Guy gets beatup by a 67 year old man

that was awesome
one would think getting laid out by an older dude would be funny but the funny is the "bring the amberlamp". 
that is hilarious. 

man that guy got debowed
Just got home and watched the whole video. That dude deserved to get whoop like that. "U ain't scaring this white boy"

Why girl take his bag for? Im sure homeboy first thought in the morning wasn't I need to see an ambulance.
Old white dude is a G.
i almost feel bad coming back in this thread for like the 3rd or 4th time after laughing so hard, but i think both men (moreso the older, white man) need a psychological evaluation. he seriously lost it after getting off the bus.
what about this entire situation makes you think white people wouldn'twant to spew the most derogatory term against the black dude and thegirls videotaping it? when a person pisses you off, you try yourhardest to hit them where it hurts ... most people nowadays call menhomosexuals to try and get at their core ... in this instance, theblack dude and the black girls acted ignorant ... and then the blackdude calls the white guy the n word about 5 times ...

thisis a classic case of black people not focusing on the problem at hand,but blaming the "white man" for everything that is wrong with the world... honestly, the dumb broads (who happen to be black) are more scumthan either the white dude or black dude ... useless poop stains ofsociety ... start holding your own race accountable for how they actbefore you go yelling racism in every damn instance ... o yeah you musthave not heard the dumb broad say "woop that white man" ... ... ... ...conveniently overlooked that and the fact she stole his bag huh man?

So now there's justification for using a racist term? Oh he was really mad.. oh ok then its alright...

It seems as though the black man thought the older white man made a racial remark, otherwise he wouldn't have been pissed off. You have people in here praising this dude beating him down because he is "racist" or somehow hated White people. And its obvious his use of the "N" word torward him which was used twice and not 5 times
as you tried to state was used in the manner of an ignorant black person and not as a epithet which wouldnt make sense anyway

 The older White man was obviously making a remark about shoe shining but did not realize the weight of the remark or did so insinuatingly to provoke the man. Either way the black man was pissed. He thought he could beat up this White dude, but was mistaken.

How we got to Black people blaming white people for all their problems...i have no clue..seems like closet racism gets a chance to shine... How is a bus fight between two stupid dudes who happen to be a black man and a white man become a metaphor for Black peoples problems in America? And why do the girls in the video represent the larger black collective? Seems as though you have some hostility toward Blacks and this video gave you a chance to vent.

once again, get over yourself
it was in reference to the dudes response ... so everything you just said was for nothing and you lost THAT much of your life typing that nonsense ... lmao
Originally Posted by HUGO BOSS DC

it was in reference to the dudes response ... so everything you just said was for nothing and you lost THAT much of your life typing that nonsense ... lmao
What was your original SN on here?
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