed trains, abolishing the internal combustion engine, passing living-wage proposals and renovating every building in the U.S., I see a 4-year-old promising to make her mother the “bestest cake ever.”

The best news for Republicans is that it looks like Democrats are going to craft their 2020 strategy around this lunacy, and I'm going to be handing out cigars and brandy to celebrate President Trump’s reelection.

David Pohlod, Oak Park

I don't understand what point you're making.

I don't care about your presidential election, not everything is about trump or the election or whatever.

if you are dissatisfied with far left proposals for what to do about climate change then, you should encourage republicans to get in the game.
Unless republicans come to the table, the discussion about climate change will be stuck with only far left proposal.
AOC talks about fixing the biggest problems within the country and its looked at as a complete joke and a gift for Trump’s campaign. This stuff is hilarious. People are so brainwashed that they can’t even hear a progressive idea and the notion of wanting to fix problems. They have to automatically discredit them and look at them as lunacy. Fact is she is creating a conversation that needs to be had. And like any good negotiation it’s starting with a really wide spread. Eventually ideas will be passed around and a reasonable middle ground will be found to create a solution. But let these geniuses laugh it off as fake news the same way exxon laughed off the data they received in the 70s about effecting climate change that put us in this poi’s it ion in the first place. What a joke man.
umm, da broad's office published a crackpot proposal...and was dead serious about it, till she got laughed out da gym and took it down...thats not irational...thats basically callin out someone running with sissors around small children.
she has accomplished more in her 29 years than you will ever amount to and you have the audacity to trash talk because she is from a different mindset than you. she's actually doing something about the unfairness of corruption and all you have to offer is criticism. you are just sitting and looking from the sidelines and not contributing anything to society except manifesting materialism.

your sense of entitlement is ludicrous and you have no alternative plan but to follow the agenda of a fear mongering person who serves no interest in your life. trump would feed you to the dogs if he saw you. and here you are praising him.
I don't understand what point you're making.

I don't care about your presidential election, not everything is about trump or the election or whatever.

so why are you here?

this is a proposal to eliminate and downgrade our lifestyle by da culling of energy and replace it with da scholastic equivalent of unicorns & rainbows.
Unless republicans come to the table, the discussion about climate change will be stuck with only far left proposal.

umm no, cuz when you look at da importance of issues of likely voters, "climate change" ranks at da bottom. Republicans are better not to even accept da premise and continue it to be a left wing dogmatic pet project.
so why are you here?

this is a proposal to eliminate and downgrade our lifestyle by da culling of energy and replace it with da scholastic equivalent of unicorns & rainbows.
but what is it to you? you stay in a three mile radius. you don't care about anything but yourself. now you want to have fake outrage because people are actually concerned with the well being of future generations. people are actually thinking of the future and how the environment will be 50 years from now. instead, you are simple minded and just thinking of collecting jewelry your existence is a joke.
so why are you here?

this is a proposal to eliminate and downgrade our lifestyle by da culling of energy and replace it with da scholastic equivalent of unicorns & rainbows.
How is evolving into a more intelligent society that is aiming to create new methods of transportation that better serve society downgrading? Bruh you wanna be working in a coal mine don’t you? You want that horse and buggy b? You want a slave to plow ya land for ya too? Let go of these old ideals and move on and grow. We had it your way we’d all be rocking with aol 3.0 and 56k modems.
umm no, cuz when you look at da importance of issues of likely voters, "climate change" ranks at da bottom. Republicans are better not to even accept da premise and continue it to be a left wing dogmatic pet project.
so instead of proposing something new and innovative, you just criticize and offer no alternative. well done b you contribute nothing to society
How is evolving into a more intelligent society that is aiming to create new methods of transportation that better serve society downgrading? Bruh you wanna be working in a coal mine don’t you? You want that horse and buggy b? You want a slave to plow ya land for ya too? Let go of these old ideals and move on and grow. We had it your way we’d all be rocking with aol 3.0 and 56k modems.
"Da broad talking bout 5 mb internet, rookie"
Unless republicans come to the table, the discussion about climate change will be stuck with only far left proposal.
That's the problem. Just like with healthcare, they have no proposal. Just running on an anti-left platform.
umm no, cuz when you look at da importance of issues of likely voters, "climate change" ranks at da bottom. Republicans are better not to even accept da premise and continue it to be a left wing dogmatic pet project.

not everything is about some political strategy,

i don't care about that

im simply commenting on what would be good for the country.

It would be good if republicans would try and come up with solutions for climate change.
So because the right has been brainwashed by corrupt officials and oil lobbies, we shouldn’t care about these issues at all? What logic you running with b?

once this guy basically dared his opponents to run on it, its essentially a political loser & toxic, hence it being taken down from ridicule.
How is evolving into a more intelligent society that is aiming to create new methods of transportation that better serve society downgrading?

you're essentially advocating this country chops its legs off so we could learn how to walk on composite prosthetics as evolution...
you're essentially advocating this country chops its legs off so we could learn how to walk on composite prosthetics as evolution...
where exactly do you get that from? you know things work in parallel right? improving and being self reliant is going backwards? so essentially with the invention of new hybrid cars is going backwards? now that we don't necessarily depend on oil from foreign countries, we are taking a step back? harnessing the power of renewable energy will put us behind?

man you are so delusional
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