Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

Oh I thought you were talking about what could have been in the movie.

The Godkiller armor is just the Space Armor MK III, nothing really special about it other than being enhanced for Space travel and has the AI PEPPER instead of Jarvis.
But this is what I said on why the future heroes in DofP wore black leather because bright spandex make them much more visible when hiding from Sentinel and I got chastised for it. :lol:
That's cuz all sentinels can id you by your x-gene not by how colorful your clothes are.

But is Singer going to follow that trait?
Don't see any reason why he wouldn't and there's no reason to assume he wouldn't right now and then there's no reason to assume colorful costumes not being worn is cuz sentinels will notice them. That just sounds stupid. They're robots not ppl. Colorful costumes are irrelevant.

Also if they lack that trait then they're really just killer robots that can be programmed to kill anybody and you'd think the US gov't and it's ppl would be concerned about that. I'm sure Trask didn't pitch the idea that these sentinels are so sophisticated they'll be able to track down mutants by their colorful attire as opposed to regular humans wearing colorful clothing.
Again I am not even defending how it looks now, let's just say it is terrible all around, but black makes sense if you want to be kept hidden. Not to mention there are also that reports mutants that they see so if you are a human, you aren't going to detect their genes but if you see someone in a bright yellow and blue spandex, you'll get an idea that they are different and mutants dresses as such especially if you're in a team. If you are anti-mutant, you see some dude with yellow and blue spandex with an X on their chest, of course you'll report them as a mutant and part of the XMen.
I'm sorry but this train of thought just sounds stupid as **** to me :lol:

You mean to tell me that only mutants will be running around in spandex cuz they have super powers? and that's the defining thing that'll get them spotted by sentinels?

Just like you said these sentinels look so different and advanced to the point the future ones can shape shift I'd find it incredibly hard to believe they can't track mutants by their x-gene but are relying on how bright their clothes are :lol: I mean that excuse still doesn't make sense given the sentinels find the mutants anyway and they're wearing all black so I'm guessing that didn't help them hide either.
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The whole point if you want to be incognito, you dress to blend in whether with the background or other people. Obviously only mutants wears colorful costumes, it's evident in the comics. But even in the comics, when they are in public, they dress casual. In a dystopian time for mutants, black fits in with that theme. I mean Singer knows this and he is obviously open to having costumes with color these days (look at Magneto and First Class he produced) so he made them wear black for a purpose.

I never said color is the only indicator for mutants but whoever or whatever you are, if you don't want to draw attention to yourself because are being hunted down and wearing dark colors helps. Wearing colorful and flamboyant colors which makes you more noticeable isn't a good idea.

I mean this is common sense, comic books or not. I do not get why it doesn't make sense to people. :lol: It's like some just want to argue just to argue.

Obviously they'll get caught or noticed eventually but it helps to keep yourself concealed by wearing black. Again, I do not get how difficult to understand this? Instead it is stupid as "f" when all I am saying is it makes sense to wear black so you don't get noticed and stay hidden? :lol: Ok!

And there is a huge reason why Singer wouldn't, hell he has been lambasted for all his XFilms, even the good ones because of the changes he made. He made Beast-Hulk in DofP for gods sake. :lol:
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Stop reminding us about Beast-Hulk. I just forgot about that until you brought it up. And can we please stop talking about the costumes. I mean damn if the world was covered in matrix darkness like the trailer showed you damn right I'm wearing all black.
This one might be a spoiler though it's obvious and a given. Still, enter at your own peril. It's from Bloombergs recent visit to Marvel Studios.

While Thanos is never directly named in the following description for a scene being put together for Guardians of the Galaxy during Bloomberg's recent visit to Marvel Studios, common sense says that's exactly who we're talking about here!

Gunn freezes a frame of an imposing-looking villain any serious comic book fan would recognize instantly. He sits on a rocket-powered throne. Feige sees something on the screen that he doesn’t like. The evildoer needs to be farther away in the frame so he looks more imperious, he says.

“I don’t know,” says Gunn. “I think it’s going to look cool, man.”

“You just don’t want him to feel petty in that way,” Feige says. “I think it’s a fine line.”

“How do you think it comes off as petty here?” Gunn says.

“He’s so damn close,” Feige says.

“Yeah,” concedes Gunn. “I think I’m going to have him floating in space.”

Feige is concerned about the throne, too. He points at the base. “Those don’t need to be rockets,” he says. “Maybe gravity disks?” Feige says he’ll check back later.

In the hallway he extracts a pledge not to name the bad guy. “That could not be a bigger spoiler,” Feige says.
Those are the comic book version of Nova and Iron Man.

Yah but IM aint in the film so using that armor makes sense. Nova is. Why didnt they use the film nova for the toys?

I know the Nova Corps are in the movie but Nova being in it is news to me :nerd:
THE Nova (the one from Earth; Rider) is not in this movie. Members of the nova corps are referred to as "novas" though.
The whole point if you want to be incognito, you dress to blend in whether with the background or other people. Obviously only mutants wears colorful costumes, it's evident in the comics. But even in the comics, when they are in public, they dress casual. In a dystopian time for mutants, black fits in with that theme. I mean Singer knows this and he is obviously open to having costumes with color these days (look at Magneto and First Class he produced) so he made them wear black for a purpose.

I never said color is the only indicator for mutants but whoever or whatever you are, if you don't want to draw attention to yourself because are being hunted down and wearing dark colors helps. Wearing colorful and flamboyant colors which makes you more noticeable isn't a good idea.

I mean this is common sense, comic books or not. I do not get why it doesn't make sense to people. :lol: It's like some just want to argue just to argue.

Obviously they'll get caught or noticed eventually but it helps to keep yourself concealed by wearing black. Again, I do not get how difficult to understand this? Instead it is stupid as "f" when all I am saying is it makes sense to wear black so you don't get noticed and stay hidden? :lol: Ok!

And there is a huge reason why Singer wouldn't, hell he has been lambasted for all his XFilms, even the good ones because of the changes he made. He made Beast-Hulk in DofP for gods sake. :lol:
I think you got a few things confused. Only X-Men wear colorful costumes and some times mutants who end up being villains.

Also ppl wear colorful costumes all the damn time in certain cities. Go to Tokyo, SanFran, LA, NYC.

You're gonna draw attention to yourself regardless if you're a mutant especially if you're one that can't control your power or whose mutation changed your body. There is no blending in for them. Besides blending in won't stop the sentinels from finding you. That's the crux of your argument. Somehow wearing all black will keep the sentinels from finding a mutant. That's bull **** and wreaks of a lack of common sense. I mean what happens when the sentinels show up at a comic con? Massacre all of the humans.

None of what you're saying is common sense when we're talking about giant robots that hunt down people born with superpowers. Colorful attire is all the way irrelevant when it comes to finding them.
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Like I said, it isn't about never being found but making it easier to blend in the shadows, making it harder to be seen or found. Fact is bright colors are more noticeable than black or neutral colors. I never, ever said wearing black will make you invisible, just that it is plausible that wearing black to keep yourself from being seen in the dark/shadows helps. Really is simple as that. Same reason soldiers/snipers wear camo in the field to blend in, sure infrared and heat censors can still detect them but you still want that little chance a naked eye might just miss you. Same reason people who try to rob house wear all black when breaking in.

Yeah they wear colorful clothes in other parts f the world but not in a dystopian world, especially not in the setting the movies future is set on. But even then, try wearing bright red sweater in the mall here in the US, it isn't the norm and you'll get noticed more than usual just by wearing bright clothing in public that one that is just wearing black clothes. I live in LA and yes wear bright colors of blue and yellow or red and it is considered peacocking and people think you are trying to get attention from others. This is narrow minded but sadly that is true.

Bright clothes are also much more noticeable with your peripheral visions than black. I know you've noticed this, a chick in bright red dress walks at 3 o;clock and you'll notice something moving there faster than if she were wearing black, some might not even notice there was even a person there if the clothes are of neutral color.

You say XMen are the only ones who wear colorful costumes, well we are talking about the XMen here. :lol:

If you are being hunted down by both Sentinels and anti-mutant protesters (who can call up Sentinels to report you) and XMens have been plastered on the television as wearing yellow and blue attire, are you really going to walk around or be hiding in the dark corners wearing your usual blue and yellow suit? You don't think that will attract more attention than black clothes? It doesn't make sense to wear black in those circumstances? Because that is all I am saying, maybe that is just Singer and XMens train of thought in that timeline, less bright colors does not get you noticed, it won't attract attention. I never, ever said black automatically makes you safe from Sentinels or anyone, simply that it gives you better odds of not being noticed.

I'll say it again, I never said wearing black makes you undetectable or hides your genes or that you become invisible, all I was saying was that wearing black in a dystopian world (where all black everything are likely the norm) will give you better odds of hiding in comparison to bright clothes. So I found that it make sense that Singer would put the future XMen in black clothes. I mean does that really not make sense to you? That black will get you less attention than bright clothes?
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Blend in the shadows from who though? They're high tech robots, hunting and killing machines. What makes you think in the 70s or 80s or whenever these things don't have infrared vision?heat sensors?

If the sentinels were made to hunt down snipers and soldiers, wearing camp would not save them either. This is a ridiculous argument. The mutants are not hiding from humans who can only use their senses to find them, we're talking about killer robots made with the capabilities to find mutants. What they wear is irrelevant. There are no better odds if you rock all black compared to all purple.

Nobody said anything about being hunted down by anti-mutant protesters. Don't move the goalposts now. I'd rather see you keep banging away at this idea that camo outfits or all black leather compared to green/red/yellow/blue spandex make a difference for a machine.

You think the Terminator in T2 wouldn't be able to find John Connor and his moms if they were rocking all black and blending in to a biker bar? Pssh :smh:

Nah you said all mutants wear colorful costumes. I said no they do not, only most of the X-Men do in comics. The sentinels are built to hunt down mutants not just X-Men.

Like I said before, the ppl we see rocking all black so far are doing it cuz the creative ppl responsible for these movies don't want them wearing the costumes from comics. Even more so I bet it's to convey this dystopian future where everybody is hunted down. Not cuz they have a better chance not to be noticed by mutant hunting sentinels. I mean seriously somebody else tell me which sounds like common sense.
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I've mentioned protesters so many times in the other thread so that is still in line with my argument. I've also said anti-mutant humans here a couple of times already.

Look, I agree that Sentinels are very capable but I don't see how you cannot fathom on why they would wear black? I know you want to see colorful spandex (we all do) but to say that wearing black is irrelevant just makes no sense. Black is still a color that will get you less attention.

Or maybe in the future world where you are being hunted down, color in your clothes just simply isn't something you are concern about? Maybe black is simply more attainable? Or maybe these guys aren't aware Sentinels got infrared or heat sensors? It's dumb but we've seen dumber things happen. :lol:

I mean you guys practically killed the film before it ever comes out because their clothes are black instead of colorful spandex. :lol:

T2 analogy isn't exactly accurate. Again, I never said black will make them invisible. If John Connor was known for wearing blue and yellow spandex, then it'll be much easier for the Terminator to find him in an ocean of people in black clothes in the bar. If he was wearing black and are blending in then he'll blend in and the Terminator will literally have to scan everyone and get John identified by actually seeing his face.
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You seriously can't think to hide from ppl all black is the answer :smh: :lol: That only works for night. So if the whole movie in the dystopian future is set during some endless night then all black is the right call. Other than that still bull ****.

Either way aint nothing stopping those sentinels. Especially not color of clothes.

Quite frankly I'd like to see how anti-mutant protesters would need to become a mob and chase mutants when they got sentinels doing the real work most of the time.
Quite frankly I'd like to see how anti-mutant protesters would need to become a mob and chase mutants when they got sentinels doing the real work most of the time.

I distinctly remember them doing this in the cartoon. Sentinels isn't there right away in everyone's beck and call.

And again, beaten to death but I never said Sentinels can't find them but if it can buy them a few seconds because they aren't pinpointed right away in their colorful clothes (maybe Sentinels infrared has to be activated and they rely on their visions first? Again stupid but plausible) then wearing black is worth it. Like one of those prison spotlight shining gags, if you are wearing black int he shadows, you can blend in if the spotlight quickly glances over you but in bright colors, you're spotted. Not saying this is what happens but just an example. Maybe Singer is stupid enough to that to even his future Sentinels. :lol: Who knows, then we can both hate on him when it happens.
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Quite frankly I'd like to see how anti-mutant protesters would need to become a mob and chase mutants when they got sentinels doing the real work most of the time.

I distinctly remember them doing this in the cartoon. Sentinels isn't there right away in everyone's beck and call.
That's the cartoon and no they didn't know for sure that sentinels were on their side.

Besides that we're talking about the movie where the setting is a dystopian future for mutants, they're pushed to the brink, hunted down by advanced machines out to wipe them out. Things are so bad that they have to send Wolverine in to the past to fix things. I highly doubt in that situation there are anti-mutant protesters still chasing mutants.
Besides that we're talking about the movie where the setting is a dystopian future for mutants, they're pushed to the brink, hunted down by advanced machines out to wipe them out. Things are so bad that they have to send Wolverine in to the past to fix things. I highly doubt in that situation there are anti-mutant protesters still chasing mutants.

How can you be so sure? This was X3s premise for the most part, people hating on mutants. Also seemed like Trask had to get peoples support based on the commercials and marketing Trask were doing. I actually remember int he cartoons Trask doing rallys and such with Sentinels so I think humans were aware the Sentinels were in their side.

Even in a dystopian world, you know there are always rogue humans who jumps in their trucks just to hunt down mutants themselves. This is a big cliche and completely plausible. Likely not going to be shown but who knows? It's isn't far fetch.

Wearing black isn't end end all for mutants, it's just the little things that could help. If I were in their situation, I sure as hell would not wear bright clothes for sure, even if I were human.
I can guarantee there won't be anti-mutant protesters chasing after the X-Men in the part of movie dealing with the dystopian future. There might be soldiers along with the sentinels, maybe cyborgs, maybe brainwashed mutants but not regular ppl who happen to be anti-mutant.

I'm sure cuz it doesn't make any sense.

There isn't a scene from the cartoon where protesters are chasing down mutants side by side with sentinels.

These responses are getting silly now. They don't know the sentinels have infrarad and heat sensors? After years of being hunted by them watching their own kind killed? So they thought the sentinels were lucky in finding them all this time? What do you think they were wearing colorful clothes that time then said lets switch to black it may be the clothes? :smh: You do know what a dystopian future is suppose to be like in X-Men comics right? You don't think after a year or two they'll realize these machines actually have the tech to track them by other means other than by their x-gene?

Trask getting humans on his side to persecute mutants has nothing to do with I'm talking about either. That would be in the 70s anyway not in the dystopian future for mutants.

Also from what we've seen this isn't a dystopian world. Nothing has been leaked about the sentinels ruling the planet like tyrants. This is a dystopian future for mutants. For all we know the humans are chilling in a mostly mutant free area living the high life. There's no reason to assume the whole world's gone to **** and there are rogue tribes of humans rocking leather, riding bikes, and lacking water. This aint Mad Max at least nothing has hinted towards that.

So again aint nothing making sense of wearing black to hide from machines that'll hunt you down if you were naked, wearing regular ppl clothes or even if they were wearing clothes that made them invisible to human sight.
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Yo since when RFX and masterZik become DjProtoJ variants with these walls of text?
Whatever, ill go ahead and wave the white flag cuz the threads effectively ruined.
Yo since when RFX and masterZik become DjProtoJ variants with these walls of text?
 atleast they keep the conversation within bounds and do not put themselves into the equation
Yo since when RFX and masterZik become DjProtoJ variants with these walls of text?
Fine. I digress :lol:

It's pretty much at a agree to disagree point anyway.
Whatever, ill go ahead and wave the white flag cuz the threads effectively ruined.
Not ruined. Just no new GotG info to post currently, especially given Cap2 is out. This tangent is no different than the Lex Luthor is black tangent.
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I actually like discussions with Zik though and Buddha (what heppened to him?) cuz they know their sh*t. Really no disrspect at all on my end.
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