H1N1 FLU........UPDATE : Flu may be less potent than first feared (pg 32)

Im mad scarred, im going to mexico this weekend
lol @ the comment on the link:

Care to track the escalation of the swine flu and the demise of human civilization?

There's an app for that!

iphone ftw
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Care to track the escalation of the swine flu and the demise of human civilization?

There's an app for that!

iphone *#+$*!

that would be the best commercial ever.
Dayton Daily News

By Jeremy P. Kelley
Staff Writer Updated 1:06 AM Monday, April 27, 2009
State officials are urging Ohioans to take the swine flu threat seriously, but not to panic after the state saw its first confirmed case of the disease Sunday, April 26, in a 9-year-old boy in Elyria, near Cleveland.

State health department Director Dr. Alvin Jackson urged people to take normal flu precautions - protect sneezes and wash hands frequently with soap or alcohol-based cleansers.

Jackson urged those with any flu symptoms such as fever, sore throat and aches to see a doctor, and to limit contact with other people, especially by staying home from work or school.

"This disease can be prevented from being transmitted if people take appropriate precautions," Gov. Ted Strickland said.

The Ohio Department of Health is opening an emergency operations center Monday morning, and there is a swine flu fact sheet at www.odh.ohio.gov.

While 86 deaths have been linked to swine flu in Mexico this month, there are no fatalities in the 20 confirmed cases in the United States. Still, federal officials declared a public health emergency Sunday as more cases were being reported.

At the most local level, Jackson urged individual doctors to ask the right questions and order the right tests when patients show flu symptoms. The state plans frequent contact with federal health and Homeland Security officials, as well as with county and local agencies to stay on top of flu issues.

Jackson said antiviral drugs Tamiflu and Relenza can shorten the course of the disease and make it less severe. He said Ohio expects to receive a shipment this week from the strategic national stockpile, in order to be prepared.

Added state epidemiologist Forrest Smith, "We're dealing with mild disease here, but the most predictable thing about influenza is that it's unpredictable."
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by RKO2004

This all seems so set up to me though. It just seems so weird.

I'm gonna go ahead and call it now... somehow, somewhere, someone will attribute this to Obama's Presidency.

Just saying...
They probably will. I was talking on the level of "higher ups".

And on top of all this, Mexico had a quake
Originally Posted by lurkin2long

call this a scare tactic or w/e you want..........im just posting the info

One of the greatest concerns is that the new strain seems to target young, healthy adults, the same group affected by Spanish flu, which killed 20 to 50 million people in 1918.

This is the reason for that: Cytokine Storm

And here is tracking of all reported case of H1N1. Map of outbreak
my grandpa once told me that one day in the future that we would be forced to wear masks to protect us from things like this.scary stuff
This is another manufactured virus. Billions will be made from this.

Eat your fruits and vegetables, do your meditations, and you'll be alright.
Originally Posted by Oh YoU MaD

Im mad scarred, im going to mexico this weekend
you might have a hard time traveling back... keep that in mind. what i mean is if health authorities get on edge, they may want you to hang aroundin mexico for 2 weeks to see if you develop symptoms before you're allowed back in the country.... then again, i'm sure you'll be fine.....consider a few people out of thousands travelling between the 2 countries
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by lurkin2long

Originally Posted by iBlink

So are my chances of contracting it less likely if I don't eat pork?

Just saying...

hell dont eat pork period
I don't, that's what I'm getting at.

this has been stated over and over again. YOU CANNOT GET THIS #*@#%*% VIRUS FROM EATING PORK. do you people even bother to read?
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