H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

Woke up this morning sick, getting a little worried now. I'm definitely going to the doctor tomorrow if I'm not feeling better.
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

what does it mean when the fod gov't declares a public health emergency?

are we going to see some type of marshall law? =/ im scared

they have to, its normal protocol because of the number of cases confirmed around the US.

the CDC expects and has said this number will rise.......

marshall law? relax...............dont panic........yet at least.

Oh okay thanks. Hope it doesn't get to the point where they have to call in the Marshall law
Ok these are my symptoms,

Stuffy Nose,


Slight cough

I live in AZ, I think all the dust is what got me sick I was sick a couple days ago, but I did drink out of some dirty cups at a party so you never know

This administration. Haven't we learned from the past. TyphoidMary anyone?

I don't think this is going to be as bad as the 1918 Flu epidemic but anything to prevent the further spread must be used.
Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Ok these are my symptoms,

Stuffy Nose,


Slight cough

I live in AZ, I think all the dust is what got me sick I was sick a couple days ago, but I did drink out of some dirty cups at a party so you never know
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by JordanHead2

At this point should I be preparing for the worst? Or will this just blow over?

no this is to be taken serious, so follow precautions.

numbers will go up..............were not in a pandemic state yet though......
Son, you're way too worried.
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

time to inject us with computer chips!
eff that.
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Should i cop some of these?

Thinking of doing that.

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Ok these are my symptoms,

Stuffy Nose,


Slight cough

I live in AZ, I think all the dust is what got me sick I was sick a couple days ago, but I did drink out of some dirty cups at a party so you never know
Get checked asap man
Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Maybe im just a sick @#!@ but I'd like to see this thing turn into some 28 days later type +#@* and see what it would be like.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Yep, so blown out of proportion that 8 people from my old high school have been confirmed. Gotta love mass hysteria to control lives.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Yep, so blown out of proportion that 8 people from my old high school have been confirmed. Gotta love mass hysteria to control lives.
I got tons of pomegranate juice, but as stated many times, this isn't to be taken lightly.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Yep, so blown out of proportion that 8 people from my old high school have been confirmed. Gotta love mass hysteria to control lives.

Oh my God! 8 People got it?! Geeze! Quarantine the 5 Boroughs now!!!!

It's the FLU! You know, "Flu Season"?

Like I said the people who got it in the U.S. already have FULLY RECOVERED.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Admittedly, I've been bugging out over this. I guess I've been paranoid because of the bad experiences I've had in the past with myphysicians misdiagnosing me or failing to prescribe me the right allergy and asthma medications.

For those with insurance and worrying about the sudden onset of their symptoms: Go to your nearest ER or schedule an appointment with your health care provideras soon as possible. Otherwise, just call in a prescription for Relenza or Tamilflu and pray you can stay as clean as possible until things get better.
Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Yep, so blown out of proportion that 8 people from my old high school have been confirmed. Gotta love mass hysteria to control lives.

Oh my God! 8 People got it?! Geeze! Quarantine the 5 Boroughs now!!!!

It's the FLU! You know, "Flu Season"?

Like I said the people who got it in the U.S. already have FULLY RECOVERED.
Considering that it's been only made aware for a few days now and cases are popping up in Ohio and Kansas, yea I think 8 is a bit of a bigdeal.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Man, this is soooooo blown out of proportion.

This is just another way of Progressives to cause hysteria among the masses to control their lives.

The people who got it in California have been treated and fully recovered.

Its the Flu, its going to mutate. Just like Strep Throat, over time it mutates. Not that serious.
Yep, so blown out of proportion that 8 people from my old high school have been confirmed. Gotta love mass hysteria to control lives.

Oh my God! 8 People got it?! Geeze! Quarantine the 5 Boroughs now!!!!

It's the FLU! You know, "Flu Season"?

Like I said the people who got it in the U.S. already have FULLY RECOVERED.
Considering that it's been only made aware for a few days now and cases are popping up in Ohio and Kansas, yea I think 8 is a bit of a big deal.
Quiet fool, progressives are the ones that are notorious for scare tactics
(if you ignore the election, Bin Laden wanting you to vote Kerry, etc)
Originally Posted by jordanhead7792

So far I have heard a lot of people blame the swine flu spread on mexico sayin that it started there nd !%#% but I seen on like 3-4 different news programs saying that it was some tourist that went over there that started it all over there....yes I'm mad

My dad told me that too. A friend of him over there said itwas a Canadian tourist.

He said he went to get treated at a hospital because he was "sick" and he gave it to the doctors and people in the hospital.

That's messed up if it's true.

He died two days later I think.
Originally Posted by 49ers650

Originally Posted by chillainvillain

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Should i cop some of these?


I got a vvvvnds one for sale. Hit me up
Any in maroon? Possible red hair nets?

No maroon.

I got:
- Neon Green
- Redwoon Brown
- Classic White

All vvnds.
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