Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

I wouldnt say recently tho. I dont think at any point in the last couple of years has anyone else in the film been bigger than Cooper. Zoe Saldana can only sell tickets as part of an ensemble. Columbiana only did 69M worldwide. Same with Vin Diesel. Fast and Furious is big because of the cast as a whole.

Limitless did 161M worldwide. Both Silver Linings and American Hustle did over $250M (but you can argue he didnt sell those tickets)
Cooper doesn't really sell tickets at all.

He hasn't really become a blockbuster type actor at all.

Cooper is popular cuz of The Hangover but Zoe got Star Trek and Avatar.
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Cooper doesn't really sell tickets at all.

He hasn't really become a blockbuster type actor at all.

Cooper is popular cuz of The Hangover but Zoe got Star Trek and Avatar.

Lol wut
I can't recall a movie that was huge because of Bradley Cooper. He got mad potential but no real star power.

He doesn't do a lot of action flicks, I think he has the A-Team. Limitless was cool but that was a bit of a thriller I guess. Before that he mainly played the douche pretty boy. His other good movies aren't the type to gross a whole lot of money.

Besides that Vin is the one in FF. He's the guy that got his fans to hype him up to meet with Marvel and get his fans to support him enough to get a 3rd Riddick movie out.
I hope Ronan the accuser is a real bad *** in this film. They have a good bit of antagonist lined up
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I hope Ronan the accuser is a real bad *** in this film. They have a good but of antagonist lined up

We should find out tomorrow. I remember Gunn saying a future trailer would concentrate on the villains. He looks badass to me tho. I just hope he will be memorable
I think they couldve done a better job. No need for that black chinstrap thing. The **** they did to Gamora's face should've been done to Ronan instead. I like the suit design but it could've benefited from more than just black. Will wait till tomorrow tho. After seeing the trailer i'll probably like it more.
Chin strap looks like it's paint that runs down his face.

Armor might be dark green, hard to tell from the small pic. It looks greenish in the other shots they've published.

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It's paint. I didnt know what to call it. But the black paint part. The eyes are cool but the chin and paint connecting the two is just overkill. Instead of doing that they should've moded his face like they did Gamora.
Chin strap (which isn't a chin strap) is clearly paint from his eyes that covers his entire mouth.

Ronan looks badass.
I wonder if we will see captain marvel in this movie. Maybe like a reference that he is on earth already or something.
Adam Warlock and Nova easter eggs should be in it as well

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's RICHIE

Dawg they are gearing up Rocket to be the most bad *** marvel hero to this point, count on it....I've seen about 10 seconds combine of Rocket footage and is enough to have me in love with him already.
If you read the material you would love him even more 
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