H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

I read an article in Science magazine, or something of the sort. It basically said though, that possibly one of the worst epidemics could come from somethinglike this. That originally started from another animal, and could only be passed between the same species, and then it evolves to be able to pass from animalto human with very bad results.

It actually said that dogs and cats are the best candidate since we are around them all the time. I read it back in Oct or Nov at the Mayo clinic. I'll seeif I can find it.
updated 2 hours, 18 minutes ago

81 dead in Mexico as flu goes global

(CNN) -- Mexican officials are asking citizens to avoid large crowds, refrain from kissing as a greeting and maintain a distance of at least 1.8 meters (six feet) from each other amid growing concern in the country and elsewhere over new cases of suspected and confirmed swine flu infection.


A couple kisses through their masks at the Historic Center in Mexico City on Saturday.

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Several countries issued travel notices and tightened restrictions to brace against the virus the World Health Organization is calling "a public health emergency of international concern."

By Sunday, 81 deaths had been deemed "likely linked" to a deadly new strain of the virus by health authorities in Mexico. Viral testing has confirmed 20 cases, said Dr. Jose A. Cordova Villalobos, Mexico's health secretary. In the United States, the number of confirmed swine flu cases stood at 11.

In New Zealand, officials said 22 students and three teachers, who returned from a three-week-long language trip to Mexico, may have been infected with the virus.

The 25 students and teachers at Auckland's Rangitoto College returned to New Zealand via Los Angeles on Saturday.

Fourteen have shown flu-like symptoms, with four "more unwell than others," said Dr. Julia Peters, clinical director of Auckland Regional Public Health Service.

Health Minister Tony Ryall said 10 students tested positive for influenza A. The specimens will be sent to WHO to determine whether it is H1N1 swine influenza. H1N1 influenza is a subset of influenza A.

The WHO results are expected back by midweek. The group remains quarantined at home.

"It's certainly has not been confirmed that they have swine flu," said Dr. Craig Thornley, medical officer of health in influenza. "We already have provisional information that some of the group have influenza A. We won't know if they have the type of influenza A that is swine flu."

In England, authorities stressed that a crew member who developed flu-like symptoms during a flight from Mexico City to Heathrow did not test positive for swine flu.

"I can confirm that the patient doesn't have swine flu," said Jonathan Street, a spokesman for Northwick Park Hospital in London.

WHO tries to come up with swine flu plan

FRANK JORDANS - 15 minutes ago

GENEVA (AP) - The World Health Organization tried to determine Sunday how to battle a deadly new strain of swine flu, holding teleconferences with staff and flu experts around the world as countries from New Zealand to France reported suspected cases.

WHO stopped short of recommending specific measures to stop the disease, urging governments to step up their surveillance of suspicious outbreaks but leaving further decisions up to individual nations.
Originally Posted by gescobe


1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.


if the NWO's goals were 25% of this list it wouldnt seem too bad but they want they exact opposite...
There's going to bean official briefing / press conference on CNN live at 12:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Also, it's been confirmed: Eight of thestudents in New York have tested positive for swine flu and caught it while vacationing in Mexico for their spring break. Stay tuned...
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

There's going to bean official briefing / press conference on CNN live at 12:30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Also, it's been confirmed: Eight of the students in New York have tested positive for swine flu and caught it while vacationing in Mexico for their spring break. Stay tuned...
man this better end quick, i want my 2 months of vacation in Mexico this summer
what does it mean when the fod gov't declares a public health emergency?

are we going to see some type of marshall law? =/ im scared
What disgusts me is the fact that while the current administration has decided to regulate all other facets of our daily life, they cannot forge some sort ofbloody legislation to institute a quarantine or tighter border restrictions. At any rate, here goes the link for Pandemic Planners using Relenza*

*Keep in mind that Relenza has some serious side effects for those already having respiratory or heart illnesses, among other things.

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

what does it mean when the fod gov't declares a public health emergency?

are we going to see some type of marshall law? =/ im scared

they have to, its normal protocol because of the number of cases confirmed around the US.

the CDC expects and has said this number will rise.......

marshall law? relax...............dont panic........yet at least.
Originally Posted by jthagreat

can i gett a brief rundown of this flu?

its 4 flu strains in 1
its spreading
this is new
everybody has seen 1 or 2 of the strains before
the symtoms are flu like
is now a public emergency..............dont get it confused with pandemic
Originally Posted by JordanHead2

At this point should I be preparing for the worst? Or will this just blow over?

no this is to be taken serious, so follow precautions.

numbers will go up..............were not in a pandemic state yet though......

edit: CRAZY EBW...........nah im not worried. more like just informed on the matter. i dont get whats funny but w/e
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