Green New Deal proposes to get rid of air travel, replaced by high speed rail?

This would make many people reconsider regional flights from NYc to Boston, DC, Philly. Especially when you add up travel time to the airport and airport security.
It’s bizarre to me the resistance to alternative, more sustainable, environmentally friendly methods of travel.

I’ve heard people ***** and whine about how they love American muscle and would never drive a hybrid.

Nobody is taking away your ability to travel abroad. Stop with the fear mongering when the only ones shook are the ones scared of losing everything they hold dear.
In short, the Green New Deal would be a deficit financed expansion of federal bureaucratic power to dictate investment decisions in one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Responding to the threat of climate change by growing the government and further centralizing energy market decisions puts at risk the free market economy that our nation has relied on for economic growth for more than two centuries.
The same free market that’s known about climate change at the hands of big oil since the 70s but has published a false agenda in order to preserve their interests?
aircraft are as efficient as possible, to a mathematical point cuz these damn airlines look at their margins like a microscope.
Margins do not equal efficiency. Airlines are a loss business. Look it up, Airlines have merged not due to competition, but due to necessity. Airline travel makes sense to two industries, car and airline.

Mass rail transit needs to happen now.
It’s bizarre to me the resistance to alternative, more sustainable, environmentally friendly methods of travel.

I’ve heard people ***** and whine about how they love American muscle and would never drive a hybrid.

Nobody is taking away your ability to travel abroad. Stop with the fear mongering when the only ones shook are the ones scared of losing everything they hold dear.
Unless you work for a car company or an airline company there is literally no reason to be against rail expansion.
Every time i step into one of these threads it's about 90% right vs Left, & never about the actual REAL weaknesses or strengths of the actual proposal. Whatever is being asked is like a footnote in the scheme of dem vs rep beef :smh:

problem is people aren't honest when "their side" comes up with stupid ish.

fam, da world ain't gonna end in 12 years...stop it. :lol:
Every time i step into one of these threads it's about 90% right vs Left, & never about the actual REAL weaknesses or strengths of the actual proposal. Whatever is being asked is like a footnote in the scheme of dem vs rep beef :smh:

****** act like kids when it comes to these conversations. Can't even discuss nothing without their being personal attacks.
It absolutely does not say that.


what else doesn't it say? :lol: this broad is COMEDY.
No it doesn’t. It plans to make them obsolete.

It doesn’t say we’ll come take da hemi and you can hop on the bus.


"replace every combustion engine"

you think that would happen voluntarily? :lol:

go peep certain European countries banning da sale of new internal combustion engines.
BTW, That's just the FAQ that AOC provided to NPR

Here's the only portion from the actual resolution that talks about this

(H) overhauling transportation systems in the United States to remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible, including through investment in
  • (i) zero-emission vehicle infrastructure and manufacturing;
  • (ii) clean, affordable, and accessible public transit; and
  • (iii) high-speed rail
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