Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

How does that make Groot an idiot?

Groot acts more like a kid than anything.

Plus that makes the scene and it's a director decision and it's a funny one to be honest. It's unexpected and that's what they wanted to show and that's where they try to break in instead of a planned out version that they would have done later, it also shows they aren't the typical group like Avengers or XMen.

It doesn't make Groot an idiot. I mean I really didn't want to argue about it but you've been calling him an idiot for a while now and seems its mostly due to him just saying "I am Groot" despite that being the only thing he says in the comics. It doesn't make him an idiot at all.

How does that make Groot an idiot?

Groot acts more like a kid than anything.

Plus that makes the scene and it's a director decision and it's a funny one to be honest. It's unexpected and that's what they wanted to show and that's where they try to break in instead of a planned out version that they would have done later, it also shows they aren't the typical group like Avengers or XMen.

It doesn't make Groot an idiot. I mean I really didn't want to argue about it but you've been calling him an idiot for a while now and seems its mostly due to him just saying "I am Groot" despite that being the only thing he says in the comics. It doesn't make him an idiot at all.


How am I saying he is an idiot based on him saying "I am Groot" I knew he would only say that :rofl: I wasnt calling him an idiot in the first few trailers even after he was saying I am groot. I am very glad that's all he says.

Just his actions man. He reminds me of a ******* puppy. This scene especially. He didnt even hear the full plan before going for the battery.

Anyway a grown man/being, acting like a 4 year old in situations like this is almost the definition of an idiot.
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When the hell is this chick going to do the news in her bikini? She lost the best where she said ASM2 will be the highest grossing film of the summer.


I don't think she will but there is a pic on google



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Because that's how he is, he doesn't need to hear the plan. Rocket said he needs something and he goes gets it. That is not a definition of an idiot. :smh:

Well Groot hasn't really done much in the trailers, that's the most he has done and this is like the second time they've showed the same scene. A scene that sets up an action sequence at that and sets it up well in a low key funny way.

You've called him an idiot and ******ed base off of that one scene and others where he is saying I AM GROOT. So where are oyu getting him being a ******ed or an idiot?

You've obviously made up your mind about it but called him an idiot/******ed for absolutely no reason at all.
Again I called him an from this scene and the scene where he eats the plant growing from his body in the middle of a serious conversation. Only two scenes I called him an idiot. I did not call him an idiot before that. At least get it right and stop with your convenient amnesia. Some of you guys want to argue to be right so bad :smh:

Again I said I hope its out of context so I definitely havent made up my mind :lol:
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How it eating his leaves being an idiot? They're just showing some comedic relief.

And this was your post, you quoted nothing so that pretty much encompasses all you've seen from Groot so far.

Wonder how the die hard fans... all 30 of them will react to Groot being ******ed

Then you call him an idiot from one scene that doesn't really scream idiot, just from your weird perception.

I am not going to drag and argue with you again falling for your traps but it's just your usual reaching that makes no sense.

Well then instead of assuming you couldve asked if you truly cared for anything beyond an argument.

If you think I am reaching then I am okay with that. But if these scenes are taken out of context, which has fooled me before, I will say that when I see the movie. :smh: I even admitted it in DoFP. A franchise which I ****** hate
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What would I ask? Why you think he is ******ed from seeing one scene and him talking with 3 words? Why you think he is an idiot from that one scene? I've seen the scene and I don't see it. Watching Johnny Knoxville and his crew do stupid sh*t, now that's idiotic. Groots action, not so much.

That scene is pretty fleshed out too, how can it be taken out of context? Groot getting what Rocket wanted w/o listing to the plan and setting up an action sequence, which they showed in the 5-min extended scene.

Trust me, I try to avoid arguments as much as possible especially with you. There are plenty of thing you say in these comic book movie thread that I just ignore that makes no sense or just way too out there, but I just move on because it'll drag out like always. I don't quote you just to argue, I am trying to understand how you come to such conclusions but at this point I really should not even expect any better so it's time to just move on.
"Why do you think he's an idiot". Which I just answered.

Okay. But he will have more scenes and if I am wrong I will admit it.
Bruh's why are y'all arguing over a completely made up character in a movie
Just let it go
Maybe he took offense over the word ******ed
I know people who have a mentally disabled family member and hate that word
Maybe he just offended over the word u chose to describe groot
If that's the case (doubt it) I apologize and as someone who has worked with mentally disabled people in the past I should know better.

I honestly don't even use that word in real life tbt. Reading back I am surprised I wrote it
As far as sunshine blotters and this whole Groot is ******ed I'm not surprised at the stupidity. He claims he's read some of these GotG comics but I guess not. Groot isn't ******ed or an idiot.

I mean mind you he's calling a tree character an idiot and ******ed :smh: :lol: :stoneface:

Am I hearing this right? Did Starlord say "Kree girl"?

You guys are more knowledgeable than I am about this but doesn't the Kree associate with the F4 franchise?

Kree is more Avengers but honestly they probably did first debut in a F4 comic since in the beginning most of the Marvel universe spun out of F4 comics :lol: Cuz I know the Inhumans showed up there and they were basically made by the Kree.

F4 is more attached to the Skrulls as far movie rights though.

As of now Marvel does have the right to use the Kree in their movies. They've hinted at that in the tv show AOS
Guardians is about to be a game changer, 9 months before A2

...meanwhile Jason Mamoa turned down being Drax and wants to be casts as Aquaman in BvS :lol:
Guardians is about to be a game changer, 9 months before A2

...meanwhile Jason Mamoa turned down being Drax and wants to be casts as Aquaman in BvS :lol:
Yeah he didn't quite think that one through :lol:

This dude really picks questionable roles so I don't consider him even that relevant since Khal Drogo was 4 years ago. Had a spark when he started but now he's just garbage. He's still young enough to turn it around though.
Guardians is about to be a game changer, 9 months before A2

...meanwhile Jason Mamoa turned down being Drax and wants to be casts as Aquaman in BvS :lol:
Yeah he didn't quite think that one through :lol:

This dude really picks questionable roles so I don't consider him even that relevant since Khal Drogo was 4 years ago. Had a spark when he started but now he's just garbage. He's still young enough to turn it around though.
What else has he played in???
I didn't even see what was so great about him In got
Dude has not been missed :lol:
As far as sunshine blotters and this whole Groot is ******ed I'm not surprised at the stupidity. He claims he's read some of these GotG comics but I guess not. Groot isn't ******ed or an idiot.

I mean mind you he's calling a tree character an idiot and ******ed :smh: :lol: :stoneface:
Kree is more Avengers but honestly they probably did first debut in a F4 comic since in the beginning most of the Marvel universe spun out of F4 comics :lol: Cuz I know the Inhumans showed up there and they were basically made by the Kree.

F4 is more attached to the Skrulls as far movie rights though.

As of now Marvel does have the right to use the Kree in their movies. They've hinted at that in the tv show AOS
Just realized that whole time I was thinking about the skrulls. Carry on y'all.
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