Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

Solid Movie. Drax was kinda meh. He got whooped too many times for me to take him seriously. Rocket raccoon was the star of the show. He was funnier than the main funny guy ( Quill). Gamora was sort underused imo. Groot was annoying the first second he showed up

Ronan was cool. I wish I could've seen him fight thor or somebody interesting. And what was the point of having Glen close and john c reilly in the movie at all. They were only on screen for 5 minutes. And don't get me started on Benecio Del Toro. I thought his character was going to be important
I dont think del toro character is done yet.... ok wait i hope his character isnt done yet
He is signed up for like 7-9 films iirc so no he isn't done yet. :lol:
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Solid Movie. Drax was kinda meh. He got whooped too many times for me to take him seriously. Rocket raccoon was the star of the show. He was funnier than the main funny guy ( Quill). Gamora was sort underused imo. Groot was annoying the first second he showed up

Ronan was cool. I wish I could've seen him fight thor or somebody interesting. And what was the point of having Glen close and john c reilly in the movie at all. They were only on screen for 5 minutes. And don't get me started on Benecio Del Toro. I thought his character was going to be important :smh:

Del Toro's character is supposed to be shrouded in mystery. It's good that we didnt get all of him yet.

I dont see what's wrong with having some actors that are barely there. Not everyone is a main character. I didnt feel like anyone could deliver those lines like Reiley. Especially at the end when Quill got his ship back :lol: I think that was when I laughed the most. Certainly one of the most memorable lines too.

His face when he said "Well, that's still illegal" :rofl:
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Also did anyone notice that Bradley Cooper
Stopped doing an accent for raccoon like halfway through the movie? He sounds like a street tough one moment then just like cooper normally after. Still hey favorite character
Maybe a shift in Rocket's attitude?

Probably dropped the tough guy stuff because he cared more about his team as time went on.

You can't be a thug all the time. Imagine a thug eating some ice cream and cake and talking to his mom all angry. It doesnt add up.
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This movie could've been longer. Actors described their favorite deleted scenes. There is one with Gamora and Nebula going into their childhood. That needed to be in the movie imo. Definitely a mistake taking that one out. Hope it makes the blu-ray

Will see it tomorrow afternoon, but since Marvel is expanding into space, will we eventually see S.W.O.R.D.? They were mentioned briefly in the Thor alternate ending.
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^This franchise is one for the history books and they know it. Up there with the Star Wars franchise
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So what was everyones favorite line in the movie mines was "we're all standing up,like a bunch of jackasses"
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