Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

Looks like more and more are going to see this before next week so please NO SPOILERS YET!

Questions but just need a yes or no answer and nothing else to those who has seen it, did you see the end credit scene? Because the early screenings for the critics didn't have it so I am curious if it was the same thing with you guys.

The screener I went to didn't have it, but I'm sure the regular release will. IIRC, the Avengers shwarma scene was filmed the week of release?

edit: just read this:

looks like I might have to go see it again. Well played Marvel, well played
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Watched Return of the Planet of the Apes, way too depressing a movie, I need GotG in my life to bring the sunshine back.
The fact that this movie is rated at 8.3 is much more impressive to me than the number of fresh reviews.

At this point, which is subjected to change, the score is higher than The Avengers :wow:. It's actually close to the TDK rating :wow:.
What role would Rock play in Marvel? Seems like dude is too light-skinned for Luke Cage or BP. Luke Cage is also a Netflix show now so I don't know if Rock is willing to do that. I'm not even sure I've seen a report where Marvel met with him.

I mean every comic book role are huge right now and the studious are taking them much, much more seriously these days.
Maybe that were the rumors but The Rock doesn't need to be Luke Cage and no Marvel didn't meet with him. The Rock said he head some interest and Feige said the same, talked about how he loved The Rock :lol:

I mean if he's gonna be DC's Black Adam or Shazam then he can be Marvel's Namor (personalities fit, I'm sure marvel will get the rights sooner than later), Absorbing Man, Mr. Hyde, Wonder Man, Kang the Conqueror.
To be fair Black Adam/Shazam are much bigger than all of those guys outside of Namor, actually the way DC has been pushing Shazam it's probably safe to say he is much, much popular than Namor. Plus most of those roles seems like they aren't even really planned in the Marvels timeline right now so they'd still have nothing to offer or work with for the Rock.

Marvel got Namor back already but there are still "complexities" that will hold it back from being made. Plus it seems they have no plans to make Namor anyways at least not at the moment.

Not really keeping up with the publications these days but does Namor have a running book right now? Is he of any relevance these days?

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Just left the screening

OMG this movie is INCREDIBLE!!!!! Watched it in 3D and it's definitely worth it. Great acting all around. I don't follow the comics at all but I really enjoyed this movie. It's ******* hilarious. Chris Pratt did his thing. Rocket pretty much stole the show.

Thanos was shown briefly but dude looked like a total bawse

You guys should ABSOLUTELY see it!!

Forgot to ask. How was brolin's voice. Did he use his normal voice or did he put on some voicework.

other than spiderman/superman/batman the relative comic popularity of the character is irrelevant.

the quality of the film and the casting especially is whats going to matter now, the first iron man was a great film now iron man is a house hold name, the gaurdians will be too if this works out.
I don't know how I feel about a guardians sequel. I mean I know the movie will be great and a sequel will be awesome but....they kinda.....don't that
As long as the people involved put heart into it, I dont care how many movies they make. Not every movie needs to be a game changer. Just needs to be good.
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Just left the screening

OMG this movie is INCREDIBLE!!!!! Watched it in 3D and it's definitely worth it. Great acting all around. I don't follow the comics at all but I really enjoyed this movie. It's ******* hilarious. Chris Pratt did his thing. Rocket pretty much stole the show.

Thanos was shown briefly but dude looked like a total bawse

You guys should ABSOLUTELY see it!!

Forgot to ask. How was brolin's voice. Did he use his normal voice or did he put on some voicework.
Brolin's voice as Thanos was good IMO, and yes he did put on some voicework in the character. Sounded pretty deep but you can understand what he's saying.
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To be fair Black Adam/Shazam are much bigger than all of those guys outside of Namor, actually the way DC has been pushing Shazam it's probably safe to say he is much, much popular than Namor. Plus most of those roles seems like they aren't even really planned in the Marvels timeline right now so they'd still have nothing to offer or work with for the Rock.

Marvel got Namor back already but there are still "complexities" that will hold it back from being made. Plus it seems they have no plans to make Namor anyways at least not at the moment.
I must be under a rock cuz if you put the rumors that there will be a Shazam movie aside I don't see much hype or notoriety for the character, even more so after losing his OG name. Comics fans is one thing but if you ask the common person about Captain Marvel you know they're gonna think it's a marvel superhero (not even thinking about Carol or Mar-Vell) and if you say Shazam I bet you they bring up Shaq before they bring up the boy who says a magic word to turn in to a superhero. I mean we are talking about movies but comics wise what exactly is DC doing? He doesn't have a solo comic and I think he's only a regular in a team book and for a while had a backup in somebody else's ongoing.

So I can't agree with Shazam being bigger than Namor or a lot of other guys at the moment. I don't see dude in any other form of media at the moment. Same goes for Black Adam. I ask somebody about him they'll think I'm bringing up the black Adam & Eve on some black Jesus tip.

At this point it's about marketing and promo to make these lesser known heroes or villains more popular the way Marvel has done with GotG. I got no faith that right now a bunch of ppl know who Shazam/Captain Marvel/Black Adam is.
Not really keeping up with the publications these days but does Namor have a running book right now? Is he of any relevance these days?
Namor's currently a big thing in New Avengers allied with the BP after sending that tsunami on Wakanda in AvX. He's also in All-New Invaders invading and ****.
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Depends on the age. I know if I ask my pops, who isn't a comic book reader at all, who Shazam was? He'd say:

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He remembers this show and has asked me when will they make that movie but you're right no one nowadays will know who Shazam/Captain Marvel is
To be fair Black Adam/Shazam are much bigger than all of those guys outside of Namor, actually the way DC has been pushing Shazam it's probably safe to say he is much, much popular than Namor. Plus most of those roles seems like they aren't even really planned in the Marvels timeline right now so they'd still have nothing to offer or work with for the Rock.

Marvel got Namor back already but there are still "complexities" that will hold it back from being made. Plus it seems they have no plans to make Namor anyways at least not at the moment.
I must be under a rock cuz if you put the rumors that there will be a Shazam movie aside I don't see much hype or notoriety for the character, even more so after losing his OG name. Comics fans is one thing but if you ask the common person about Captain Marvel you know they're gonna think it's a marvel superhero (not even thinking about Carol or Mar-Vell) and if you say Shazam I bet you they bring up Shaq before they bring up the boy who says a magic word to turn in to a superhero. I mean we are talking about movies but comics wise what exactly is DC doing? He doesn't have a solo comic and I think he's only a regular in a team book and for a while had a backup in somebody else's ongoing.

So I can't agree with Shazam being bigger than Namor or a lot of other guys at the moment. I don't see dude in any other form of media at the moment. Same goes for Black Adam. I ask somebody about him they'll think I'm bringing up the black Adam & Eve on some black Jesus tip.

At this point it's about marketing and promo to make these lesser known heroes or villains more popular the way Marvel has done with GotG. I got no faith that right now a bunch of ppl know who Shazam/Captain Marvel/Black Adam is.

New 52 has put Shazam in a new light and they are really expanding his exposure. They include him in as much animated films as possible and he has been huge in the Injustice game. I mean I don't follow comics as deeply as before but I definitely see Shazam more than Namor in more media outside of comics even if you exclude the movie.
So is his name Shazam or Cpt Marvel? I always thought it was Cpt. Marvel. When did they start calling him Shazam?

Shazam is a stupid ****** name.
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