Guys why?

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Youre probably gonna do that anyways aren't you? Won't change how I feel about it so do as you please. @cap they quick to leave that face out arent they?

translation: yes its irrational, but i refuse to admit it


@Cap, any dude that sends you a meat pic deserves to get put on blast. Like we said, leave the compliment fishing to the experts (females).

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Since you can't explain it can we conclude that it is an irrational train of though? No disrespect.

 @cap they quick to leave that face out arent they?
PM'd you full body pic of me and my 12 inch jank.

Honestly those do nothing for me. I dont think it's irrational at all. I clearly stated multiple times it's. It the access that I have a problem with. It's that you felt comfortable enough to ask and we just met. Especially since 9/10 I truly believe you want nudes but will settle with a regular picture.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

It the access that I have a problem with. It's that you felt comfortable enough to ask and we just met. Especially since 9/10 I truly believe you want nudes but will settle with a regular picture.

I mean how much nerves does/should it take to ask someone like that though? It isn't a personal question. It isn't an out of this world type of question/request, I am just trying to understand why you are putting this question at such high importance. I don't know, maybe it isn't for me to understand. You got it.
Originally Posted by cap1229

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.
So many Pro Athletes get busted for it, I know it happens a lot. I know men like getting their ego stroked but it is just a dumb/sucka move honestly. It will probably not end favorably for you. It is a female move point blank.
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

translation: yes its irrational, but i refuse to admit it


@Cap, any dude that sends you a meat pic deserves to get put on blast. Like we said, leave the compliment fishing to the experts (females).

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.

everyone enjoys validation but its the petty length that people will go to for it which annoys me. then they use the compliments from a masterfully taken photo and use it to fill their snobby egos.
humility is a wonderful (yet unfortunately dying) trait in many
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Nah. I don't care. It's happened more then a few times & I'm tired of explaining why I wont or asking why they want them so I just said no & kept it moving.

It doesn't happen all the time but often enough it's becoming a pet peeve.

im just trying to make sense of it all ok so a guy you may somewhat know or trying to get to know asking for a pic who you atleast have knowledge of is weird and creepy.. yet purposely going out the way to post tens of hundreds of pics for the entire world to see in which 99% of these ppl you wont see ever know or ever meet.... youll in a sense be not only be giving them your pic but personal info such as name school where you work and other personal things about you isnt creepy.

You can peep my twitter. It's not flooded with pics of myself in the barroom or whatever. It's a mix of pics of myself and random $@*@. I'm not naked or close to it in any of them. I can't control what someone does with my pic on the Internet but for me to meet you Sunday ad Monday afternoon you want me to send you a pic of me is IMO getting familiar too soon. Half of me knows you mean a nude pic to see where my head is at but I don't want to look crazy and go off for thinking I'm that kinda of girl and you just play it off like that's not what you meant.

but you can control it by not having it there to begin with..... i know this is going to sound mind-blowing but there was a life that existed before facebook, instgram, twitter etc... and there are ppl who live have lived and will live without it...

You choose to go out the way get a pc, set it up, get internet, take picture digitally upload them, and then post them and use html etc to edit them etc... for the entire world to see. how are you not controlling it... ?

Are you saying that you cannot substain life and it is essential for you to live with social media networks, and you have no control over the matter?
It's not of high importance just a huge pet peeve that's popped up in the last like year or so.
Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


@Cap, any dude that sends you a meat pic deserves to get put on blast. Like we said, leave the compliment fishing to the experts (females).

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.

everyone enjoys validation but its the petty length that people will go to for it which annoys me. then they use the compliments from a masterfully taken photo and use it to fill their snobby egos.
humility is a wonderful (yet unfortunately dying) trait in many

but basically thats what the majority of these social media networks are about... ppl with either low-self esteem, lack social skills, lonely etc.. self hate looking for e-props.

i love the excuse most girls use of oh i just use it for work or family and friends... but riddle me this... why would your family members care what you look like half naked in the bathroom? and if there your friends etc... i would imagine that they know what you look like so why would they need 150 pics of you?

And why would grandma etc... care to see you laying in stacks of money, romping around in a catsuit... videos of you chasing patron... and all the other things ppl be having posted up on the page.
cause lets be honest we could go on facebook right now and pic 20 random chics pages and i gaurantee we would see more bathroom pics, half naked club pictures, laying in piles of money, modeling outfits etc... then pics of kids first birth, graduation photos, prom pics etc.. and we all know this.
Originally Posted by LDJ

but basically thats what the majority of these social media networks are about... ppl with either low-self esteem, lack social skills, lonely etc.. self hate looking for e-props.

i love the excuse most girls use of oh i just use it for work or family and friends... but riddle me this... why would your family members care what you look like half naked in the bathroom? and if there your friends etc... i would imagine that they know what you look like so why would they need 150 pics of you?

And why would grandma etc... care to see you laying in stacks of money, romping around in a catsuit... videos of you chasing patron... and all the other things ppl be having posted up on the page.
cause lets be honest we could go on facebook right now and pic 20 random chics pages and i gaurantee we would see more bathroom pics, half naked club pictures, laying in piles of money, modeling outfits etc... then pics of kids first birth, graduation photos, prom pics etc.. and we all know this.

Nah the funniest thing is when they take their fishing pictures and they label/caption it, "Bored." No you aren't, it took you 5 mins to take, select, crop, and edit that picture before you posted it. I just want them to call it for what it is man.
I have so many people on my friend's list with 2000+ pictures of themselves and there is one girl that has over 300 pictures of just her damn face. I always ask, "You love yourself don't you." But I always end up being the "hater." 
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

translation: yes its irrational, but i refuse to admit it


@Cap, any dude that sends you a meat pic deserves to get put on blast. Like we said, leave the compliment fishing to the experts (females).

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.
Of course we like it if a girl compliments us, but a) we don't need the compliment and b) we never go fishing for a compliment.
On the other hand, most girls I know need some sort of compliment and will go fishing for it. Same holds true for all the 
-made guys that I know. I can excuse it in girls if she's a good friend and having a bad day, but part of me dies inside whenever I see a guy doing it. And I lose respect for the girl if she falls for it and compliments the guy who's fishing.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

It's not of high importance just a huge pet peeve that's popped up in the last like year or so.

There's nothing wrong with what you're saying and I actually feel the same way.

DC is being DC.  Who is he to say whats too personal to you?  Its not irrational.  DC think about you take orders from people you just met and don't really know well?  I don't and I don't blame her for not doing so.  First off nobody wants to send a "bad" pic so you gotta get up from what you're doing and go take a pic for Mr. or Mrs. Random half decent looking person you just met....Naw

And LDJ you trying too hard.  You assumed because she has facebook or Twitter that she has 1,000 of pics and update it all the time.  Last time I checked you can make your profile private and can basically control who sees it.  Not every chick has thousands of pics.  Are you going to say because she has a life and friends like every other human that she and other women shouldn't post some pics on facebook?  Have you considered that her pics might be her actually doing stuff and not "mirror" or "club" pics?  You made alot of assumptions my dude.

And that because she uses facebook she has to send pics to every man that requests?  I don't see the logic in that at all.
^ I think DC and LDJ are talking more about the typical girl and not myt in particular. I could be wrong though.

dc, you remind me of one of my friends so much that it's scary. if i didn't know better, i would think you are him.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican


@Cap, any dude that sends you a meat pic deserves to get put on blast. Like we said, leave the compliment fishing to the experts (females).

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.
Of course we like it if a girl compliments us, but a) we don't need the compliment and b) we never go fishing for a compliment.
On the other hand, most girls I know need some sort of compliment and will go fishing for it. Same holds true for all the 
-made guys that I know. I can excuse it in girls if she's a good friend and having a bad day, but part of me dies inside whenever I see a guy doing it. And I lose respect for the girl if she falls for it and compliments the guy who's fishing.

a bad day more like a bad life/existience... i mean think about your paying hundreds and thousands of dollars on a cpu etc camera etc... just to have a website so ppl can compliment you for one bad day.... lol

thats like saying im gonna go out and buy a bugatti and go riding around the hood etc the town to try to look like im ballin etc... because i had a bad day.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

DC is being DC.  Who is he to say whats too personal to you?  Its not irrational.  DC think about you take orders from people you just met and don't really know well?  I don't and I don't blame her for not doing so.  First off nobody wants to send a "bad" pic so you gotta get up from what you're doing and go take a pic for Mr. or Mrs. Random half decent looking person you just met....Naw

 @ All of the first part. Re-Read all I said and your questions will be answered. 

2. She is a woman, she has pictures on deck. Fully edited, properly posed, ready to send. It is 2012. She doesn't have to "get up" and take new pictures.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

What is this thing some of you do when you meet a girl and within a day or two you ask her to send you a picture? Not even a naked one but just a regular picture of herself. I find it creepy and extremely annoying when this happens. I say no and they immediately say "not a naked one" as if that makes a difference. I don't want any type of picture of me in some guy I just met phone. It's turned me off from a few guys lately.

well, it is usually the vibe you give off. If i think youre loose, ill ask for the pics, and be dont treat a +%! like a dime/special. But if it is a type-cute/gf girl, i wont be as creepy and just test the waters, "youre going to ___(some club)?, send me pics of what your wearing or ill creep on your fb all day waiting for them"  just silly/goofy shet

or maybe the guy just likes you? some dudes are awkward(like myself) and when we like someone we might come off as weird to the opposite sex, happens.
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by cap1229

you would be surprised at how many dudes do it tho and lets be honest men like to be complimented and have that ego stroked even if it's a lie.
Of course we like it if a girl compliments us, but a) we don't need the compliment and b) we never go fishing for a compliment.
On the other hand, most girls I know need some sort of compliment and will go fishing for it. Same holds true for all the 
-made guys that I know. I can excuse it in girls if she's a good friend and having a bad day, but part of me dies inside whenever I see a guy doing it. And I lose respect for the girl if she falls for it and compliments the guy who's fishing.

a bad day more like a bad life/existience... i mean think about your paying hundreds and thousands of dollars on a cpu etc camera etc... just to have a website so ppl can compliment you for one bad day.... lol

thats like saying im gonna go out and buy a bugatti and go riding around the hood etc the town to try to look like im ballin etc... because i had a bad day.
i didn't mean on facebook. i meant i'll excuse it if i'm talking directly to the girl and she's a close friend.
granted, it would be ideal if everyone was so confident and secure that they never needed external validation. but in reality most people, especially girls, need something every once in a while. i give the girl a pass if she gets that validation from a spouse or loved one, in private, as opposed to fishing for it on facebook from hundreds of people she barely knows or in a club from some sketchy dude.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Usually that's to show the boys. 
 @ that extending to NT. 

I've adapted though. I would just take a pic of you when we first meet (especially if you got a common name) and then attach it to your # so I know who it is when I/you call.
Now that is strange/creepy.
How? Explain.

You don't understand how forcefully, or even with permission, taking a picture of someone the FIRST time you meet them is creepy? That takes a lot of heart/balls. Maybe it is just me but picture taking isn't something I really ever desire to do. If a girl wants to take a picture she will ask, asking her to take her picture kind of puts her on a pedestal. People take pictures of stars, not normal people.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

It's not of high importance just a huge pet peeve that's popped up in the last like year or so.

There's nothing wrong with what you're saying and I actually feel the same way.

DC is being DC.  Who is he to say whats too personal to you?  Its not irrational.  DC think about you take orders from people you just met and don't really know well?  I don't and I don't blame her for not doing so.  First off nobody wants to send a "bad" pic so you gotta get up from what you're doing and go take a pic for Mr. or Mrs. Random half decent looking person you just met....Naw

And LDJ you trying too hard.  You assumed because she has facebook or Twitter that she has 1,000 of pics and update it all the time.  Last time I checked you can make your profile private and can basically control who sees it.  Not every chick has thousands of pics.  Are you going to say because she has a life and friends like every other human that she and other women shouldn't post some pics on facebook?  Have you considered that her pics might be her actually doing stuff and not "mirror" or "club" pics?  You made alot of assumptions my dude.

And that because she uses facebook she has to send pics to every man that requests?  I don't see the logic in that at all.

i was saying girls in general... and yes there is a private option on facebook etc as well as other sites... but if it really is just for friends and family why even have them at all? im sure your friends and family have seen you and know what you look like am i not right. And of course you could argue that its to update them on events etc.. things in life but if you truly only wanted that person to see said pictures... wouldnt using email be a more viable and more logically solution...

i mean if someone has tagged,facebook so on and so forth im quite certain the have a email acct.. and im pretty sure they probably have a phone that can send and recieve pics... in fact its an oxymoron... i want something exclusive for certain ppl so in order to do so im going to broadcast it to the entire world.. Itll be like i want to keep something a secret so i go out and announce it over a bullhorn..
I guess the real question you have to ask yourself is why you feel that is too personal for them to ask. They have asked and received your number, yet you aren't comfortable with the thought of them asking you for a pic. Not because of the basis of what their asking, but because they simply feel it's ok to ask. Imma have to go with dude who said your given your number out too easy if this is the case, no way you should feel comfortable giving your number out to someone who would make you feel uncomfortable over something so petty imo. Your pics as stated out are there for the world to see so to speak, but you choose who has the access to communicate with you. Maybe you should take that a little more serious and choose more wisely. 
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