Gym Etiquette.......let's get a list

Originally Posted by dreClark

Cashmere Under Armour is a no-no.
I hate when a bunch of young kids go there to socialize and screw around when all I want to do is lift and get out of there.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Off the top of my head thoughts:

1. Wash your freaking hands when u go to the bathroom and are on the verge of touching every weight I am likely about to touch.
2. No one cares that you can lift huge weight. Everyone else is worryin about themselves. So quit with the look at me routine. Your form is off anyway.
3. Please rack your weights.
4. Please at the very least put a towel on when you are shaving/brushing your teeth/combing your hair/socializing with your other retired lockeroom buddies.
5. If you've done the same routine and the same weight for the past 3 years It's probably time to switch it up.

Many of you have listed the ones that bother me the most, but by far the worst is walking into a locker room and seeing another dudes butt cheeks and the factthat they just sit on the benches like that too!
Don't ask for a spot and then put on weight where the spotter needs to actually lift the last 2 or 3 reps.

A spotter is there just in case the bar slips or you pass out or you can't lock out the last rep. The spotter's not there to actually help you lift theweight.

Also, dudes walking too close when you're doing an exercise. For some exercises it's just annoying but for others it's plain dangerous.
The one that bothers me the most is the dude who thinks its okay to occupy 8 machines/benches/etc. at the same time and gets all indignant when you step in touse one of these unoccupied apparatuses. Dude sees you from across the weight room in the middle of his set, drops his weights, runs over to you, "I gotlike two more sets bro....".....
.... If I see this type ofactivity I will use whatever machines they are doing in order to piss them off.
lol at some of the things in this thread (because I witness them firsthand on a weekly basis myself).

Please do:

-wash your hands prior to working out; I'm not tryin to catch some H1N1
-wipe the machines down when youre done
-dont try to lift too heavy for any reason. Proper form >>> Lifting Heavier w/poor form
- skin tight apparel for dudes...we get it, you're absolutely ripped. no one really cares.
- wash your damn filthy hands when you go to the bathroom
- when you work in with someone, set the weight back to whatever they had it on
you guys basically named it all.

1. When girls walk in with the shortest shorts, and have the nicest **** and #$@ but dont want you to look, i say wear sweat pants and t shirt than.
2. i hate when people are looking at me, and i can see they are from the mirror even though they are across the room.
3. wipe your sweat off w/e you use. i hate wiping the equipment w/e i use it.
4. stop doing supersets with 5 different machines.....
5. stop walking around naked when u got a towel right there. use the towel to cover the @##% people dont want to see. why do you have the towl on yourshoulder?
6. stop yelling loud when lifting %*%!* weight.
7. why is your form so bad? fix that @##% up, dont worry about the weight.
8. i love the gym, i love seeing all the sexy #$@ girls. going around 6 - 8 is the time where all the @$+!*%$ get there....
Pretty much the same as everyone else's...

- quit hoggin the mirror...everybody knows you are ripped, we smaller dudes just wanna make sure our form is right
- if your rest period between sets exceeds 1 minute LET ME WORK IN! Can't stand dudes who shoot the bull for 5 minutes between sets then tell you I gotone more set when you try to work in...only to be on the machine 30 more minutes with their dudes talking about who they bagged over the weekend.
- the cute chicks at the smoothie stand and front counter AREN'T GOING OUT WITH YOU so quit postin' up over there. You know how many times those girlsget asked out in a day...probably ain't special.
- walking around naked in the locker room is not a good look
- muscle heads...the stretched out golds gym tank and extra smedium short shorts are never a good look
- males in any type of spandex not worn under another garment is an automatic fail
- leave your cell phone in the arent' that important
- If I have on my headphones I don't want to talk to you.
- If you need the 35's, 45's, and 55' do dumbell curls or whatever leave them on the rack until you need them. Can't stand going to thefree weight area only to find some dude with all the weights clustered at his bench and not givin' them up
- Don't do bicep curls in the squat rack
- Don't sit down bare +$$ on the benches in the locker room
- Don't load up the leg press machine with 800 lbs and think you're doin it.
Originally Posted by Q46totheE

-Respect the fact that some people DON'T use the gym as a social club. There are people who kill workout momentum by trying to carry on long @%+ respectful of others working out, and don't waste their time.

I hate this sooooo much.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Don't ask for a spot and then put on weight where the spotter needs to actually lift the last 2 or 3 reps.

A spotter is there just in case the bar slips or you pass out or you can't lock out the last rep. The spotter's not there to actually help you lift the weight.
My dude Antwan be doin that #++$....
I end up curlin like 300 lbs to get the weight up off his dumb $#*.
and this %%##@ be like "one more, One more" I just lift and rack it
the only thing that really pisses me off is the idiot who does barbell curls in the squat rack.

i mean serious...theres a ton of other places you can do curls at..why hog up the squat rack?
Just to add to everyone else's list:

-dudes who take a shower and dry off their junk at the hand dryer while you're washing your hands next to them
-i hate it when you try to organize the weight rack a little and you figure out that all of the weights are in the wrong spot
-i hate when people try to refill a large water bottle when there is 5 people in line for the fountain
I don't know if it's been mentioned or not...but can't stand the dude who leaves his duffle bag full of straps, muscle mags, towels, steroids, etcon a bench...right next to his 5-gallon water jug and notebook.
In a crowded gym, CALL NEXT! Don't assume that because you were doin' it up yesterday, you've entered V.I.P. status once you enter the gym.Don't be M.I.A. (in the weightroom) and come out once the next game is about to start, and expect to get downs. Your request is DENIED!

The gym is just the filthiest place in the world, but this just can't be said enough: Wash your hands! No excuses.
-dudes who take a shower and dry off their junk at the hand dryer while you're washing your hands next to them

ayoooooooo. Never seen that go down at my gym, but I would probably clock a dude off reflex if somebody did that next to me.
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