Guys why?

Originally Posted by ksteezy

Can't really pin a specific reason as to why, some do it for bragging rights, some may actually like you that much that they want to remind themselves of you with your picture whenever they feel a guy when I've liked a girl I dated a lot, I found myself stalking their MySpace like no other, without even wanting to....not that they'll ever find out though, some may also be doing it as a conversation ice breaker.

pretty much. Just want to study the girl. it sounds weird, but I mean, sometimes you forget faces sorta. I know I kept mixing up my co-workers face with another girl I know for like a week. Now I wouldnt ask for a pic. Much like steez up here, Id stalk the hell out of your fb page
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

I am with you Minny, it does seems out of place and creepy. But it is even funnier how "trained" girls are these days, some just send pics without you even asking. This was some years ago, some girl randomly sent me some boy-shorted pictures, I never responded to it though.
Her: Did you get my picture
Me: Yea, what about it
Her: Why didn't you say anything?
Me: What do you want me to say?
Her: Why are you so difficult.

My point being is yall love being in a position to fish for compliments so don't fake. Not all of you though.
I've talk to a few girls who were exactly like this, would literally send me a picture of themselves every day
Originally Posted by MonStar1

thats those "younger" boys Sounds like some New Boyz type stuff

That's exactly who it is. New Ns
Trust & believe it's weird some of you have folders of NT women but we really cant control that. But I'm not texting you pictures to have in your phone for any reason & we just met.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Maybe he found you attractive and wants to see a picture of you.
Maybe he likes to save pictures to his contact list.
Maybe he wants to show his boys the cute chick he met the other day.

No offense op, but a lot of girls need to get over themselves.

This.  If you don't like it, just tell them you find it creepy, and move on. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Clearly anyone can save any pic they see online. I'm not tripping off that but to ask for a pic the day after we met has always creeped me out. Almost like they're getting to familiar to soon.

Is probably just an icebreaker, I'm sure is something they've done with every girl and probably succeeded Guy : hey can you text me a picture :smile:Girl : sure why notGuy : oh you look so pretty, even of you look like @+##Girl : "blushes"Carry on convo where the guy continues to spit game
Spoiler [+]
I personally send them a picture of myself first, completely threw them off... that was my icebreaker
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by MonStar1

thats those "younger" boys Sounds like some New Boyz type stuff

That's exactly who it is. New Ns
Where you meeting these dudes at? If I got a text from someone idk and it's a female i don't remember I'd ask for pics. Ever crossed your mind that they just don't remember what you even look like? 
Originally Posted by MonStar1

thats those "younger" guys or some lames.  The only pics I would ever request are "skin" joints if we just met.  And thats really just to see if she will do it so I know what type of chick she is.

If its turned you off then consider it a blessing in disguise.  I can't see an adult male thats about his business needing pics after you just met.  Sounds like some New Boyz type stuff

Well said good sir.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

Maybe he found you attractive and wants to see a picture of you.
Maybe he likes to save pictures to his contact list.
Maybe he wants to show his boys the cute chick he met the other day.

No offense op, but a lot of girls need to get over themselves.

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by MonStar1

thats those "younger" boys Sounds like some New Boyz type stuff

That's exactly who it is. New Ns
Where you meeting these dudes at? If I got a text from someone idk and it's a female i don't remember I'd ask for pics. Ever crossed your mind that they just don't remember what you even look like? 

It hasn't last guy came into my job a few times so it never crossed my mind he forgot cuz he remembered me when he came in.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

That's exactly who it is. New Ns
Where you meeting these dudes at? If I got a text from someone idk and it's a female i don't remember I'd ask for pics. Ever crossed your mind that they just don't remember what you even look like? 

It hasn't last guy came into my job a few times so it never crossed my mind he forgot cuz he remembered me when he came in.
Idk then maybe son is just weird, did you ask him why he wanted your pic? 
Nah. I don't care. It's happened more then a few times & I'm tired of explaining why I wont or asking why they want them so I just said no & kept it moving.

It doesn't happen all the time but often enough it's becoming a pet peeve.
Why would I have to ask, if I already know what she looks like? lol

I don't understand it at all either
Honestly #*$$@!$ love taking pics.

If you have to ask a girl to send you pics, she probably doesn't want to send you pics. My main stays sending me pics for no reason.
I only ask for a pic for my contacts I'm kinda anal about it, my phone looks neat with a pic of everyone i talk to in it, like my ipod has the correct album art for every album, I've never been denied either, but i never ask for it off bat either probably after a week and i just joke about being ocd with my contacts most chicks think its cute, I usually get the nudes later too
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Honestly #*$$@!$ love taking pics.
Right, I wish someone could do a study on the brain patterns of women when it comes to this. Women love pictures man. I mean love them. Of course I am not talking about ALL, but if you look half decent I am pretty sure you have plenty of loser mirror pictures of yourself on your simcard.
Yes Loser.
MyT you in the minority in this one. Girls love getting compliments on their pics. Most of the time they dont even wait for you to ask for pics before they send them. Ive been just sitting around so many times and just get mms alerts and I already know the deal.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Nah. I don't care. It's happened more then a few times & I'm tired of explaining why I wont or asking why they want them so I just said no & kept it moving.

It doesn't happen all the time but often enough it's becoming a pet peeve.

im just trying to make sense of it all ok so a guy you may somewhat know or trying to get to know asking for a pic who you atleast have knowledge of is weird and creepy.. yet purposely going out the way to post tens of hundreds of pics for the entire world to see in which 99% of these ppl you wont see ever know or ever meet.... youll in a sense be not only be giving them your pic but personal info such as name school where you work and other personal things about you isnt creepy.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

What is this thing some of you do when you meet a girl and within a day or two you ask her to send you a picture? Not even a naked one but just a regular picture of herself. I find it creepy and extremely annoying when this happens. I say no and they immediately say "not a naked one" as if that makes a difference. I don't want any type of picture of me in some guy I just met phone. It's turned me off from a few guys lately.

A.) They wanted a naked one but are playing it off

B.) They wanna show you off to their friends

It's really that simple, type lame if you ask me.  Dudes get gassed off these chicks quick, and don't even realize they're gassed.
You giving out your number and/or sending pics is boosting egos, dudes can't get enough of it but swear it's M.O.B.
or some other equally ridiculous mantra concerning females.
Usually that's to show the boys.
@ that extending to NT.

I've adapted though. I would just take a pic of you when we first meet (especially if you got a common name) and then attach it to your # so I know who it is when I/you call.
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