Greg Oden is trash thread...vol 1 man hacking machine

Not everybody can come in and instantly dominate, like Bynum for example (who isn't dominating, but has turned out alright).
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by DIGITALJORDAN

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

I've read in this thread someone say "we were saying the same thing about yao" and "ppl were saying the same thing about dwight"

as mig mike said d-12 avg 12, 10 and 2 as a rook. yao avg 13, 8 and 2.

Okafor still put up 15, 11 and 1.7 in his rookie year.

What's really sad is MARC GASOL is putting up better numbers than Oden.
The major reason they put up better numbers is that there teams are trash. If Oden was on the Thunder or the Grizz his numbers would be higher for sure. Who else did Dwight or Okafor have around them? They were the main guys on those teams when Greg is not even close to being the main guy on his team.

Oden has a role to play and it's not the big time scorer that most of you think make a great player. As his basketball iq rises so will his stats.

When D-12 was a rookie he played w/ Francis and Cuttino. And if i'm not mistaken he Cuttino was traded for Hedo that same year. Yao also put up better stats and he played w/ the same two guys.

Like i've mentioned earlier, I've watched nearly every Blazers game this season and the fact he plays w/ LMA and Roy hide how terrible he is on offense. If he were on a team that needed him to score the pressure alone would break his spirits. You cant throw him the ball in the post and expect a bucket. He either travels or shoots a jump hook off the bottom of his wrist.
thats true though.
time will only tell. people need to be patient. remember he was the #1 pick as a teen he still has time to develop and the dude is coming off microfracturesurgery. he is not great now but has potential to be. he doesn't even half a season under his belt.
It took Bynum a couple seasons to find his swag. That's with the mentoring of The Captain too. It will take some seasoning. Like Barkley said last night onTNT, when you're trying to block your man's shot who is coming at you full speed, you will either foul or get dunked on. If he learns how to come offthe weak side to block or change shots and rebound more, the Blazers will be dangerous. Even more so than Houston in my opinion. More offensive rebounds willequal more put backs and more points. He's not a Shaq type player! He's still very young, the more people dog on him the less confidence he will haveand then he will be a Gheorghe Nuresan 2.0.
Why the hell people keep bringing up Andrew Bynum?

Oden is supposed to be in a totally DIFFERENT class...allegedly. Stop comparing him to Andrew Bynum...Bynum was expected to be a project. Oden was a #1 pickand the most hyped prospect coming into the NBA since Lebron (I dare you to find me one other player that got as much pub and hype as he did)
Coaches get fired in 15 games, and we supposed to wait 3 years to judge the number 1 player in the draft.

If I have to watch him now, i'm judging now. Keep him on the sideline if he aint ready.
i guess these same people who are saying give Oden time, probably dont think tyrus thomas is a bust either...Ya'll probably werent convinced about Darkountil Orlando gave up on him.

And the yao comparison is terrible. I read an article about Oden being depressed due to the pressure of being the # 1 pick. Just imagine the pressure he'dfeel if he had a billion people in China watching his every move. Oden is in one of the smallest markets in the NBA, he'd crumble if he went to NY, LA orBoston or if he played near home like D. Rose and LeBron.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

i guess these same people who are saying give Oden time, probably dont think tyrus thomas is a bust either..
Sad thing is KNOW that they do.

Another crazy thing is that...back during the draft...all you kept hearing was that Durant is going to be a great scorer...but Oden was going to be the nextdominant big man...and the way everything is shaking down...I've seen more criticism for Durant...than I have for Oden...and I seen that coming a mileaway. Durant has to go out and be the greatest SG/SF of all time in order to get credit...while Oden can continue to play like Eric Dampier for the rest of hiscareer and it'll be justified because of the type of team he's on. First half of last year...dudes couldn't wait to run on here and talk aboutKevin was shooting poorly and wasn't ever going to be anything but a gunner. Second half of the season when he shot over 50%...nobody had +*$% to say.I've seen posts THIS year dogging him...and he's playing outstanding ball. Meanwhile...Oden is throwing up some average @$% numbers...and everybody hasthe "give him some time" response.

As I've always said on dudes certainly pick and choose who you want to rally behind. No players (in any sport) get the same treatment on here.If Player A and Player B commit the same murder...ya'll are ready to give Player B the chair and parole Player A. It's amazing.
Everytime the Blazers come on TV, its always "Greg Oden and the Blazers vs. blah"
Both Conley and Oden should've stayed another year, maybe even til'their junior years.

@ InMyMind saying Oden playing like Dampier. It's true though. Theleague is hyping this man up so much and he's just not ready for it. I just can't wait to see what he does in the rookie-sophmore game. I really wishhe was on the sophmore team so I could see Marc Gasol embarrass him thoroughly.
I gotta chime in....
What InMyMind said is exactly true...
It took NT maybe 10-12 games to make derrick rose an allstar.
KD has to carry a entire TEAM to be considered special... Greg Oden has to get rebs and blocks...and he's BARELY doing that. This conversation would betotally different if the kid has shown any improvement, but he just hasn't. Im sorry but stop kissing this kids a$^, get in the gym and work on your postgame.
he needs to stop fouling and get in better shape. u cant be mad at his post game cuz no one expected him to have a post game especially 20 some games into theseason. What he needs to do is stop fouling point guards on pick and roll and get in better shape so he can play better D!
Relax, he hasn't even played 30 games yet. To compare him to greats such as Shaq is unfair to Oden...I think that due to Oden's size and ability ondefense he'll have atleast a decent NBA career. In all fairness to him, he's on a team that is likely to win 45+ games this season and has talent atevery position. Portland does not need him to put up great numbers for the team to win. If he was on a rebuilding team his numbers would've been muchbetter.

He really needs to work on staying out of foul trouble...5 fouls in 8 minutes is simply inexcusable
and another disturbing is the quality of centers these days? we were blessed to see Robinson/Hakeem/Ewing/Mourning/Shaq/Mutombo all in the leagueat once....even rik smits!
^ seriously

we can't expect great numbers if he's always on the bench. once he stops doing that he'll be much better
Fede DPT wrote:
We said the same thing about Yao Ming.

Oden will be good, but not great. I hardly doubt the Blazers drafted him for any other reason to be a big body and play defense.

Yao showed flashes. He had a great set of fundamental skills. The only knock on Yao was whether or not he would be aggressive and strong enough. Oden has noskill set at all. I really think this guys doesn't really love basketball. He seems like one of those guys who just plays because people just expect itfrom him. I think people just want him to succeed since he is just such a nice guy.
The main issue with him is that he seems to lack passion..

He could be a 12-13 rpg & 3 bpg guy.. But he won't be an offensive juggernaut.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Originally Posted by the PGA tour

Sports fans have ZERO patience nowadays.

Says the Celts fan who team is only great because ya'll didnt win the 2007 lottery. If the Celts would've had the # 1 pick the trade for KG doesnt happen. So the whole city of Boston should be thankful the ping pong balls bounced the way they did.
@ The anger
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

i guess these same people who are saying give Oden time, probably dont think tyrus thomas is a bust either..
Sad thing is KNOW that they do.

Another crazy thing is that...back during the draft...all you kept hearing was that Durant is going to be a great scorer...but Oden was going to be the next dominant big man...and the way everything is shaking down...I've seen more criticism for Durant...than I have for Oden...and I seen that coming a mile away. Durant has to go out and be the greatest SG/SF of all time in order to get credit...while Oden can continue to play like Eric Dampier for the rest of his career and it'll be justified because of the type of team he's on. First half of last year...dudes couldn't wait to run on here and talk about Kevin was shooting poorly and wasn't ever going to be anything but a gunner. Second half of the season when he shot over 50%...nobody had +*$% to say. I've seen posts THIS year dogging him...and he's playing outstanding ball. Meanwhile...Oden is throwing up some average @$% numbers...and everybody has the "give him some time" response.

As I've always said on dudes certainly pick and choose who you want to rally behind. No players (in any sport) get the same treatment on here. If Player A and Player B commit the same murder...ya'll are ready to give Player B the chair and parole Player A. It's amazing.
Quoted for emphasis
Originally Posted by lnMyMind

Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

i guess these same people who are saying give Oden time, probably dont think tyrus thomas is a bust either..
Sad thing is KNOW that they do.

Another crazy thing is that...back during the draft...all you kept hearing was that Durant is going to be a great scorer...but Oden was going to be the next dominant big man...and the way everything is shaking down...I've seen more criticism for Durant...than I have for Oden...and I seen that coming a mile away. Durant has to go out and be the greatest SG/SF of all time in order to get credit...while Oden can continue to play like Eric Dampier for the rest of his career and it'll be justified because of the type of team he's on. First half of last year...dudes couldn't wait to run on here and talk about Kevin was shooting poorly and wasn't ever going to be anything but a gunner. Second half of the season when he shot over 50%...nobody had +*$% to say. I've seen posts THIS year dogging him...and he's playing outstanding ball. Meanwhile...Oden is throwing up some average @$% numbers...and everybody has the "give him some time" response.

As I've always said on dudes certainly pick and choose who you want to rally behind. No players (in any sport) get the same treatment on here. If Player A and Player B commit the same murder...ya'll are ready to give Player B the chair and parole Player A. It's amazing.

That is the scary part. As a Blazers fan this worries me because if he averages 9, 9 and 2 for the next 2 years he'll get a max contract. Dampier got 70M,Nene and Dalembert got 60M and Bynum got 58M. Depending on the cap, he'll get 85M and may get more money than Aldridge. None of those guys I mentionedaverages a double double or are close to being in All -Stars but are getting paid like it.
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